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Jack McKalling

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Posts posted by Jack McKalling

  1. The perfect property you are looking for is this:

    div.scrollthing { overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; }

    When you used this in your page:

    ...<div class="scrollthing">sometext in here</div>...
    Note: you should use linebreaks to have the text between the marges of the div, or else this way would hide the overflowing part.
  2. You can use both these statements if you want items to be either red or bold:

    .redtext { color:#ff0000; }

    .boldtext { font-weight:bold; }

    Or you can use this if you want items to be red as well as bold:

    .jumpingtext { font-weight:bold; color:#ff0000; }

    And those "redtext", "boldtext" and "jumpingtext" were only examples. You can choose classnames whatever you like. To apply these classes to the elements you want to get red and/or bold, you would do just only this:

    <td class="jumpingtext">blablabla</td>
    Or replace this "jumpingtext" by the classname that you defined in the stylesheet in case you used your own imaginaton :)
  3. There is no special php linebreak. Everything you echo with php, WILL be echoed. So if you echo like this:

    echo "something1";echo "something2";echo "something3";echo "something4";

    you haven't instructed php to echo a linebreak, so only obvious it won't echo it.You should (could) do it at least like this:

    echo "\r\nsomething1";echo "\r\nsomething2";echo "\r\nsomething3";echo "\r\nsomething4";

    This way every new string will be printed after a new line. Notice: ONE newline. Together "carriage return" (\r) and "newline" (\n) produce one new line. This will cause both plain text editors like notepad and rich text editors like wordpad implement ONE linebreak or newline whatever you call it :)(a newline, \n, would only produce a newline in notepad, wordpad forces to also use \r, so jus always use both \r and \n)

  4. IE is (was) for killing Netscape.
    How do you know? I doubt if Microsoft ONLY developed Internet Explorer just to outrule Netscape's Navigator. It can be one of their reasons, but Microsoft mainly was (probably) to develope just a browser for their own, not to defeat one another.
  5. You would use window.open() for that, namely in a script attribute (the onclick) or a function defined in the header section. :)

    <a href="blabla" onclick="window.open('mypage.htm','_blank','arguments'); return false">open popup</a>
    <script type="text/javascript"><!--function MyPopup(url) { window.open(url,'_blank','arguments'); return false;}//--></script>
    <a href="mypage.htm" onclick='return MyPopup(this.href)'>open popup</a>
  6. The editing part of my sentence wasn't the point, the fact that only one candidate would put in something, that was the point. Everyone should get the chance to do something himself, only editing or browsing the code of someone else isn't really cooperate, but more slavely and obayingly reading some ones creation :) But I didn't say that is going to happen.

  7. For the centering, use this statement for the body selector in your sheet:

    body { text-align:center; }
    But this means ALL and EVERYTHING will be centered :)The coloring and classes, well it is just simple. Text can't be styled by its own, only elements. So you have to place the text in an element, that is in this case inline, to enclass that element. <span> is perfect for this, but you can use any element for that. Examples:
    .redtext { color:#ff0000; }

    <p>This is some text, but only <span class="redtext">this text</span> is red.</p><p style="display:inline">Some text in here,</p><p class="redtext" style="display:inline">some text in here.</p><p>Some text and a <span style="color:#ff0000">coloured</span> word.</p><span>Some text.</span><div class="redtext" style="display:inline">red words</div><span>even more text.</span>
    The bolding of the words works the same as colouring it red, only with this statement in CSS:
    .boldtext { font-weight:bold; }

    But two classes cannot be supplied together. So if you want one class woth both those statements, you should use this:

    .jumpingtext { font-weight:bold; color:#ff0000; }

  8. If this is the result of all interested people, then I think we should drastically downgrade the plans for fewer people.We can call our friends, but we shouldn't have to force people to take part, should we? :) Although we can just ask all our friends, it comes out we'll be forcing them because they're outnumbered..

  9. And instead of single quotes, if you want to have double ones in the htnml source code too, you may choose to use escaped double quotes inside double quoted strings like this:

    $var = "this is a string with \"something\" as a word.";
    [*Edit:]That last error means (may mean) there is something wrong with the external file, or the internal code, that defines your classes. It may be the URL you use if it is an external file, that is incorrect. Could you show the part that defines your classes, or describe it if it is too long?
  10. Maybe the admin could create a subforum for this project , so all the topics about this project could be placed there?
    There have been many discussions about new forums, subforums and categories, but all were declined. So I don't think even for this project one will be created, besides, he is very busy :)
  11. A good idea :)But maybe this can get troubled, as many people might like to know exactly what they are signing up for. I though already know I like the idea of any project, so I personally don't matter whatever it will be (unless I am supposed to program 'foreign' languages of cource).

  12. If you would use msPaint, you can't check what hexcode a certain color is, unfortunately. Other programs though. But with paint you do can check what RGB() value you could use, those are also allowed online. So you would not need to download a certain program to check a color to match backgrounds, paint can do it already :)

  13. If you correct language, then correct it correctly :)[*Edit:]I think he means "or" anyway, he asked the whole sentence even though he didn't know only one word. So either a word or a sentence. :)And "well" sounds better to me in this sentence, though "good" is fine too.Second, "of" is the Dutch (or belgium) translation of the english "or", and those two letters are practically above each other. So it is not a very uncommon made mistake by Dutch speaking forummers.But we are I think a bit too detailed on nothing here. :)

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