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Jack McKalling

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Posts posted by Jack McKalling

  1. Hey, good you came here.Many people don't know how to horizontal align text or elements, they use margin:0 auto; but don't understand what exactly then this text-align:center; does, which seems to be specially for aligning, right?Well I don't go into that margin way, but I tested some things with this text-align. I have no other browser than IE unfortunately, so I can only guarantee it will work in IE. Don't know if it is also in the other browsers. My statement is as follows:

    The style text-align does work for both block and inline elements. The magic lies in the placement of the style, either in the element or in its parent element. If you specify text-align in the element, it will align ALL its content. So to align an entire element, apply this style to its parent. To center the text of one element, simply apply the style to the element the text is in.
    I have three examples, just check what the result is.
    <div style="width:100%; text-align:center"> <div style="border:solid 1px black; width:50%; text-align:left">tekst</div></div><br /><div style="width:100%; text-align:center"> <div style="border:solid 1px black; width:50%">tekst</div></div><br /><div style="width:100%; text-align:left"> <div style="border:solid 1px black; width:50%; text-align:center">tekst</div></div>
    Copy the text in this quote, save it in a plain file with .htm extension and see what it will result in. :)All three divs are in full width, each one with a child div of half that width. The first child div will be centered but without its content. The second child div will be centered including its own content. The last child div will not be centered, but true its own content will.I hope this helped many people who don't know how to center or in general align horizontally.
  2. IE has some differences on frame backgrounds. A background is recommended to be at the document in the frame itself, elseways IE would not be able to view it. IE specially forces frames to have a blank white background, at least on load. It is better to apply the style to the inner document.To apply them, use style like these:

    ...<body style="background-color:#dedede">...
    ...body { background-color:#dedede; }...
    You may apply your own style as these were examples. More style:
    background-image:url(URL-to-image);background-color:colorname;background-color:rgb(redvalue,greenvalue,bluevalue);background:url(URL-to-image) #hexcode;
  3. Please don't be upset. We just don't know anyone, everyone wants their site to validate. We don't know anyone who doesn't. The only one who would not want it to validate is the one that wants to learn CSS at a later time, or who doesn't want to learn it YET.So therefor we ask, why don't you like (to use) styles (yet) ?Please don't be upset, it is very logical a developer would want to have it validate. If it doesn't, the website goes against any standards that were defined by W3C. Of cource one is allowed to not use standards, but not wanting to use styles at all, means you are against them for whatever reason, or are determined to learn them just on a later point.

  4. Thank you little Goat! This tutorial was very helpful. In fact, my virtual server is now running with implementation of PHP and MySQL, perfectly in working order! :)I don't know much about granting users in my mysql server yet, but that will come. I still use the root user, this server will not become a public one by a long shot so I don't need other users yet anyway :)

  5. I have over one thousant posts, and I was able to change this "Custom member title" ages ago. But sure, if you reach some amount of posts, you will be named an Advanced Member. And you will be able to change that title, into whatever you want. But I am not sure if that comes with the same amount of posts when you become Advanced Member. :)

  6. There were some little things you should have removed, so here I did:

    #grid{border:3px solid #000;font-family:arial}#grid td{padding:0px;border:1px solid #000;text-align:center;width:33px;height:33px;}#grid td.rcell{border-bottom:0px}#grid td.ncell{border-right:0px;border-bottom:0px}#grid td.bcell{border-right:0px}#grid td.xcell{border:0px;padding:0px;}p { padding:0; margin:0; text-align:center;}p.a { font-weight:bold;color:red;padding-bottom:0px; text-align: center;}
    If this does not work, then take boen_robot's suggestion and replace the blue in this box with this: margin: 0 auto;
  7. Hi James :) How are you? :) Still alive :) Long time no see.Well he uses the same as I do, MS IE version 6.0, but for extensions, I don't have a clue. I'll be there to ask him, or even let him post here. :blink: Can you tell already what would be the problem if he has something typical? And can this be overcome, or should you know what he has for that? I know this problem occurs in both Blue and Silver desktops of XP, though the menu looked more similar to what he had as default when he switched to Silver. Though the default menu still didn't got blocked even I programmed it to be.I'll have my friend over here when I see him.

  8. And what if you gave both sorts of cells classes? The cells with normal numbers as well as the ones with red bolded numbers. Then specify the dimensions manually for both, eg one pixel more than it would be for default. Both margins and width and height. If all is specified, and both cells have equal dimensions, it must be fine on the page. :)If this doesn't work, I will have lost it too.

  9. Aligning something vertically means the parent element of the thing to align must have a bigger height. That is why it probably didn't work. If you put an empty table in an empty body and manually set the height of the body to 100% or a fixed value, and place the table with valign="middle" it should be center aligned (vertically). But if the table equals the height of its parent, or if its parent hasn't got a height specified, it cannot be aligned vertically :) So that is what you should check. I mean the first block-level element that embeds the table, your <center> element. Would it help if you gave that element a fixed height?Those little squares represent the rank the member has. Eg we could have "newbee", "member" and "advanced member". Each rank has its own number of squares, lets say the newbee has one, the member two and advanced member three. You are right that is has something to do with the post count. But this is not new at the forums :)

  10. When I stay with my mom's for the weekend, and she turns on her computer, I keep getting frustrated about their 800x600 resolution :) They're in their fifties, so their eyes are not as good as our's. But still, hardly anything fits in there, all those stupid horizontal scrollbars :) I keep mentioning they should set it to a higher resolution, but they decline as for they can't read smaller fonts (not that they are that advanced, lol). Even stronger, they would never fit into the audience of my website, so why would I even try to bother for their resolution.. I doubt if anyone of my true visitors will ever have a resolution lower than 1024x768. And when I have the money, I'll manage to get a better monitor myself, so I would be able to use a higher resolution than this.

  11. I don't say it is not the httpd.conf, I say according to me, it seems okay. I don't know much about it.And I did label the drive "Z", so that would not cause any error, thats not it. It might still be that httpd.conf, I just don't know. Could you please specify what should be configured how, so I can check if it is done correctly? Ask me anything at all, I want to give more information but just don't know what. :)

  12. Hello,I have an external harddrive on an USB port, and I have installed Apache 2.2.3 installed on it, as well as MySQL 5.0.24a and PHP 4.4.4. (between brackets, is that a fine combination?)I want to virtually turn this hard drive into a Apache server with PHP & MySQL support. The server works, I can open files via http://localhost/. I can't test the MySQL installation yet because I would use PHP for that. And PHP doesn't work! If I create a valid php file with only an echo statement and call the file, I get the popup asking to save the file. I have read the http://www.php.net documentation about this, read their FAQ and read their FAQts, went to their Knowledge Base, done everything. Nowhere I can get a working sollution to be able to let PHPprocess the PHP files on this host.Ofcource I have configured Apache to link to PHP or however you call it that should be done, and visa versa. But that is the problem, I don't know if I have done it correctly. I have checked all PHP directives, they seem to be fine, and the settings in the httpd.conf are fine too. Although I suppose they do. I think PHP extension doesn't get send to the CGI program for processing, but directly to the client (even a baby would know this is unwanted).How exactly should I deal with this? I found some sollutions, like adding ";C:\php" to Windows PATH, though in my case it must be ";Z:\PHP" because it is on the external harddrive, and like adding the php-cgi executable to be the program to be opened at the PHP extension of Windows. Nothing works. Anyone? :)-note: if you need any specifications or directives with their settings, I'll give them. but ask me which one, I can't give the whole .ini file.

  13. Having to answer questions in order to earn the right to ask questions sounds ridiculous. It undermines the whole point of this forum, which is for people to learn from each other. How are you supposed to answer questions about stuff, when you may not know the answer because you haven't been allowed to ask it yet? Good thing we don't have that system.We mods have time, but we don't have the power to implement stuff like that. However, we don't want that power either.
    Then I don't understand this post, but that may be just me.You and other mods keep declining this reputation system, why not closing then? I wouldn't care, do if you must. Or do you want to stay it open to let admins decide to add this or not?
  14. You can apply a little script condition to your music.html, to see if the document is the top document or in a frame. Like this:

    if (window.top == window.self){ location.href="index.html?music.html" }
    Literally this will check if the document this script is in (window.self) is the same as the topmost document (window.top), if so, load the document you want it to be.
  15. You mean the cursor, the pointer that determines the position of where new text will be inserted in the textarea? That will only appear when it is a real textarea in which can be something put in, and if it is not readonly or disabled :) Anything else doesn't allow the input of text, you should use real textarea's for that. Sorry :)You are indeed able to simulate editable content of the socalled textarea, but there will never be a cursor when it is not a real data input element, or not an very advanced script modification.Why do you want to simulate the textarea anyway? Maybe the advantage that this has over a real one can be done with the real one too, so then you won't have to care about a cursor not showing up. :)

  16. You can use an input element with type="image", or just an image element for that. But at least you would be applying onclick attributes to define it as a submitter.

    <input type="image" src="..." onclick="this.form.submit()" />
    <img src="..." width=".." height=".." onclick="document.forms['MyForm'].submit()" />
    Notice the red will be the reference to the name in your form element. The "this.form" part of the input element's onclick is to refer to that element's form, elements that don't belong to a form like the <img /> don't also have a "this.form" so they should target it by using the document.
  17. Using an inline frame, and applying scrollbars to it:

    <iframe src ="...." height=".." width=".." scrolling="yes"></iframe>
    Or by using a frameset:
    <frameset ... ... ><frame src ="...." scrolling="yes" />...
    (the red will be the place to define the dimensions of all frames, which you already know, but I don't know if you have them in a row or in a column)There is practically no difference between a frame without scrollbars that is longer than the page, or a frame that does is equal long to the window but with scrollbars. You always have to scroll! :) It would be fun if the page continues below your monitor, hea :)But applying the scrolling attribute is a better choice than making the frame longer than the page (I don't knoiw if that is even possible). If a frame is longer than the page, and you scroll to the bottom of the frame element, all other frames scroll to the top of the window too, and the main idea of frames was that all others stay on its place, lol :)
  18. I am experiencing some little troubles with my contextmenu concerning browser compatibility.When my friend (vti) opens my page, the custom menu doesn't replace the default menu, they come up simultaniously. Thus, I conclude that something with his browser (same version of same browser I use :)) blockes something typically from the script.Can anyone help me why the script is probably not cross-browser, and what would you suggest to make it cross-browser (or whatever that solves this issue) ?

  19. 800x600 is still the windows default and a lot of people don't know how to change it.Until this changes I keep designing for 800x600 to make it pleasant for everyone.
    I do too, though I am planning to support a user setting at my site. So they can set themselves the resolution of the site to higher and more would be displayed :) But that is difficult, due to my difficult CSS. And I am no expert in CSS either so this could become a problem. Untill I know the sollution, I keep my site within the width of a lower resolution (800x600) :)
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