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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. <xsl:template match="/pets"><table width="200" border="1"><xsl:for-each select="//"> <tr> <td><xsl:value-of select="fn:name()" /></td> <td><xsl:value-of select="fn:current()" /></td> </tr></xsl:for-each></table></xsl:template> I'm not sure, but I think if the functions were working this template would had returned what you want.
  2. I'm not sure, but I think you may integrate portions of XML files into a database, retrieve them and transform them into several forms to show the flixibility of XML. Another thing would be to make the interface by XML and XSLT and execute the transformations.By the way, I'm not even sure what exactly you are asking for. Ideas for the usage of XML and related technologies, XML only? Idea for a theme (movie, music, game, etc.) for a site build with XML and/or related tehnologies?
  3. Isn't that exactly what I said ?
  4. IE supports :hover only on links(<a> tags).
  5. If you want to make your site look like something, you should forget about GeoCities. There are hosts which give better offers and don't have ads or if they do, they are much more conviniently placed then in GeoCities.No. Adding another ad won't create problems with the site itself. It will however cause problems with the downloading speed and the "space" you have on the page. If you use GeoCities, it's most certain that you'll eventually get too "Advertisy" which increases the annoyance factor, which means less traffic, which means less profit.In short: the way you have it planed currectly will backfire.
  6. You aren't obligated to write if you don't have anything useful to say Dale . dvm knows CSS or atleast knows what he/she needs to know, so it's pointless to show him/her the link. The issue he/she has is infact really hard to figure out. I don't have a solution to it, so I'll stop here.
  7. Does the whole start of your document look EXACTLY like this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> I mean that it's just that this is how XHTML transitional should be correctly accesed. Otherwise, all browser go into quirksmode where it's completely normal to have such diferences.
  8. Maybe it's just that the server you are on sucks . Try it elswhere. IE doesn't care for MIME types and FF does. In general, what IE does is bad but in this case- better .Also, I see you haven't changed the referance in the XML...?
  9. "semantic" basically means something with a meaning. Look at it like this:You need to set a specific ID on an element so you can apply CSS styles on it. You must think of the name for yourself. Normally a person would call an element the way it's suppose to look. This is wrong. Appearances changes over time. Instead, think of WHY you want to set this ID to that element.Example of bad name:<div id="red_background"><p id="ddd">"ddd" implies no meaning. If you name every element with differend number of "d"s it might eventually get confusing. "red_background"? What if you change the background to blue? You would go and change "red" to "blue"? There's no point of it all.Example of good names<div id="wrapper"><p id="description">Whatever happens, the wrapper will remain a wrapper and the description is going to remain a description. Their look may change, but their purpose won't.
  10. It's possible by replacing the node name with "fn:name". However, for some reason, I seem to be unable to allocate the namespace where the XPath functions are and because of that, every document in which I use a function returns an error... I'll keep looking.
  11. Try changing the "xslt" extension of the file to "xsl". This is the standart extension of such files. Some servers accept xslt but others (apparantly) don't. Don't forget to change the referance in the xml file too .
  12. Actually what I meant was one feed for all languages. It won't be in a very good favor of w3schools if there are different feeds, because all people would constantly need to come up with something. If all the languages are in one place, everyone could write when they have found something or when there's just something to say. Otherwise, they would be obligated to all of us. I don't know about you, but my conscience doesn't allow me to expect everyone at w3schools to write regularly for each language's feed. Having one feed would allow each expert to write when he/she has time about it without making the feed look outdated .
  13. I also thought about this... Not everyone could actually understand the tip itself so quickly and they should scince this is school, not a script gallery. Not to mention it would be hard for anyone, even a JavaScript "guru" to think of a new usefull script every day. Maybe a weekly tip would be better?Also, why only JavaScript? Wouldn't it be much better if those tips covered all other languages as well?
  14. boen_robot

    VXML tutorial

    http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-voicexml20-20040316/It seems VXML 2.0 is a reccomendation scince 2004 . The small addition 2.1 is still a candidate reccomendation though .
  15. W3Shools' XSLT on the server example demonstrates how XSLT transformations could be executed with ASP, so the user could see the final XHTML output. Could anyone offer me that same equivalent in PHP please? What I need is only to execute it. No funny business within the file (in other words... I'm not asking for anything special)... just that. Do I need something special on the server (I hope not)? Are there differences between PHP4 and PHP5 in this matter?
  16. It is, it is !!!! The pop-up blocker is causing the script below, and the ad blocker is causing the script in the head section(or something like that)! I always though of "sym" as in "SYsteM" as if it was some statistic or something. Symantec didn't came into scence before I realized we both have NIS.I think this topic may be locked now, thank you .
  17. Even without seeing the file I think I could guess. The file you gave him was probably a PHP file which contained all the styling in it. What aspnetgy's favourite part is, is designing CSS templates (or I have got the wrong idea?) which is a whole lot easier and more fun to make then looking into a PHP file with all of the functionality AND styling all in one. This forum for example has PHP file and CSS file(s). The PHP files give the funcionality and the CSS file(s): the look. One could easily create a theme without any risk of hurting the functionality.
  18. It might be best for w3schools if there's an RSS feed with such tips of the day stuff. You'll get notified AND you'll visit w3schools even more. After all, w3schools' income comces from sponsors who on the other hand want to see traffic .
  19. It should be <xsl:output method="html" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/> Look at your code again... you have set it to method="xml". You should use that(xml) only if you want the output to be another xml document which is then retransformed with another stylesheet.P.S. I made a long speech about the variable and yet you use the attribute. It seems I'm not as convincing as I was hoping for .
  20. I think I see a pattern here... I have Norton AntiVirus, Norton Internet Security and Norton System Works 2006. In short: the full package. I have allowed each to analyze everything and make all corrections automatically but ask me if something is not certain (example: unknown virus). I made a full system scan yesterday just in case, and I got nothing, so my system too is clean. That's my first time I use NIS though. I don't know how it works and what it does. Could this be some addition of it? Anyway... the purpose of this code is what troubles me most.
  21. Actually, it seems that any browser I use to open the page shows theese two scripts in the source code. However, if I open the exact same file in Dreamwaver or Notepad I don't see theese scripts. Note that theese files are executed on my own PC(localhost/filename.html or MyIP/filename.html) and the EXACT same file(not a copy of it!) is opened in the editor... that's really odd .[edit] I also noticed it at few other sites. In fact, THIS page has it. It all starts to get more and more odd . I'm starting to think that this is something modern browsers automatically add everywhere, but why? What is this for?[/edit]
  22. Recently I started to notice some weird script appearing on few pages' codes. <script language="JavaScript"><!--var SymRealOnLoad;var SymRealOnUnload;function SymOnUnload(){ window.open = SymWinOpen; if(SymRealOnUnload != null) SymRealOnUnload();}function SymOnLoad(){ if(SymRealOnLoad != null) SymRealOnLoad(); window.open = SymRealWinOpen; SymRealOnUnload = window.onunload; window.onunload = SymOnUnload;}SymRealOnLoad = window.onload;window.onload = SymOnLoad;//--></script> What's most interesting in it is that it's placed AFTER the closing html tag. I'm a noob to JavaScript and I haven't got ANY idea of DOM stuff. Could anyone please explain me what is this code used for? Is it needed, etc.?Btw, the oddest thing. The latest beta of Opera 9 shows this csript on one of my pages that I keep on my computer. THAT script is used once in the after the closing <html> tag. There's also another script in the <head> though. <script language="JavaScript"><!--function SymError(){ return true;}window.onerror = SymError;var SymRealWinOpen = window.open;function SymWinOpen(url, name, attributes){ return (new Object());}window.open = SymWinOpen;//--></script> I haven't used even a single copy of any of those scripts. What's going on ?
  23. boen_robot

    Pseudo classes

    Yes. .myclass:link and a.myclass:link are both valid and are both working properly in all browsers. I'm not sure for :link though. I would reccomend that you don't use it. Typing only a.myclass or .mylass Works the same way and I'm completely sure there aren't problems with it.What aspnetguy is suggesting means a link(<a>) inside any element with a class .myclass. It's not euivalent to the ones above, but it's still a good trick to know.
  24. boen_robot

    Pseudo classes

    It is possible only if the class refers to a link. Or should I say "if you are aiming for maximum compatability". Firefox and Opera understand :hover (and other pseudo classes on that matter) everwhere in a document. IE6 however only understands it when it's on a link. Otherwise, it doesn't do anything about it.
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