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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. This article shows how to add PNG dropshadows to images. A similar logic may be used for form fields.To sum the things up, you have to enclose the object in several elements, each with a different background image.
  2. I'm not sure I see the point and the problem, but I think you need to place parenthesis at the srart and end of an else. Also, there's the "elseif" language construct: <?php$valueOfgb = $_GET['gbpage'];if ($valueOfgbpage=="") {echo "first 5 comments"; echo "1";echo "2";echo "3, etc.";echo "<a href=\"page.php?gbpage=1">Next Page</a>}elseif ($valueOfgbpage=="1") {echo "next 5 comments";echo "6";echo "7";echo "8, etc.";}else {echo "Error";}?>
  3. Um... do you have something like an alpha version of this editor we might try out or is it going to be completely payed? Screenshot(s) at least? If I get to see the app, I may actual draw you a "concept screenshot" of what it might be, or even record a sample video.Anyhow, a feature I didn't noticed in your list is variations for auto closing.For example, in Dreamwaver 8, you can close a tag when it's created or when you type the start of the closure. I'm saying "closure" because not only HTML has closing tags, and it's not the only language requiring some sort of closures. To make the example clear:Close tags:-After typing "</"-After typing the opening tag's ">"-NeverAnother thing I didn't noticed in this list was a tag library editor. If you don't support a certain markup language (i.e. XSLT 1 and/or XSLT 2) I might create a tag library for you which would then be served in auto-complete pop-ups, highlighted specially, etc.Such libraries should be generatable from XML Schema, DTD or RelaxNG files, but don't put this last thing as a priority.
  4. boen_robot

    XML Editing

    See the save() function from the DOM class.If that doesn't work, use file_put_contents().
  5. Look at Regexlib for some examples of regular expressions. Use cases for them you ask? Start building ANY application that interacts with a user (say a simple form that returns something on certain conditions) and you'll immediatly see at least one use of regular expressions.
  6. A check in Stylus Studio makes me think your XML file is really not well structured. The 19th item you have problems with is totally different then the rest.Whatever is the node-set in $st2caution, you can't access it like that... at least I haven't been able to. You need to use a processor that has support for the EXSLT node-set() function, or a Microsoft processor that supports Microsoft's equivalent.I'm not sure if that's what you want, but try this <?xml version="1.0"?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"> <xsl:output indent="yes"/> <xsl:template match="/"> <seqlist> <xsl:for-each select="seqlist/item"> <step2> <xsl:if test="preceding::seqlist/caution"> <caution> <para> <xsl:value-of select="preceding::seqlist/caution/paratext"/> </para> </caution> </xsl:if> <para> <xsl:value-of select="paratext"/> </para> </step2> </xsl:for-each> </seqlist> </xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>
  7. boen_robot

    XML Editing

    Every language that supports DOM and/or has an XML parser is able to write to an XML file. This of course excludes JavaScript and VBScript as client side scripting languages. They can only read from an XML file.See the XML DOM tutorial in order to learn the principles of DOM. They are the same across languages. See the DOM functions in PHP to see what XML abilities PHP has.As for the fact that it would requre a whole function to work properly... I'm afraid that's true. You may ease the things up a little bit if you use an XSLT file that would copy the old file and insert the new contents, but that is not as efficient as DOM when you work with large files (in small files though, there's no difference, making everyone love the XSLT method).When XForms are supported in the browsers, things will be better. XForms generate an XML file. With PHP, you may then simply take that file, validate it (DTD, Schema, RelaxNG) and insert the complete tree with DOM on success.
  8. I tryed validating the first sample (with 'border="1"') and it validated perfectly. What validator did you used again? A link to the page?
  9. I'm not sure I get it. You have a single repeated notice in your input (original) XML file. And what do you want as ouput?
  10. I can't answer that one, but scince I'm the author of the last question, I'm able to comment on your answer.It's actually wrong, though what you show is truly a well formed XML document. You're missing one node, which was the only node in the sample to have perfectly well formed content and be well formed itself. You've removed a whole node, just because of an error in it's contents (a text node). You should have edited the contents, not remove the whole node and it's parent because of that. You've renamed nodes which had valid names. For example "elemenet", "elemene" and "element" are all well formed, and scince the last one is not present in the XML at all, one of the other two (depending on the well formdness) should have been used. You did fixed the more obvious errors though, so it would be easy for anyone to guess the right answer from here on. Go on...
  11. The deisgn... I can't really think of anything. Not before I see it in action anyway.As for coding... I think I can give you something on that, but again, it requres more then an image.
  12. You can make an image screenshot by using the PrintScreen key, or by using a specialized application. I reccomend SnagIt. It can also make plain text screenshots. That is: save what you see as text.Also, if you highlight and copy the table in MS Excel, you'll have a structured view of it. From that point on, you may export that to a web page and clear the MS crap out.
  13. There's the universal selector, a.k.a. the start selector. Like this: #myclass * {margin-left:5px;} This will apply the style to all childs (descendants) of #myclass, no matter what element are we talking about. divs, ps, spans, you name it.
  14. boen_robot


    One person starts a session from his IP adress on a port he specifies (the default is 6522). The others join. So there are no public servers to join to. It's all confidential. Sessions can also be password protected to prevent imposters from damaging the code.Once in a session, anyone can create a file that everyone in the session sees. Different files are placed in tabs, so one can always concentrate on one file.Files created in Gobby exist only in the session, unless someone saves them.Any existing document can be opened in Gobby, but for anyone who doesn't have a copy, the file exists only in the session.
  15. Well, for starters, have you transformed the file paths into URLs?
  16. Having no arrow for unvisited pages would also be good. If an arrow is a must for consistency's sake, it could be a blue down arrow (exactly like this one). Why? Because the arrow would point the timeline in vertical order. Up blue: past, not present; Down orange: present, now; Down blue: future, not present.
  17. If we're watching the portfolio page, the arrow isn't really answering. You may use the arrow for visited pages instead. Or if you feel a bit more creative- use an orange down arrow (like this one) for the current page and an up blue arrow for visited pages.
  18. Almost excellent.Only space out the header further down, or shrink the thumbnail, up to a point where the site name will be above the heading.There should be something under the menu to show the user where he is. A recent article in ALA, which I agree with, states that a navigation should silently answer where the user has been, where he is, and where can he go. Your site is too simple to answer the first question. The third question is obviously answered, scince the simplicity of the navigation, but the second one can only be answered either by changing the style of the nav or (as with your case) putting a good title right below the navigation.
  19. boen_robot


    I recently found an application that would have had proven useful in the W3Schools project if anyone of us knew about it until then.Ladies, I give you Gobby. And there's no spelling mistake with Gabby either.It's an Instant Messanger. But not just any IM. It has one unique ability... it's what we've been dreaming for: Allowing each participant to edit a text file, which of course can be in any programming language. Special highlighing shows who edited the code. There's Syntax Highlighting for some popular languages. The best part is a group may even edit few files in a session and each member can save a copy any time.I haven't tryed it yet, due to a lack of anyone to code with, but I saw screenshots and I read a review... all of that two days ago.Merry cristmas and happy new year everybody. Enjoy!
  20. I really think it would look better on the left. And what's that "New additions"? Indicates that the site was recently updated? If so, I think you might want to use a different color to attract attention. Perhaps orange?
  21. You can even use it in XHTML 1, after adding the namespace, but there are two problems:1. DTDs are not namespace aware, because they were made for SGML, which doesn't have namespaces. Because of all this, your XHTML will be invalid.2. There aren't many user agents with XForms support. The only one I know is XSmiles. All others requre a plug-in, that is different for each one.In XHTML 2.0, XForms will be added to the core, that is, the DTD, making all XHTML 2 using XForms valid.I really hope for the sake of modular XHTML development, that future specifications, including XHTML 2.0 will be using RelaxNG or better yet- XML Schema to declare the grammer, scince those languages were made specifically for XML. This will enable XHTML files to be valid, even when they use extensions with namespaces.
  22. Yes. I meant a thumbnail. On the left of the text under each yellow heading.
  23. I don't like the fading border idea much. It ruins the... calmness of the main content area.Spacing the "Welcome to my portfolio" would be good though.I know! Put an image (a sample image for now) of the site you've made and make that a link to that site.
  24. WOW. If you're as good with semantic markup as with design, you'll become a legend . An example of a first class web developer.
  25. boen_robot

    web page

    Submit some data to a PHP file with this content:<?phpecho $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;?> And you'll see what everyone will without SSL.It's not exactly "hello world" but close enough.
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