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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. I think it's http://www.mozquito.com. It's some sort of a vendor for XML tools. It's not a language or anything I think. And I don't see what XHTML has to do with it, apart from the fact that those tools are somehow using XML.
  2. You need a server side scripting language for that if you want to hide your email (for the sake of not being so much spammed). Read the PHP tutorial or the ASP tutorial for details.
  3. boen_robot

    FTP to FTP

    Well, most FTP clients can browse 2 or more FTPs at the same time, so you can use their functionality too. But you must do it manually (open the client, open the server, open the other server, copy&paste this once, repeat the next time you want to do some copying). The only automated way is truly PHP or another server side scriping language with FTP capabilities. And even then, you have to create some sort of comparrison script that will download the new things when available, and you'll have to run it schedually.
  4. Exactly. And it's only used on attributes' values that are part of the output. There are few exclusions on this rule, like the name attribute in the xsl:element and xsl:attribute elements. Their values can also contain AVT.
  5. Or use a script like the more secured mail script in the PHP tutorial to send the input to a predefined email adress. Note that even that script is not the best you can get, but it's a good start to give you the idea.
  6. Yes. You should use XSLT to convert one XML to another.What's the difference between XSL and XSLT? How to do such transformation? All this, and more in the XSL(T) tutorial.
  7. Stop reffering to XLink will you? Giving your initial code as a base, it should look something like:<xsl:for-each select="navigation"> <ul> <xsl:for-each select="item"> <li><a href="{@url}"><xsl:value-of select="."/></a></li> </xsl:for-each> </ul></xsl:for-each> This particular technique (the parenthesis with an XPath expression in them) is called attribute value template or AVT. It's one of the most significant things the XSLT tutorial is missing unfortunatly.
  8. Your blog is most probably read as HTML (MIME type text/html) even though it follows the XHTML syntax."<![CDATA[" is only recognized in XHTML based (MIME type application/xhtml+xml) pages. The validator may not report an error on this, because that's a valid syntax for XML, but it's just not acceptable with the text/html MIME type.Note however, that if you use "<![CDATA[" in XHTML, this will render it's content on screen as text, not ignore it as a comment will. So your content of: <![CDATA[ <div class="post">the_content();</div>]]> will be the equivalent of that in the source: <div class="post">the_content();</div> And what the user will see will be the following TEXT: <div class="post">the_content();</div>
  9. You can also use a server side scripting language but that will force the page to reload.
  10. Things don't work out this way, so you can't do that. Why would you need to do that anyway?If you tell me what are you trying to achieve, I might be able to help you do it without that sort of need.
  11. Very funny.Speak with your host if he supports SSL. If he does, then he should also offer you some way to import the certificate into your domain. Only then will your site be accessable with https:// and encrypted.If your host doesn't offer SSL support, then you must find another host that does. No way you can do this without manipulations on the server.If you're running your own server... that's a harder question. I think Apache has some sort of configurations for that. It may requre OpenSSL or something.... I don't know.
  12. This page has some resources that will get you started.
  13. Not with data islands (the <xml> tag you're using as an example). Mostly because it works only on IE but also because it may present problems on fetching the data as it should.You can use XSLT to transform the feed to XHTML (note that you'll use the document() function to fetch a remote document) or a server side scripting language like PHP for example.
  14. Dreamwaver 8 is the best. No question about it. It has WYSIWYG editing capabilities for people that can't code (I strongly advise against them though) and great coding capablities that can suit a wide variety of coding needs. Such features include syntax highlighting, line numbering, auto-complete, auto closing on "</", massive in/outdenting, previewing the code with different browsers and more (vary depending on what are you actually coding).
  15. This script is in the front of my bag'o'tricks. When I make my own site (I don't have much time for working on it though) I'll publish my whole bag'o'tricks there and a lot more (for which no one has asked yet).
  16. The whole excel thing is a little confusing. Schema is only applicable on XML files. That's why I'm saying that you must generate a valid XML once and then generate a Schema from it. The next time, instead of validating against Excel generated Schemas, you'll validate against your previously defined Schema. You can generate a Schema from XML with almost any XML editor. I'm currently using Stylus Studio (really a great tool btw) and I'm now sure it can do this.
  17. That is because the XSLT overriddes the CSS. CSS on XML is only used for browsers that don't support XSLT.If you want to style an XML that is using XSLT, you must style the output instead. Looking at your example above, you've done that already actually. I'm talking about the lines: <style type="text/css"> ul li { display: inline; } </style> Using an external CSS file would requre the same (XHTML) selectors and must be called in the XSLT the XHTML way (<link/> or @import).
  18. Well, I would personally do it like: <xsl:for-each select="navigation"> <ul> <xsl:for-each select="item"> <li><xsl:value-of select="."/></li> </xsl:for-each> </ul></xsl:for-each> That way, if you don't have a navigaiton in the XML that uses the stylesheet, you won't get the extra <ul> and if you have more then one, you'll have a new <ul> to hold every menu.
  19. Because you only have one "navigation" element to store all "item" elements. So scince you have one element- you incoke the for-each once. You have for example 5 elements, you invoke the for-each 5 times.
  20. Well, the problem here is that the Excel is first transformed to XML. If that XML can't be generated (I mean AT ALL) there's nothing a schema can cure. If an XML is generated anyway, but just not the one needed, then the XML Schema could help.Take one valid XML file and generate a Schema from it. Most XML editors have this option. I think Stylus Studio does, but I'm not sure. XMLSpy should also have a generator.Anyway... after you generate the Schema, you can simply validate files against it.XML Schema only defines what's valid, so if the XML is invalid, you can generate an error message (how to do so is another question) and promt the user to re-enter an input file. If the file is valid, you can then proceed. The data is always preserved, but the user will be forced to readjust it to fit the Schema.Or have I not understood you correctly and you have something else in mind?
  21. I think simply using common functions only will work. If you need something that's deprecated in PHP4 but has an alternative in PHP5, then... well... the easiest solution I can think of is XAMPP. A PHP switcher is one of it's features.
  22. As I said: if you won't be transforming the XML to XHTML, then yes. But apparently, you will, so no. Creating the links that another language (XHTML in this case) is using is part of XSLT's duties. You do need to store the URL somewhere though. I would suggest something like:<link to="URL">list item 1</link>
  23. No books for me, thank you. If I evenr get one for a gift, I would definetly appeciate it though. Bying a book for something I can learn from the internet is what stops me every time I pass a bookstore.
  24. The best thing I can suggest is to simply call your JS code from another file like you should anyway.
  25. Well, um... how should I put it.... it can be anything you want. That's just the beauty of XML. There's no right way. You define it all.If you want opinions about what you have defined as right, then... hm... I would prefer calling "leftnav" simply "nav" or "navigation" or maybe even "menu". After all, appearance is not defined by XML and you might want to move the nav to the top some day.Other than that, I think it all feels readable.Note however that you don't need XLink. XLink should only be used if this XML is not going to be transformed to XHTML or another language with it's own linking system. For example, in XHTML you use the <a> element to define a link and use the href attribute and all.... bla bla. In SVG, the <a> element is present, but the specification doesn't provide the href attribute or any other sort of system for linking. That's where XLink kicks in.
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