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Posts posted by Akula_dude

  1. I think that it's reasons like these that cause people to suddenly have a brain hemorrage. Like Lewis Black said, do NOT think about that for more then 2 minutes or blood will shoot out your nose!
    ... which is why im not a philosopher :)
  2. Okay, say you have a text file on your server. It has the text "Hello, world" in it. with the code in that tutorial, you can open the file and echo it's contents (writing "hello world" on the page). This is useful because you can have several pages all opening the text file, and when you change one file (the text file) all the pages change.

  3. I started on VB4 when i was 10, and got into VB.NET about a year after. So I spent three years of free time messing around until I discovered the web. Then I got into HTML and made my first website (dont taunt me for it, please :)) and soon moved on into the realm of simple CSS and JavaScript. Now, around six months later I decided to get a book on PHP, and two months on from that here I am. Currently not sure what to learn next, but Java and XML look very promising. Theres a good chance I wont be learning anything else to do with .NET, because of the price.

  4. Ph, what do you mean the better browsers... More than 50% of people use IE I think.
    Thats only because more than 50% of peple use the browser tha comes with their computer. Anyways, g to the browser dscussion to talk more. On-topic, does tha code really not worl with opera/firefox? is there any code that does?ps. sorry for typos im on my pda
  5. Yeah, I know, I was looking for how to implement it into my own scripts. So far I've had no luck looking through php-fusion's scripts, so i might try phpBB next...

  6. I've been looking through some open source forums/CMS's code looking for the database backup scripts, but unfortunately I cant find any well-commented ones...So, is there any way to write the entire MySQL database to a .sql file and dump it? Like what you can do with phpMyAdmin?Thanks in advance


    Okay. You would have the form send data to redirect.php and method would be GET. you also need to have the input box named "username".Its quite simple. Redirect.php gets the data from the form and takes the user to [username input].php using the header() function.


    you could have a page called redirect.php, which you send the info from the form to in GET, which then redirects to [input_username].phpredirect.php would look something like this:<?php$username = $_GET['username'];header( "Location:$username.php" );?>I think. im also in a bit of a hurry, so that might not work

  7. JS? I would've thought you'd use PHP and a database... could use JS though OKay, had a think about it, and this is how I'd do it: You have 60 1-minute-long sound files, and when you load the page a php script will find out how long into the "show" you are, and start playing from the nearest minute. You'd use JavaScript to play the next file after the current one has finished.

  8. databases are just tables, really, but with a nice eay way of selecting entries.For example, if I had a table called "members" wich holds the Usernames and emailsof people and I wanted to see the list of usenames: my_sql_query( "SELECT Username FROM Members" );For more (alot) of info, read the tutorial. Keep on with it, databases are very useful.

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