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Everything posted by aquatsr

  1. Server-side means that the code is interpreted by the server before it is sent to the browser. An example of server-side code is php or alternatively, asp.Browser, also known as "client-side" code is interpreted by your browser and does not need interpretation by the server it is sent from. Examples include Javascript and HTML/XHTML.A note on bandwidth: If your site is moderately size and you get average traffic, you should have no problems keeping bandwidth usage under control. Typically 1GB of bandwidth can supply 5300 page views.
  2. I have a database with a table named 'books' That table has many entries detailing title, author, publisher, date published, language, and a small excerpt of the book.What I want to do is call all the entries with title starting with the letter 'a' and show them in the form of links, then those links would show the individual entry in full. I would also like to be able to sort by any of the aforementioned fields. I'd appreciate it if someone would get me started with a script. (Advice and/or relevant links are welcome too!)Thanks!
  3. Nevermind... that was one of the dumbest things I did. I was inserting into 'users' instead of 'books' .... SIGH. An hour wasted...
  4. Sorry, I haven't visited this page in a few days... been coding. Uhhh first example... no. For any code I've posted in this topic you do not need a SQL database, but I recommend having one at your disposal - you can do a lot of neat stuff with a database.
  5. I suppose this ties into FF Extensions.
  6. aquatsr

    Hover menu problems..

    I too see nothing wrong with the navigation. Could you show a screenshot of your problem, perhaps?
  7. OK. So I have a database with a table with book titles and authors. Something like this: CREATE TABLE books (book_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,title VARCHAR(150),author VARCHAR(150),sample_text TEXT,PRIMARY KEY (book_id)); I want to get the sample text based upon what title and author the user chooses. I'm not sure how to do that though, any help?Oh yes, I need to display this in a webpage using php.
  8. Oh nevermind, there was a padding issue.
  9. aquatsr

    Remembering Scripts

    This is the ad being shown on the forum: http://www.visibone.com/products/browserbo...l?via=google535lol. "Work like you know it all" is the slogan...
  10. They have periodic closings of their sign up availability because they receive so many bogus applications. I'd check the forums for the new sign up date. Although they sometimes have extensive downtime (on avg once per year there is a big downtime) I've found Deluxe Host to be the best free host.
  11. For the most part, I'm afraid you're right. However there is a fantastic completely free webhost at http://dhost.info and although you would need to upload your file time and again to test the code, you won't need to install Apache, php, or a SQL server on your home/work computer.Check out the host. I did install Apache and php and MySQL on my computer but never really got them working together...
  12. Actually I've thought about it long enough. There's not pure css method like you're thinking of. CSS is for form, but you want to modify content. You can dictate how you content will look, but not make the content itself (using css). You're going to have to use some sort of php or frames to do this.Hope I've been helpful.
  13. I think there is, but I'll have to think it over tonight. (11:25 pm here). So I'll try to remember to post here in the morning. No guarantees though - I have a poor memory.
  14. Wow... Definitely going to have to look into that. Can you give my some good links (maybe PM me?). I made a site using frames back in high school when I was first teaching myself HTML... and search engines don't pick up the page properly.Anyway, you can also use css to build the equivalent of an inline frame. PM me for details.
  15. I know what you're trying to do and I've done it successfully myself. The only thing is that I used PHP along with CSS to make my site. Basically all my links were in the form: <div id="rightcolumn"><a href="?link=1">Page 1</a></div> and I had a div called content which displayed different content based upon which link was clicked in such a fashion: <div id="content"><?php$link = $_GET["link"];switch ($link) {case 1: include('page1.php'); break;case 2: include('page2.php'); break; case 3: include('page3.php'); breakdefault: include('page0.php'); break; }?></div> There are probably other ways to do this but I found this the most efficient and easiest (for me). You do need to know basic php in addition to css.
  16. OK. I have the code below and in the webpage I'm getting the correct look I want but when you scroll to the right (which I have no idea why it's happening) there is a white space extending down the page. body {margin: 0 auto;width: 100%;height: 100%;scrollbar-arrow-color: #003366; scrollbar-base-color: #ffffff;scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color: #003366; scrollbar-Face-Color: #ffffff;scrollbar-Highlight-Color: #003366;scrollbar-Shadow-Color: #fffffff;scrollbar-Track-Color: #003366;}#topbar {float: right;height: 100px;width: 100%;overflow: hidden;padding: 0em;text-align: center;background-color: #003366;}#content {float: right;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;height: 400px;width: 100%;overflow: auto;padding: 1em;margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;border-right: 0px solid black;background: url(test.jpg) no-repeat center;opacity: .5; /*FireFox*/filter: alpha(opacity=50); /*IE*/clear: right;}#bottombar {float: right;color: #ffffff;height: 100px;width: 100%;overflow: hidden;padding: 0em;text-align: center;background-color: #003366;clear: right;} Please help, thanks.
  17. #transparentarea {/*Whatever*/opacity: .5; /*FireFox*/filter: alpha(opacity=50); /*IE*/} Add the opacity and filter to any part of your css code. This will also result in the scrollbar being translucent in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  18. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_INCLUDE in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/aquatsr/projects/lyrics/php/test.php on line 8 OK found the parse error I'm done.
  19. aquatsr

    cms building

    If it's for a clan site, you'll want your members to be able to access certain features and guests not to be able to access said features. You'll probably want a streamlined way for moderators to add, edit and delete news, info, and other information. You may want a poll system. You'll also need to think about which mod gets what, you don't want your graphics moderator fooling around in the scripting part, and vice versa.You'll need to figure out what you want to do, and how your code will do that. Basically as stated in the post before mine
  20. well it's very simple, as I was testing it.When I put $p = 3;echo $p; in test.php it shows $p=3;echo $p; in the page.But when I put <?php$p = 3;echo $p;?> nothing happens.
  21. I have the code below in a file called index.php. The problem I'm having is that the code in the test.php is not executing. In all the other include files there is HTML but in test.php there is php code. And that code isn't executing. Can anyone shed some light on the problem? <!DOCTYPE htmlPUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html lang="en"><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet2.css" /></head><body><ul id="topnav"><?php include('navigation.php'); ?></ul><div id="topad"><?php include('topad.php'); ?></div><div id="topscroll"><?php include('topscroll.php'); ?></div><div id="sidenav"><?php include('sidenav.php'); ?></div><div id="sidead"><?php include('sidead.php'); ?></div><div id="content"><?php include ('test.php'); ?></div><div id="bottomad"><?php include ('bottomad.php'); ?></div><div id="footer"><?php include ('legal.php'); ?></div></body></html>
  22. Read this simple tutorial: http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutorials/forms...cle.php/3479141
  23. The code looks fine. However, it only works in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  24. If you're coming from C/C++ I suggest you take some time to learn php or asp, or both. Personally I have experience with php and sql and find the combined to be extremely useful languages for webpage design and database management. Get a good base with html/xhtml first.
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