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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. You have really high ambitions. I suggest you slow down a bit. First, learn CSS.Then start with something simpler then a shopping cart or a forum board. Like a simple CMS for example. No user interaction. Just an application where an administator can add and remove content without directly going into the source code of one or more files.At that point you'll realise you need a language that can interact with the server. The so called Server Side Scripting Language (or "S3L" as I like to call them). Almost any S3L can manipulate almost any database. ASP and PHP are the two most popular S3Ls. Others include ColdFusion, JSP (Java Server Pages) and many more.MySQL is probably the most popular database solution nowadays. It works with PHP and I believe with ASP too (though I'm not sure).What you choose depends mainly on the host that you'll find as well as personal preference. I mean, all S3Ls have the same capabilities, so it's not vital whether you'll select ASP or PHP. You'll still have the same new abilities.Most people here, and in many other forums are probably going to reccomend PHP though, as it can run on both the IIS webserver (made by Microsoft) and Apache, while ASP can only run on IIS, because ASP is too made by Microsoft.
  2. O...k... so.. tell me again what exactly are you trying to achieve? A table I'm guessing, but with what on each column/row? Should there be more then one table? I would write a new one for you from scratch, as this one seems useless.
  3. Next time, copy the source of the XML, not what IE sees. I mean, right now, the "-" signs are making duplicating the issue a bit harder (though still possible).The XSLT is also truly very unreable, scince there are many presentational attributes in the XHTML output part. What are those fx functions anyway?
  4. I wouldn't say that. Look at Zend Core or FastCGI for instance.
  5. Jonas? I would bet my life not. Invisionzone... I believe not, scince they get payed for the hosting, regardless of the ads, but I'm not completely sure.
  6. It's pretty damn easy with XSLT: <?xml version="1.0"?><stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"> <template match="/list"> <copy> <apply-templates select="object"> <sort select="name"/> </apply-templates> </copy> </template> <template match="*"> <copy> <apply-tempates/> </copy> </template></stylesheet> Save the above as "sort.xsl" (for example) and if your file was called "test.xml", use this PHP file to call it (in the sample, all files are in the same folder): <?php$xml = new DomDocument;$xml->load('test.xml');$xsl = new DomDocument;$xsl->load('sort.xsl');$xslt = new Xsltprocessor;$xslt->importStylesheet($xsl);$transformation = $xslt->transformToXml($xml);echo $transformation;?>
  7. I'm not completely sure, but I think <div id="main"><img src="image.jpg" alt="image"/><div id="list"><ul><li>LIST</li><li>LIST</li><li>LIST</li><li>LIST</li></ul></div>TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXTTEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXTTEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXTTEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXTTEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXTTEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT</div> and #main img {float: right;}#list {float: left;} should do it.
  8. If your client wants "any" forum, I suggest IPB (this one). It's just great. The only problem is (s)he'll have to pay Invision some money. If they want a free one, I guess phpBB will be it.If they want a custom forum, now that's where you'll have to refuse the offer, cause building this thing from scratch could take a while.
  9. You're saying it as if the difference is very big .
  10. Well, I believe this is how it should be, scince you want one of them, not all of them. I mean, your XML has: <START_FREQ>12000000000</START_FREQ><STOP_FREQ>12000000000</STOP_FREQ> When only one of them can exist. And btw, your XML also has other validation errors according to the schema. "units" for example is a required attribute. Also, in order to allow the actual entering of numbers inside those two elements, add mixed="true" to the complexType definition.
  11. You mean named entities, as in HTML's entity? If so, you need to use a DTD that declares them and their numeric entity equivalent. Read the DTD tutorial for more information, and don't skip the Introduction and Entities sections. They are what you need.
  12. I'm not getting THAT error using any of the validators included in Stylus Studio. I do however see your XML is not valid, because you use attributes you haven't defined... not for the "report" element anyway.The attributes are "type", "pageSize", "topRecords", "sortOrder", "sortColumn", "exportSize" and "alertSize".
  13. It's "Because I've already seen a few here of both kinds and all of them don't say, until they see me and say a "thanks"". When I look at it now, it doesn't make much sense (in both languages ). What I meant was more of "Because I've seen both kinds, neither saying which one of the two are they, until I ask".
  14. Opps... my bad. I meant "choise". I mix it up with XSLT's "choose". Yes, it's part of XML Schema. Look at complex indicators.
  15. Then why don't you put a class on a p and make it "act" like you want it to? Or simply use CSS' selectors to target only specific "p"s you want?Google doesn't have a "standard" in the same essence HTML is a standard. And as mention, not following the rules that the most successful search engine is really not wise.
  16. Type what? Is it in the tutorial?Anyhow, I don't think what you're asking is possible in Schema 1.0. The value or existence of one node cannot force the value or existence of another node.The closest thing to what you're asking is to have a "choose" statement between two different elements, each enforcing it's own child elements. Those elements could actually refer to other elements, which could be the same. This makes the schema a little more verbose, but it kind'a works for what you want in the end.
  17. Moms don't make websites using editors. They only use CMSes that require only a login... like Opera's blogs or (I think) MySpace.I know this for sure as my mom is having what she called a website made by a crappy CMS on an even crappyer site called something like "mylivepage" or something.So I would also assume it's a 12-15 year old girl. Younger girls wouldn't bother with sites at all, and older ones become interested enough in the "how" behind web sites, to start writing some HTML manually. Valid, semantic... perhaps not, but with less validation errors non the less.
  18. It doesn't seem wise to make a tutorial for something you don't understand enough.If you look at the SVG tutorial at W3Schools, you'll notice that SVG is just NOT embed in XHTML. The reason is that SVG can not be embed in HTML, and IE renders XHTML pages as HTML.In order to embed SVG in XHTML, you need to serve the page with the XHTML MIME type (application/xhtml+xml). IE however doesn't support this MIME type and shows a download box instead. Negotiating the MIME type and the SVG graphic respectively could be risky.The other way to embed SVG in (X)HTML is to use the "object" element. However, whether it will work or not depends very much on the SVG viewer that the browser will use. Adobe SVG Viewer for example doesn't really like "object" and prefers "embed" instead. Making it work with "object" could be tricky.XML does not control layout. XML is a set of rules for creating markup languages. Both XHTML and SVG are XML based. It takes another application to read the XML language and do something with it. For example, XHTML requires XHTML aware browser to render properly, and SVG requires SVG viewer, which could be embed inside XHTML as well. Cursom languages (made by yourself) would also require something else to make the XML "work". When XML is used for a web page, this would most certanly mean that you need a way to convert your XML into XHTML or SVG (or both, which is where XMLs beauty comes).
  19. That's still no excuse. If you don't want any initial styling, use the "span" element. Giving some class to it, you can style it. For example:<span class="TAGGER">blah</span> and CSS .TAGGER { margin:5px; font-family:Courier, serif; font-size:10px; color:#000;}
  20. If you've had enoguh experience with IE6, you would certanly appreciate all the fixes it has made. Look at the explorer bugs on positioniseverything.net. All bugs you see there, except the escaping floats bug have been fixed in IE7. IE still has a lot of rendering bugs, but at least the all famous ones were fixed.If people were using conditional comments before, the troubles now would've been less.
  21. Add a negative text-indent to the list. And for vertical, use line-height. Here's a sample: <html><head><style type="text/css">li {line-height: 13px;}li li {text-indent: -30px;}li li li {text-indent: -60px;}</style></head><body><h4>A nested List:</h4><ul> <li>Coffee</li> <li>Tea <ul> <li>Black tea</li> <li>Green tea <ul> <li>China</li> <li>Africa</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>Milk</li></ul></body></html>
  22. I don't see this part being assigned to a variable: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\"><html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\" /><title>Events Query</title><style type="text/css">td {font-size:10px; }table {font-family: tahoma; color: #a8a8a8; }p {font-family: tahoma; color: #a8a8a8; }A {text-decoration: underline; color:d59a33; }body {scrollbar-3dlight-color:#a8a8a8; scrollbar-arrow-color:#ffffff; scrollbar-base-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-face-color:#ffd79c; scrollbar-highlight-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-shadow-color:#ffffff};</style></head><body leftmargin=\"25\"><h2>Events</h2><table style="width:375px;"><tr><td style="text-align:right;"><a href="betaevents.html">Events List</a> | <a href="calendar.html">Calendar</a></td></tr></table> The one after it- yes.
  23. Remove all "\" before the quotes. You only need them when you echo quotes, not in the whole PHP file. Example: <a href="file.html"><?php echo "I'm really \"modest\"";?></a> Notice there are no "\" in the href attribute, as it's not part of PHP.
  24. I can't help asking... are you bulgarian, or you just know the word? (щото вече съм виждал няколко тука и от двата вида и всички така не казват, докато не ме видят и кажат едно "благодаря" ).Yes. It is a rule. Wherever XPah expression is expected, you must enclose "strings" in quotes or as it more often happens - ampersants. Numbers I think don't need to be written in quotes, but I'm not sure. Never really used one in a value-of. I feel more comforable placing them next to it, rather then in it.
  25. Gecko's ActiveX implementation may be dying, bur certanly not Gecko itself. The engine is originally written in standart C++ I believe. We will only see .NET win32 applications cracking, mostly because .NET is changing fast, as it's not a standart. Now THAT is what standarts stand for! Independance of someone else's platform/language, portability (to another OS, main language, etc.) and interoperability (allowing you to use someone else's application for your needs or vise-versa). THAT is what web standarts stand for too. Independance of someone else's propriarity extensions (notably Micro$oft), portability (this is especially true for XML based languages, which by the use of XSLT or any XML based language/tool can be coverted to anything else) and interoperability (the same as the above).
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