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Everything posted by kvnmck18

  1. kvnmck18


    I know I haven't been on here as long as some of you, but I've decided to add my picture today...now I feel odd about it.Mainly just because no one else has there picture up.Should I take it off? haha
  2. kvnmck18


    ...these are all old like 2-3 years
  3. kvnmck18


    I already have some from back in the day...let me find one
  4. kvnmck18

    Swap image

    Also, with what boen said when he explained what I did to clean up that part...Instead of having that long horrible table it was simplified to a short few lines of XSL code... and took the names of the nodes and made them the "titles"/"headers"...I know they are lowercase but you can fix that with basic CSS to make the first letters capital or make them all capital or make them (my favorite) small caps.
  5. kvnmck18

    Swap image

    Well, the code is still a mess... and being new to XML/XSLT you should start off with better layout....there's no need for a javascript...but if you want to go that path you can use this basic javascript for swapping images:To this in the <head></head>: <script language="JavaScript">function movepic(img_name,img_src) {document[img_name].src=img_src;}</script> The original (large) image: <img src="FIRST_IMAGE.jpg" name='large'> This is how you would link the thumbs: <a href="#" onClick="movepic('large','LINK_TO_THE_IMAGE_YOU_WANT_BIGGER.jpg')"> ...this is a very simple solution but doesn't help you out in the long run......to get the rollover just change the "onClick"
  6. What site said that?I don't get what you are doing....why would you want it invisible?
  7. What site said that?I don't get what you are doing....why would you want it invisible?
  8. kvnmck18


    Cool cool. Any ideas for a new icon? What should I draw?
  9. kvnmck18


    I do a lot of drawings like that, usually of people and/or pets
  10. kvnmck18


    How my new icon? I just made it fast...I couldn't think of anything to draw but an eye. An eye my not be that suitable, I guess I mean it doesn't make sense.Maybe it can be a conversation piece? Why why why?Any new icons anyone?
  11. Your are THE XML god.

  12. kvnmck18

    Help for XML file!

    Does it have to do with wikapedia?
  13. You know what...I need to make an icon...maybe then I can be sweeter. I just never really wanted to do one.
  14. Hmm.. so who said I'm not advanced? hahaI really could care less, I just noticed that and though hmm...
  15. kvnmck18

    Swap image

    I'm guess "film" = your thumbnails...do you know any server scripts?PHP, ASP, JS, blah blah...?Actually...before we get into working on this, lets start small...the first part of your table: <tr> <th style="color:#65102D;" width="150" align="left" scope="row">Pedigree</th> <td style="font-weight:bold;" colspan="2"><xsl:value-of select="pedigree"/></td> </tr> <tr> <th style="color:#65102D;" width="150" align="left" scope="row">Naam</th> <td style="font-weight:bold;" colspan="2"><xsl:value-of select="naam"/></td> </tr>.... and so on ...this is all unnecessary and makes your XSLT very messy.This is the first change: <table> <xsl:for-each select="horse/*"> <tr> <th style="color:#65102D;" width="150" align="left" scope="row"> <xsl:value-of select="name()"/> </th> <td style="font-weight:bold;" colspan="2"> <xsl:value-of select="."/> </td> </tr> </xsl:for-each></table> Just have to limit the "foto" and ect. Limit it to first 8 positions
  16. Yes.<xsl:count select="NODE or ATTRIBUTE"/>
  17. kvnmck18

    XSLT error

    As I've said before (3 times now)...post the XML (if it's really long, just use a portion)If you're new to XML throw out the schema refrences.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:template match="wordDocument/DocumentProperties"> <html> <body> <xsl:for-each select="Words"> <p> <xsl:value-of select="w"/> </p> </xsl:for-each> </body> </html></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet> I'm more familiar with refrences to the wordDocument/body sections...so I'm just guess on this with the XML
  18. Post some of the XML.---I hate XMLSpy
  19. It's crazy. Remember when this forum got hacked? Most posts were recovered but a lot of mine seem not to be in existence any more. Do threads expire?The level needs to be switched back....or at least maybe be up for more evalution for status?
  20. kvnmck18

    Member Status

    Today, my member status has changed...very disappointing...I've gone from an "Advanced Member" to just a "Member"....I am a bit insulted. It's a sad day on w3schools forums.
  21. This:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>or this:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>...you need them like that.Why do you not?
  22. kvnmck18

    *.WML and *.WAV

    What kindof phone are you using? Here is a lot more information than what's available on w3schools: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/wire...library/wi-wap/ALSO Try here... - this forum might help...if you do find your answer please post it in here
  23. That's up to you. I say XSLT straight forward.Post the XML (if it's long just post a part)
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