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Everything posted by kvnmck18

  1. I like the nav but I could tell it was a gif before checking... oh well. Looks good.
  2. kvnmck18

    Swap image

    Oh sorry...that's because I explained it wrong...it should work (I just got lazy explaining)Let me explain this better.ImageA = the starting image (not a thumbnail)ImageX = another image (not a thumbnail)ImageX_thumb = thumbail of ImageXImageA is the starting image (default)... there are thumbnails somewhere on the page (that I refer to as ImageX_thumb)...when you "hover" or "go over" ImageX_thumb it automatically opens/replaces ImageA. On "rollover" of ImageX_thumb, ImageA becomes ImageX.Add this javascript in the <head></head> section of you <html></html> doc: <script language="JavaScript">function movepic(img_name,img_src) {document[img_name].src=img_src;}</script> ImageA: <img src='images/ImageA.jpg' name='opened'/> ImageX_thumb (includes ImageX): <a href="#" onmouseover="movepic('opened','images/ImageX.jpg')"><img src="images/ImageX_thumb.jpg"/></a> In the code of ImageA there is a name given to the image, it is "opened". The link for the thumbnail refers to the javascript, it "moves" "swaps" "switches" the image.onmouseover="movepic('opened','images/ImageX.jpg')... this refers to the javascript and replaces "opened" (the larger image) with the location of the next image after the comma and apos. The movepic('opened') name MUST MATCH the name given to the image of where you want it to open.Is that better?....and I just tested it and it works.
  3. kvnmck18


    It's not competing. Maybe I explained poorly.Want I'm trying to do is...like "draw a name from a hat". Whatever name is "drawn from the hat"...that person sends me a picture and I draw it.A contest to win a drawing for a fun personal picture.
  4. The green mark..I agree with...that needs to go.And the middle of the "o" looks a little rough... not sure why (probably becuase its a gif)And also for your main image don't use gif use png...the colors will be brighter and bolder...that image will "pop" more. I also sugguest giving that image a more yellow hue so the green is a little brighter.And the margin space between the image and the text (white) if that space is going to be so large then add something there like horizonal lines (in white maybe) like 3 or 4 of them.And maybe a glow around the everything a suttle white glow.Besides that I love the simple layout.
  5. kvnmck18


    Can there be a seperate section for Ajax? I am starting to use it...and more and more people are using it.
  6. kvnmck18


    Well...this is weak.
  7. For future...can a thread like this be in XHTML forum?
  8. kvnmck18


    Your missing a </item> <?xml version="1.0"?><rss version="2.0"><channel><title>LiveAd.Biz</title><description>Advertisers can post their video or flash presentations, and viewers can review and comment on their products and services</description><link>http://www.livead.biz</link><item><title>Firefox is the safest way to surf the web</title><description>Very funny Firefox video!</description><link>http://www.livead.biz/firefox.html</link></item><item><title>LiveAd.Biz is showing you what's hot!</title><description>LiveAd.Biz hosts a directory on interesting flash and video presentation! Viewers can comment and win great prises and even earn cash! Just for an opinion!</description><link>http://www.Livead.biz/watch_ads.html</link></item></channel></rss>
  9. Why do you want to upload 90 hours of music? hahaGet an Ipod or a Zune...they are cheap.
  10. sdklajflksdajfkl! I'm so frustrated!<xsl:for-each select="*/image[position()=1]">EQUALS 4 RESULTS! I just want 1! sadflasdrjkldasjfl
  11. kvnmck18


    Since Studio 8 Macromedia products are a mixture of Adobe (Photoshop) and class Macromedia functions and setup.I love Studio 8 you can render stuff so well with just basic gradients and filters (similiar to that second link above)...good for buttons or to add a litter something extra to a site, quick painless and good finished product.
  12. kvnmck18


    I have a Wacom graphic pen. I use Fireworks or Flash. I do a quick sketch...then do color...then do more sketching...the draw shadows...then if feel like it add highlights or extra colors. http://www.radioactiveohio.com^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^check that out...full animation drawing I did about 6 months ago
  13. It's the position() that's messing it up.... look over the XSL...say...recordsperpage is equal to 2say...pagenumber is equal to 3position is:startpoint = 6(ending at) = 8So should just be position() <=6 >=8...but this creates a problem because it does that for each section of the <item></item>it pulls the positions <=6 >=8 from all four different <item/>s...I never noticed this, but I knew there had to be some logic to explain the chaos...That's the problem...but how to fix?
  14. Whoa, Xampp seems sweet. I've never heard of it. w3schools should add it to the site.
  15. Design is the icing on the cake.I think design before anything else...maybe that's just because I've been into art my whole life.
  16. hmmm there has to be a wayIf you click "Ctrl" and click with the mouse it opens it in a new window. So maybe make a javascript that automatically has a ctrl function
  17. kvnmck18


    I wanted to have a contest for someone on this forum to win a drawing/portrait. I got positive feedback by my drawings...so I thought I would have a contest for someone to win and get a drawing made for their personal picture on here or for whatever. (the forum with example).Could someone set me up with something on this thread that like after a week will draw a random person. If not I can make one myself....or does this sound like a stupid idea...is anyone interested?
  18. Err still not working. I WANT TO FIGURE THIS OUT BY THIS WEEKEND.
  19. Do you mean like one of those "expand" or do you mean like a simple title to the href or like the "text bubbles"?What's your XML look like?
  20. This reminds me...have you all seen the askcity on ask.com? You can search any address in the world and zoom in really closely. I can see my walk way and siding of my place. It's crazy.
  21. I know what you are saying...but I've tried that... the peculiar thing about it is...in a solution (not a REAL solution) that I came up with, everything worked BUT when the recordsperpage were equal to (for example) 2. You would expect only to see two items....but it resulted in 8. 2 from each of the 4 <item></item> sections.But the "page count" and pages divided were correct...with the right amount of pages...BUT the problem is there weren't 2 records on each page but 8...so this left like 4 times as many pages than needed. (sorry this was typed really poorly)
  22. kvnmck18


    Some random guy...a newbie...I just saw it a couple minutes ago.
  23. kvnmck18


    Excellent. I've now seen 3...that includes mine.
  24. kvnmck18


    Muchas gracias.
  25. kvnmck18


    Well, why not use it then? Not even the admins have them
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