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Posts posted by tyler

  1. You know people that they were stupid to leave a trail to there forums, if they were smart they would have just denied access permantly from this site and left no trail but they decided to tell were they were or left cookies......I agree with justsomeguy that these people didnt "hack" but rather left packets. I also must add that they were really stupid for even considering to do something like this, but there are programs out to down a server for months and deleting websites.This program is known as a report abuse, the program reports abuse million times one one site by therefore getting it deleted a three year-old could use this. But did they do that no.If it was me I would have changed the Banner and made it so nowone could post and deleting the admin if I felt that this site needed to be deleted but would I? No. But if I was I would have, because sometimes you people are quite rude and forthcoming. At times I would take a step with my crew and probally would have done what I said, but I control my anger therefor I would not.These "skiddies" were really childesh and did not prove any hacking or cracking as you refer to it, I should know as in the past I've hacked credit card numbers and alot of other things also.But I've cleaned up my act becasue after stealing someones credit card number to pay off a domain name for a site I felt bad for that pesron after maxing it out on care bears n ######. They were all sent to him, but I wanted out of the crew so I quite and left changed all my stuff even my computer and were I lived.So to sum this all up I wouldent consider hacking anything becaus eits so easy to let your ip slip or get a trojan, trust me. So getting payback wouldent be a good idea because you dont knwo how leet a person is until your face to face with them.

  2. Hey I made a thread in meadia but I don't think thats were I should have asked from what I have in mind. I'm thinking about taking a dropdown menu and putting music names and selections inside. But when you click of the dropdown the music plays, I'm not sure if you need a form but I'd also like to combine it with embeded music player....Anyway I can add the MIDS to the dropdown music so it can play?

  3. I need some affiliates to put on my site because it looks kind of bland. I'll be happy to put yours on.
    Here's mine affilate or what ever you call it. Just add this code to your website.
    <A href="http://www.geocities.com/yahell_programs/"><font style="CURSOR: crosshair"><img src="http://img331.imageshack.us/img331/763/affilateyahelldj4.png" alt="Enter Yahell"></font></A>

    Yeah hope its not too big for your site :)

  4. Hey I need a flash intro to my website and My computer can't handle the Flash program so can someone make this for me? I just need a intro to my website like This One i kinda whant it exactly the same but smaller window and the text to be green and insted of the virus thing to say Yahell Programs......I'm sorry to trouble you people but I'd do it myself but because of reasons above it won't let me......You don't have to do this if you don't want to but I'm not sure if this is gonna be easy or hard so just tell me if your gonna do it.And please provide me the code to add it to my site, if you do it.

  5. Is there a way to egt multiple songs in one dropmenu. Like when you select a song from the menu it plays, perferbley without a media box......Just wondering if someone can give me the code..?

  6. You know how a frame on the left goes all the way to the top? Is there a way to make a FRAME look like this: ______________________________________________ | | | Banner Here | |_____________________________________________| | | | | | | | links here | Window here | | | | |____________|________________________________|Sorry if my art doesent look good , lol. But I've tryed this in the past and it hasent turned out so well. But this could save me alot of work if i could have this done. The Banner shouldetn change when you click a link the window should.Is there a way to do this? If not is there a way to cut the link size from not going all the way up the window because I dont have alot of links and theres alot of black space at the bottom.aww man it looked good when i was writing it :)

  7. I know these are really easy but I was wondering is it possible when you enter a page (like a whole new one) can you see the alert without clicking a button as shown in the w3school tuts?If there is one can you point me in a direcion or give me a code thxs.

  8. its not in the bottom left for me.. its centered. anyways, they use an iframe in this so you will need to find the page that actually includes the script, then open it to edit it and scroll down to around the bottom and somewhere it will have what you want to change, so just edit it. (Dont edit any of the tags, (things with < and > around them)).
    Ok I get you. But what do I open? I save the page and then look at the Txt. file?
  9. Sorry if I was rude and I'm going to stay here after this question is awnsered. I'm just in a rush because my site is very populer and there expecting this. I've also checked the HTML tutorials and all (most) of the other ones, I'm not sure if I missed one but they don't explain how to do this. Again I'm sorry if I was rude but I AM GOING TO STAY HERE. I bealive I ould help quite a few people, but I just need this done.

    Well you know, you can do your own work.. Its not very nice to just bust in here saying to do this and that and thats it, you will probably leave this forum right after you find a solution.. Plus you are extremly unclear on what you want to do. Maybe you should try learning html which takes about 2 or 3 days or google your issues.. not just post some rude post..
    By the way, I need to add text to the bottom left of the screen were it says done. <\/ sorry if you cant see it, but it's right by the part were the page loads.
  10. Ok, I might be a newb to the forums but I really need help on a browser window for my website. I need the bottom left like were it says done to make my own text like say welcomeeeeee or something. I'm not even sure if this is HTML, lol. I have no clue what thsi is but can someone help me on this I?

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