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Posts posted by haibec

  1. Hi Guy!I have register.asp i use ASPEMail send email active their account . But with Yahoo that email not in INBOX in addition in to BULK ( Yahoo check it is spam) . Please help me . I want it send in to INBOX. hu...hu..huu

  2. This will send an email to the registered user, add this code after the Conn.Execute (strSQL)Call CloseDB()<%Dim objCDOMail      'Holds the CDONTS NewMail Object'Create the e-mail server objectSet objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")'Who the e-mail is fromobjCDOMail.From = "myE-mailHere@myDomain.com"'Who the e-mail is sent to This is where you will give the user's emailobjCDOMail.To = email 'Set the subject of the e-mail objCDOMail.Subject = "Enquiry sent from my web site"'Set the e-mail body format (0=HTML 1=Text)objCDOMail.BodyFormat = 0'Set the mail format (0=MIME 1=Text)objCDOMail.MailFormat = 0'Set the main body of the e-mailobjCDOMail.Body = "<h2>Hello</h2><br><b>This is my e-mail in HTML format</b>"'Importance of the e-mail (0=Low, 1=Normal, 2=High)objCDOMail.Importance = 1'Send the e-mailobjCDOMail.Send'Close the server objectSet objCDOMail = Nothing%>

    Okie thank you! But have error :Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' Server.CreateObject Failed SubmitForm.asp, line 76 800401f3
  3. This is my code:<!--#include file="Connection.asp" --><%full_name = getString(Request.Form("full_name"),70)question = getString(Request.Form("question"),70)answer = getString(Request.Form("answer"),70)email = getString(Request.Form("email"), 70)gender = getString(Request.Form("gender"),1)sday = CInt(Request.Form("day"))smonth = CInt(Request.Form("month"))syear = CInt(Request.Form("year"))state = getString(Request.Form("state"), 70)district = getString(Request.Form("district"),70)address = getString(Request.Form("address"),100)telephone = getString(Request.Form("telephone"),15)strSql = "_AddUser '" & full_name & "', '"strSql = strSql & question& "', N'"strSql = strSql & answer & "', N'"strSql = strSql & email & "', '"strSql = strSql & gender & "', '"strSql = strSql & birth & "', N'"strSql = strSql & state & "', N'"strSql = strSql & district & "', N'"strSql = strSql & address & "', '"strSql = strSql & telephone & "'Conn.Execute (strSQL)Call CloseDB()%><table valign="middle" align="center" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><fieldset><legend><strong> <font color="#FFFFFF">Notice board</font></strong></legend> <table style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="style2" align="center"> <br><br><p align="center" valign=middle><h3 align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF"><br>Register Success</font></h3></p><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> </td> </tr> </tbody></table></fieldset></td></tr></tbody></table>I want affter this user register success . Program auto send a mail to exact this user. Please help me. (_Adduser is a Procedure in my MS SQL to replace " insert into.......")

  4. I cant find any function in asp to do something like If Request.Form("whatever") Contains this then. I need a way to block out quotes from post forms, does anyone know how this can be done ?

    Please here:<%Function getString(str, num)Dim tmp tmp = str tmp = Replace(tmp, "'", "''") tmp = Replace(tmp, "%", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, "-", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, ",", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, "(", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, ")", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, "{", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, "}", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, ">", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, "<", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, """", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, "!", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, "+", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, ":", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, ";", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, "=", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, "&", "") tmp = Replace(tmp, "--", "") If Len(tmp) > num And num > 0 Then tmp = Left(tmp, num) End If getString = tmpEnd FunctionFunction getNumber(str) If str <> "" And IsNumeric(str) Then getNumber = CInt(str) Else getNumber = 0 End IfEnd FunctionFunction Killchar(str) Dim Badchar Dim Newchar Badchar=array("select","Drop",";","insert","delete","xp_") Newchar=str for i=0 to uBound(Badchar) Newchar = replace(Newchar,Badchar(i),"") next Killchar=Newchar End Function %>
  5. Yeah, I'm saying you create the MD5 hash of the email yourself, and insert it into the database also.var email = Request.form("email");var md5email = md5(email);INSERT INTO table (email, md5email) VALUES ('email', 'md5email')Do you understand what I'm talking about?  The only thing you will need to do is find a function to do the md5 encoding, which there are plenty of online.

    Okie! Thank you very much!
  6. If you're talking about the random image that they display and make you type in the letters in the image, that is called a 'captcha'.  Do a google search for that and take a look at the wikipedia article, or search these forums for it.

    i'm new member! I think this forum very wonderful! I love it
  7. If you're talking about the random image that they display and make you type in the letters in the image, that is called a 'captcha'.  Do a google search for that and take a look at the wikipedia article, or search these forums for it.

    Okie. Thank you!
  8. It's easier, and more portable, to do the MD5 encoding yourself and insert the value into the SQL query.  I doubt that ASP has MD5 support built-in (someone correct me if it does), so you will probably want to do a Google search on either "vbscript md5" or "jscript md5" and find an algorithm to do the encoding for you.

    No.With md5 i know. I want when memeber register: i have two field : Email and MD5Email . Memeber only register into Email. With filed MD5Email.The system shall auto insert field Email had endcode MD5. Do you help me?
  9. hi all!in my DB have a field is Email and a field is a MD5Email.I want when member register . My DB shall auto to bear endcode field Email and insert into field MD5Email with that member .

  10. It's not very difficult, you will want to send the user an email with a link.  You probably don't even need to encode the link with MD5, but you will want to keep track of time and have the link expire.  When they register, you can store the date and time they register in the database, and when they click on the link you can check to make sure it is no more than 24 hours or 48 hours or whatever you want.  Instead of putting their MD5 password in the link, just have them type their password in again when they activate, it will probably be more secure.

    Thank you . if you have exemple .please post into this forum .Thank you very much!
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