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Don E

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Everything posted by Don E

  1. In place of the string literals, you can have the variables there instead, but to be on the safe side, in case it doesn't work in older browsers, go with the example smiles gave. However, the example I gave you works.. according to testing it.. in up to date browsers(except IE )
  2. var timeOut = setTimeout(myFunction, this is the delay parameter, param1, param2); You would set that whatever delay of time you want before calling the function. To call function by reference, call it with no quotes and parenthesis. Here's a full example: <!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title>Set Time out</title><script type="text/javascript">var timeOut; function setGreet() { timeOut = setTimeout(sayGreet, 3000, "Hello", "There!"); //waits 5 seconds before calling function sayGreet() } function sayGreet(greet1, greet2) { alert(greet1 + " " + greet2); clearTimeout(timeOut); } </script></head> <body> <button type="button" onClick="setGreet();">Say Hello!</button></body></html>
  3. You would pass in the parameters for the function after the delay parameter.. for example: var timeOut = setTimeout(myFunction, delay, param1, param2); For the parameter for the function, best to call the function by reference without any quotes(instead of as a string).
  4. Don E

    Wrong ....?

    You mean you need space between each character in those words? If so, this may help: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_text_letter-spacing.asp
  5. It may be because you don't... according to the updated code, you dont have any elements with the class called .navbar but instead have a #navbar selector that selects an element with an id of navbar.
  6. Try specifically targeting, for example:p a.bodylink { } That says... target the a element with the class bodylink inside a paragraph element. Also, I dont think this are invalid: a:navbar:link, a:navbar:visted a:navbar:hover If youre looking to target anchors with class of 'navbar', you write it: a.navbar:link a.navbar:visited a.navbar:hover
  7. Don E

    %; not pxs?

    A container is an element that has other elements inside it. <div> <-- container <p>Hello</p> <--- element inside container</div>
  8. Maybe a fluid design/layout using percentages instead of pixels would be the route.
  9. This may be of some help: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp
  10. and make sure you give them a width. If not, they will expand to fit the available space. So if you give them a width of say 200px and float them left, they should display next to each other.
  11. You only need one of the if's to be ran when clicking the button for no table. So you should use a if and an elseif. In your case, when the button for no table is clicked, the other if gets ran because in the POST array, this is considered set: isset ($_POST["juppp"]) as well and when it reaches the if statement for that, it will execute as well. Instead try this: if(isset($_POST["awwyeaa"])) { //code}else if(isset($_POST["juppp"])){ //code} Edit( I was under the impression of checking a submit button using isset would be like checking an input text field with nothing entered into it. It is still considered 'set' thus why I use empty() to check for such things and so why I thought it was the same for checking if a submit button is clicked(isset). Regardless, I will still use if, else if's for that anyway )
  12. .. or if you don't prefer the short-hand way as niche posted, you can do: margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;
  13. Not sure what the problem may be but this: $headers = 'From: $from'; should probably be: $headers = "From: $from"; with double quotes instead of single quotes.
  14. That probably is not actually a zoom but what may be actually happening is the image being enlarged(maybe by a certain percent amount) when clicking on the + button thus giving you the "zoon effect". You're seeing an instant update on the image without the browser refreshing the page may be because of the website using ajax. I done this with a project I am working on dealing with images.
  15. Whenever you position: fixed something, it goes out of the flow of the webpage and stays exactly where you position it no matter what. It will stay fixed on the page 520px from the top and 500px from the left no matter how much you scroll etc.
  16. I see... It still the same for me though on chrome, firefox, IE9. Have you tried it on another browser or computer?
  17. can you take a snap shot for us and include it here so we can get an idea of what you're seeing... ?
  18. After checking out it on a few up to date browsers, it looks the same for me as well.
  19. Don E

    form connect to mysql

    Thanks kanchatchai.
  20. Since you are selecting from the main table which is produkter(which I believe contains the column 'information') and joining other tables based on produkter.. for the LEFT function you can probably have it like this for it to work: LEFT ('information', 50) AS 'teksten',Not sure though since I'm not able to test that right now.
  21. Target the container that contains/has the images, and apply overflow: hidden; That should display/put the images within the content area/box.
  22. You tried something like the following? <a href="page.html" title="Click here"><img width="140" height="158" src="images/figures/big/technology.png"/></a> That should make the whole image clickable.
  23. Anyone know of any good resource, tutorials that demonstrates how to set up and handle touch events with JavaScript? Appreciate it. Thanks.
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