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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. I'm not very experienced at PHP... In fact, I pretty much don't know anything besides the basic syntax. Because of this, I wasn't able to grasp what you want. Could you please explain it in a "human" language or at least give an HTML code(only) and point what, where, when... like "I want the value in the td to have the value of the XML element called 'TDdata'."
  2. You can(and actually must) do this with java Script and to be more precise: DOM. The code you need for the JS file: function applyPopups(){ a = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) { if(a[i].getAttribute('rel') && a[i].getAttribute('rel') == 'external') { a[i].onclick = function() { url = this.getAttribute('href'); window.open(url,'popup','width=200,height=400'); return false; } } }} window.onload = applyPopups; And the <a> tag would have to have a rel attribute with value "external" for this to work. Like this: <a href="the_link.html" rel="external">Link</a> [edit] At the time of looking for the info, Jonas had written a post before me. His solution also works, but note that it's not as managable as this one, especially if you want to use other target attrbiutes as well. Using this method, you could define few values for the rel attribute and practically enable yourself the target attribute as if this was transitional XHTML. If you want to change the target you may either edit the JS file to make all corresponding links to perform like the newly desired attribute OR rename only a simple attribute if you want only that particular to change.[/edit]
  3. Percentage values? Also, I thought that text inside a table is wraped(thus resized) by default .
  4. When you want to insert a certain XML value inside an attribute, you must always use XSLT variables. I'm starting to wonder why this isn't specified anywhere in the XSLT tutorial(though it exist in the referance), because it's a very frequent issue...Anyway... as I said, use <xsl:variable name="NAME" select="name" /> like this: <xsl:variable name="NAME" select="name" /><option value='{NAME}'><xsl:value-of select="name"/></option> Notices for the variable: The lifetime of a variable is considered the element in which is placed. If you place the variable at the top of the document before any templates, the variable will be accesable everywhere. If specified in a template, it will be avaiable only to that template and so on.All variables must have names. They are the only way to acces a variable. The name could be anything you want. It could actually match the XPath expression. In order to show you the difference in using a name and an XPath expression I have made the name different from the expression.The "select" attribute of the variable defines an XPath expression to be selected. It's optional, because a variable could be used for other things, though this is it's most common use(see the referance for details).
  5. I completely agree that there should be .htacces tutorial here. The only thing I'm not sure about is if the admin could actually reply to this and give the final answer.
  6. The position of the code doesn't specify priority unless we're talking about absolutely identical selectors. For example: div{border: 1px red solid}div{border: 1px blue solid} This will tyrn the div blue, because the blue is below the div with red border.The thing which TRULY specifies priority are the selectors along with classes and IDs. body div{border: 1px red solid}div{border: 1px blue solid} Despite the fact that both selectors select all divs and that the div only code is below, the div is going to have a red border this time, because by saying we want the div to be inside a body tag, we are being more specific.In other words: try giving the div with the class some priority by being more specific like "html body div.classname".
  7. boen_robot


    A prewritten to binary code application specialized for this task...a.k.a. Browser
  8. You should also advertise to other popular sites that deal with the same and/or related thing to your company's business. Sometimes, this might requre investments, but you should tell your boss that they'll be worth it if you advertise "correctly". In other words: advertise at appropriate places.
  9. The background of an element is treathed as it's "inside" part. Scince hr is an empty element, there's practically no inner part by default. Try increasing the height of the hr until it actually reaches the height of the image you want to use on it.
  10. Hm... the document's parse tree shows normally when I replace the "#" signs with s.e.x. AND when I removed the link for the xsl stylesheet. Are you sure the error isn't somewhere there? What do you actually mean by "validate"? I haven't tryed doing much with DTDs but I thought the the XML is not going to be showed if it doesn't validate againt a DTD .
  11. Hve you tryed replacing the "#" signs with some text?
  12. There are always ways to avoid payment if you know what I mean .Besides, the Developer's version of ColdFusion is free, though it has some limitations. You only need to pay for ColdFusion if you are going to run a server.
  13. Notice that the method you have used is buggy in IE6. It makes unneccesarry scrollbar. In order to neutralize this you should add this: *html {height: auto;} Because of the star, this code is read only by IE6. This takes out the HTMLs strech making the page strech good in IE as well.
  14. No. IE6 supports XHTML 1.0 Strict. Even if I didn't knew that, it's easy to guess it scince Strict and Transitional XHTMLs were introduced at the same time . You could practically use XHTML 1.1 but making it work with both FireFox and IE is ALWAYS as fighting with a tiger. In other words: pretty darn hard .
  15. boen_robot

    more help

    You can always use your IP adress. locallhost is a fixed path that only refers to your computer. Any other person that has a server on his PC and types localhost will see his own server instead of yours.As for how to change the IP to be of a particular name or anything else on that matter- You must register your IP as a domain. There are many registars on the web that can do this, all in different pricez for diffenrent extensions(.com, .net, .org, etc.).
  16. Ah, I see the point. I don't think there's any way to achieve this with CSS though. As Eric mentioned a link is either a link or isn't. The only things between are a hover link and an active link(a one that's been just clicked on).To achieve what you want you must either use some script that will identify the the current page and remove the "a" tag then, or manually remove the a tag on every XHTML at the appropriate places.
  17. I'm sorry if I seemed a bit offensive in my last post. Didn't mean it to be so.Anyway. Did the "display: block" thing I suggested work?Oh, yes... I forgot to mention it in the previous post. Place each of your rows in separated elements and apply the "display: block" to the "text" element.
  18. The free version of FRAPS can only record a video to maximum lenght of 30 seconds. The free AND the comercial version of FRAPS both use a minimal video compression, making the final movie really huge. Even if you can overcome theese difficulties, FRAPS can only record video in full creen applications(games). It's not suitable for making application tutorials if it was even able to do so.[edit] I love SnagIt. It is truly great for making tutorials BUT it's optimized for making screenSHOTS a.k.a. pictures, not videos. In fact, Camtasia Studio and SnagIt are both made by TechSmith, which kind of explains a lot. If looking for screenshots, look no further. SnagIt forever , but for videos... I don't know. I still believe that Camtasia is most appropriate.By the way, yaniv, we're still waiting for a link...[/edit]
  19. the Focus preudo class is not supported in IE6. That's the only issue here.
  20. It's still a CSS question if you know what I mean .This is easy. It just requres a bit more complex selector: <style type="text/css">td p {font-size: 80%}</style> Notice the "td" before the "p". It will change the font of all paragraphs but only when they are inside a table data. It'a good this to give ID's to your tables, so if you want to change the look inly of a specific table you'll say: table#the-table's-id p {font-size: 80%} There are also many other possible combination with selectors .
  21. CSS isn't and it never was the future of XML styling. Only XSLT has the power to make the br tag a true line break. As for a line break with CSS, I think it could be done with "display: block" but even if I'm wrong, it still doesn't matter. XSLT forever .
  22. PNG can't be animated, but W3C had made an animated module of it called MNG. It shares all image extras with PNG and can ONLY be animated just as PNG can ONLY be a still image. MNG however is not so widely supported yet, both by browsers and editors, so the safest way to go for now is still an animated gif.
  23. There are many hosts that support server side scripting. In fact, every paid host supoorts some language. If the host supports MySQL this means that you can also get a database with your hosting plan. Of cource PHP is not the only solution to manipulate database and dynamical content. There are ASP(.NET), JSP, ColdFusion and many others perhaps(though they are not as popular as theese here).PHP on the other hand is most widely supported. Scince you can't be sure about your host, it's recommended to use PHP, but if you are serious about the game and have found a good host that supports other languages, there's no reason why not to write the game in that other language.
  24. He means that using server side scripting eliminates the need of frames. So no- You don't need to put your stuff in frames. Learning a server side scripting language(PHP, ASP(.NET), ColdFusion, JSP, etc.) is more than enough for placing document in one another.By the way, try to avoid using tables as well. They are recommended only for tabular data, not for layout purposes. For layout you should try to use divs in combination with CSS for the presentation purposes. Don't look at W3Schools for example in this thing. They know they are not giving a good example of a clean layout, but they are focusing more on writing the tutorials, rather then the design of the site(I one saw kaijim's post regarding this topic).
  25. An SSL protocol is not something you "include" in your site. If an https page is included in a frame or something, the user can never be sure if the whole thing is "valid" scince he/she won't be able to see the lock on the browser. Why? Because the browser can only see the status of the current page. The one which holds the frame, not the pages inside the frames.The SSL protocol it something your host must provide you with. To provide you with such a thing you would also have to pay for an SSL certificate to him or a third party issuer. If the host supports SSL he should provide you with an interface with which you can apply the certificate to the site.
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