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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. You can use the line: header("Content-type: application/xhtml+xml"); where the contents of the header() function can be any sort of HTTP header. In this case, it's the MIME type.To remove the XML prolog in both MIME types, you can use <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" /> In the XSLT.Or if you want to remove it only for IE6 and with text/html, you can use this code (made by yours truly few weeks ago): //Checks the transformation$result = ereg_replace(' xmlns=""',NULL,$transformation); //Remove the empty xmlns attributes that sometimes get createdif (ereg('application\/xhtml\+xml',$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"])) { //Checks if the user agent supports XHTML's MIME typeheader("Content-type: application/xhtml+xml"); //Sets that MIME type if supported}elseif(ereg("MSIE 6.0",$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { //Checks if the user agent is IE6 baseed$result = ereg_replace('\<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"\?\>',NULL,$transformation); //Removes the XML prolog for IE6}//Show the result in the browser.echo $result; Where $transformation is the result of the XSLT processing. Unfortunatly, in this current form, you have to edit: \<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"\?\> so that it matches your actual XML prolog. Detecting XML prologs dynamically is a question of using the XML writter with which I'm not that experienced yet or a more complex regular expression which in my case seemed pointless.If you want to use multiple columns with the same type of node (both elements called "one"?), simply use the xsl:for-each. If it's the exact same element (one element called "one" used two times), I think there's not more precise way then your second example. If you're worried about flexibility (say you want to rename your element, and still call it multiple times over), you can store it's name in a variable and use this name for the selection, like this: <table><xsl:for-each select="//whatever"><xsl:variable name="value" select="one"/><tr><td><xsl:value-of select="$value"/></td><td><xsl:value-of select="$value"/></td></tr></xsl:for-each></table> With this, adjusting the single select statement at the variable will affect both cells.There are of course other ways, but it depends on what you need.
  2. You can use IE only styles in stylesheets with conditonal comments. Infact, your page already has one. The lines: <!--[if lte IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="style_IE.css" /><![endif]--> Will show the style_IE.css file only to IE6 or lower browsers. Those browsers are going to use the things in this stylesheet alongside your common stylesheets.If you just change the number in the conditional statement from 6 to 7, you'll make this stylesheet apply to IE7 as well. You can also add another CSS file that will have only fixes for IE7. That way, fixes for IE6 and lower won't disturb the IE7 design. Your overall code might looks something like: <link rel="stylesheet" href="ebd.css" type="text/css" media="screen,projection" /><!--[if lte IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style_IE7.css" /><![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style_IE.css" /><![endif]--> Where style_IE7.css is the name of the stylesheet containing the fixes for IE7 and lower.
  3. There's a difference between Kbit/s and KB/s. The first is "kilobits per second" while the second is "kilobytes per second".Most applications you use mesure the speed in KB/s. The files you download are also mesured in KB/s. Only ISPs and network administrators use Kbit/s.The reason is that Kbit/s it's a more precise mesurement then KB/s.1B/s = 8bit/s1KB/s = 8Kbit/s.1MB/s = 8Mbit/s1GB/s = 8Gbit/sand so on...So when your ISP claims to support for example 256Kbit/s, this means the speed you'll see is 256:8=32KB/s.The example above of 8000 kbit/s is therefore actually 1000KB/s. And no, that's not exactly 1MB/s though it's pretty close. 1MB/s is 1024KB/s or 8192Kbit/s.
  4. Well, XML is a free language. Anyone can define anything as long as it follows the common rules.What do you mean by "sample output message"? This is very broad definition. You can output the contents of any element or attribute with XSLT, so what exactly do you need?By the way, this seems like one of the very few cases where using attributes (real I mean) seems more appropriate. Also declaring the namespaces with a prefix seems more appropriate too. No matter...So what exactly do you need to get from this XML? If it's nothing specific, just play with the XPath expression(s).
  5. In IE7 (I don't know about IE6) the header image seems to shift below, making the whole page seem out of place. Eliminate all margins and paddings on the #header if any. If that fails, or disturbs other browsers, you can always use a third stylesheet only for IE7.
  6. I'm curious... where did you learned C and C++ from? Hopefully, if it's something online, you'll give a link. The site in your sig doesn't have any tutorials for it. I guess it's new, isn't it?
  7. boen_robot


    I think you might mean "Dobritch". "Dolchev" does sound like a real Bulgarian town though, but I'm not sure. If it exist, it's definetly not a big one... it might even be a village.Beside that I would also suggest you ask your ISP if port 25 is allowed to be used for SMTP otherwise it could couse trouble when you try to run certain scripts.Most ISP's close this port for use becouse of security related issues. Why would you want SMTP for Apache anyway? Sure you'll need it for an SMTP server, but that's not something most people would need.I would advise to check if ALL ports are blocked. Speicifically, check how your firewall reacts to the Shields UP! test. If you see some ports as "Stealth" or "Closed" even when your firewall is turned off, this means your ISP has blocked them. If they are opened when your firewall is turned on, this means your Firewall has made an exception for that port. If your server is accesable from the outside, yet a test like the above reports "Stealth" on all ports, you're lucky. Your server can't be more secured in terms of Worm attacks.
  8. Few editions:1. The actual content you need to add to the httpd.conf for PHP is: LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2.dll"AddType application/x-httpd-php .phpPHPIniDir "C:/php"SetEnv PHPRC "C:/php" Or you may also install PHP as a CGI binary: ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php-cgi.exe"AddType application/x-httpd-php .phpSetEnv PHPRC "C:/php" 2. Choose one of the two "php.ini-something" files and remove the "-something" part from it, so that the final file is called "php.ini".3. After installing MySQL from the wizzard and configuring it's instance right after, you need to open the php.ini file and edit the line: extension_dir = "./" (or whatever there's after the "=")to extension_dir = "c:\PHP\ext" And then remove the ";" from the line: ;extension=php_mysql.dll You may also enable MySQLi support by adding the line: extension=php_mysqli.dll right after.If you need "graphical" assistance for the installation, I suggest the tutorial at http://www.tanguay.info/wamp/
  9. Looks fine in my IE7 and Opera 9, but not in FF This may be due to it's cashing though. I'll try it some time later. Anyone else having an opinion?
  10. Bull$hit!Python is made for a lot more then server side scripting and it's harder to install (as far as I'm aware of). It's also not related to PHP in any way. In other words: useless. Skip it or learn it if you won't use PHP, ASP(.NET), Cold Fusion, JSP, etc.
  11. That's probably due to the faux nature of the columns. Specifying a width to the middle column should fix the problem, but judging what this size should be is another question.
  12. boen_robot


    Think of this as a rithorical question but... how can one have "a lot of knowledge about the servers" and not being able to at least install Apache (or another server!) at the same time?
  13. Try to fix your DTD problem (which turns out to be an SSI one) as shown in this topic.
  14. Well, the common attributes such as "id" and "class" can't have defaults. I think the reason is obvious.Of course the specification describes the per-element attributes, their possible values and their defaults. But only behaviour ones. Not for appearance. Well, not the older ones anyway. The one before CSS was born also describe the default appearance and presentational attributes.But as I said, the thing the specification describes in most details is the behaviour of elements. It defines that <img src=""/> will display an image at the location of the src attribute. It descibes that <a href=""> is a link to the location in the href attribute. It describes that when the href starts with # that leads to an element with that ID, etc.All very important things, but somehow unnoticable.
  15. Um... Fireworks is an image editor... or am I missing something and it has becomed an HTML one too?As for how to add text, just type it after the </a>. Or do you mean how to add text IN the image? If so, then Fireworks has a simple text tool for this (look for the big "A" on the left). All of it's options are in the "Text" menu located at the top.
  16. What I usually do is to first think of what the website is and what it will need.Then I outline the basic XHTML code for it. You know, like navigation and the such.Only after the XHTML seems clear and semantical enough I start doing the CSS. This is also the time for the first basic images such as the main background.After the basic design is estabilished, I split the content from structure with the XML&XSLT duo and figure out exactly what content is common, what for this section, etc. and place each one in it's own XML file for the sake of performance (why load a single XML when you use only a fraction of it?) and flexibility (edit one XML or XSLT, have it in every XHTML).After that is over with, I estabilish some of the section based XHTML if any and complete the CSS and graphics of the site based on those adjustments. That is also the place to figure out what CSS is common and what is for a secion.Subsection and per-page designs go through the same procedure. Where does server side scripting come in you ask? Only a single file to process the XSLT(s) with the different XMLs. And if server side scripting functionality is requred for something (say a login) then the results from the different actions are passes as parameters to the XSLT, so they can then influence the output.
  17. Your starting page is good. What The Praetorian refers to is your main page. And he's not bluffing either. Just look: <div class="text"> <html> <head> <title>HOMENC</title> </head> <body> I understand the problem here. You are using .shtml. So if my guess is correct, your main page has something like: <div class="text"><!--#include virtual="homenc.html" --> in it. To solve this problem, simply correct your homenc.shtml file so that it's not a valid HTML. Get rid of it's wrappers (html and body tags + head setion) and you'll be OK.As for the starting page. I don't see a problem. You mind giving it a DTD so the odd behavior could be observed?
  18. Try with this: <html><head><title>BEGUNJE-GHETTO</title><body><center><H2>BEGUNJE-GHETTO</H2><CENTER><a href="http://begunje-ghetto.kicks-######.net//HGB/index.php"><button>Klikn tukej!</button> </a> da oddas komentar ali kritiko v guest book<P><B>P.S. Z LJUBEZNIJO VAs IN EDINI JoZhA<P><!--BEGIN CREATIONCENTER.COM CODE --><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH="1%" bordercolor="#111111" ><tr><td WIDTH="100%"><IFRAME NAME="I1" width="600" height="300" SRC="http://creationcenter.hostcabin.com/sbox-formoption2.php?uid=jozha" FRAMEBORDER="0"SCROLLING="no"></IFRAME></td></tr></table><MARQUEE LOOP="infinite">OPOZORILO: STRAN JE V NASTAJANJU!!!! :P</MARQUEE><!--END CREATIONCENTER.COM CODE --></body></html> Please tell me this garbage is not your creation.The major fix this time is the added <head> with the <title> in it. Not only that, but the <title> element is now closed.
  19. boen_robot

    Im here again

    Oh. That's not Firefox's problem. It's IEs. Classes starting with numbers are not allowed by the specification. Even W3Schools tutorials say this. Rename those classes so they don't begin with numbers and it will work.
  20. boen_robot

    Im here again

    I don't see the problem with the left column. What exactly do you mean by "not working"?I see the problem with the middle image... maybe if you specify a min-width on the container of the 3 columns, it will work at least in IE7. Scrollbars would also appear for all browsers except IE6. As for IE6 solution... I'm not sure.The only weird thing I see with the right column is that it's text goes further left then the border specified (which I guess it's an image to the container?).
  21. By the way, there's a list of valid DTDs if anyone is interested .
  22. There is one way.... WEFT but it works only in IE.
  23. Strange. For some reason, I don't see nothing in IE7 either.For those wondering, the URL contains the censored word a$$, so the real URL is:http://begunje-ghetto.kicks-a$$.net/index.htmlbut reaplace the $ with... you know what.Perhaps the reason for this invisibility is the fact that the code is not valid at all: <html><p><center><title><b> <H2>BEGUNJE-GHETTO </H2> <P> <p><CENTER><a href="http://begunje-ghetto.kicks-######.net//HGB/index.php">Klikn tukaj</a> da oddas komentar ali kritiko v guest book</p><P><B>P.S. Z LJUBEZNIJO VAs IN EDINI JoZhA<P><!--BEGIN CREATIONCENTER.COM CODE --><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH="1%" bordercolor="#111111" ><tr><td WIDTH="100%"><IFRAME NAME="I1" width="600" height="300" SRC="http://creationcenter.hostcabin.com/sbox-formoption2.php?uid=jozha" FRAMEBORDER="0"SCROLLING="no"></IFRAME></td></tr></table><MARQUEE LOOP="infinite">OPOZORILO: STRAN JE V NASTAJANJU!!!! :P</MARQUEE><!--END CREATIONCENTER.COM CODE --><html><body><P><P> Tags are not nested properly, <html> is opened twice. The <body> is after the second <html> opening tag, etc.Try: <html><body><p><center><title><b> <H2>BEGUNJE-GHETTO </H2> <P> <p><CENTER><a href="http://begunje-ghetto.kicks-######.net//HGB/index.php">Klikn tukaj</a> da oddas komentar ali kritiko v guest book</p><P><B>P.S. Z LJUBEZNIJO VAs IN EDINI JoZhA<P><!--BEGIN CREATIONCENTER.COM CODE --><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH="1%" bordercolor="#111111" ><tr><td WIDTH="100%"><IFRAME NAME="I1" width="600" height="300" SRC="http://creationcenter.hostcabin.com/sbox-formoption2.php?uid=jozha" FRAMEBORDER="0"SCROLLING="no"></IFRAME></td></tr></table><MARQUEE LOOP="infinite">OPOZORILO: STRAN JE V NASTAJANJU!!!! :P</MARQUEE><!--END CREATIONCENTER.COM CODE --></body></html>
  24. On all of my browsers (IE7, Firefox, Opera 9) I see that the purple on "www3.telus.net/rick" reaches only to the half of that sign. Is it me, or that wasn't what you had in mind?Other that that, the colors are nice. Much too simple for me anyway, but pleasent non the less.
  25. I think this should be pinned, or it will soon vanish in the back of this forum.I would also like to add some sites that have a lot of CSS things demonstrated on them:http://www.quirksmode.org/http://cssplay.co.uk/http://alistapart.com/or better yet, seehttp://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/learningfor a list of such sites and more.
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