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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. There are only 2 ways I can think of.1. For FTP, the user can use URLs, but the URL itself will be: ftp://mysite.com/download/thefiles.zip and upon download, the user will be requred for username and password.2. The other way I can think of is simple HTTP authentication.http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/auth.htmlBut it requres you to have control over your server's configuration, or at least being allowed .htaccess and .htpasswd files.Both of those methods have one major disadvantage. There is no way (as far as I'm fammiliar with) to add extra protection against robots, such as captcha. Because of this drawback, you're still vulnerable, though this does offer some initial protection.The only way to secure a file is to NOT use a URL (not a public one anyway) to retrieve it.If the file was on your own server, you can use PHP to get it from the file system (outside the document root) after the user has passed certain PHP security authentications.
  2. Almost... exactly I'm not sure what you meant with this one.After you're done with FF, you add the IE fixes in another file. That file is called along side the FF stylesheet. Because it's called AFTER the FF stylesheet, everything in it is with higher priority over the common styles. The first one is used by everyone.
  3. Here's a slightly more readable idea: <script type="text/javascript">document.write('\u003c' + 'embed src="path-to-your-file-or-whatever" /' + '\u003e')</script> Simply replace the embed src="path-to-your-file-or-whatever" with your actual code for embed. No need to go to the encoder every time . But wait. Does this work with FF and Opera?[edit]It is, but I was thinking of how it would accept the encoded HTML[/url]. [/edit]
  4. Not exactly, but kind of. Let's just say that validation is the first step of solving incompatabilities.
  5. boen_robot


    Photoshop- Raster image editing.Flash- Vector image and animation editing in Flash's own format.Illustrator- Vector image editing in varios vector formats with the ability to export the vector image to a raster one.Pagemaker- Rich text editor as far as I'm aware. Much like MS Word. I think it also has some minor vector image editing capabilities.Premier- Video editing and audio mixing. It's what montagers use to cut a video at one point, slow it down, add a specific sound somewhere in the place of another, etc.This is perhaps the time to explain the terms used:Raster images are described pixel by pixel. The computer reads something like "black pixel at 1x1, black pixel at 1x2, black pixel at 1x3" etc.Vector images on the other hand are described by formulas. Some (like SVG) are even editable by text editors and are able to contain animations. The computer reads "black line from pixel 1x1 to pixel 1x3". In many cases this can save space but it could also give portability. A text written in a vector graphic could later be edited by someone with an editor, whereas Raster images can's be edited so smoothly. I mean, there will always be some sort of loss of quality.Raster images however are sometimes the best option on the web, because they are more supported (vector images often requre a special viewer) and are easier to add special effects on due to the fact that vector formulas are harder to convert from one point to another without them being predefined on the first place.Another thing to be noted is that Premier is about combing different sounds and videos. It has some minor editing capabilities, but it's not the thing you must look for if you want for example to create a new sound. For that, you would need to record that sound, or few others and use Premier or another editor to combine them into one new sound. Or if it's a music, then use a special music creation program to compose your song. With Premier you may add a video to that song.
  6. It's a thing you don't need in the process of learning, but it's a good thing to do later on. validating your pages means for them to be properly coded. Doing so ensures they will work well in all browsers including future ones.I suggest you forget about it for now and think about it when you think you're ready.
  7. The code he speaks about actually belongs to IE and it's called a conditional comment. It allows a specific (X)HTML code to run only for different versions of IE. So you can have: <!--Stylesheet for IE, Firefox, Opera and other browsers--><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /><!--[if lte IE 6]><!--Stylesheet only for IE6 and IE5. Note that the stylesheet above is also used, so this stylesheet must only contain the fixes for IE.--><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="IEstyle.css" /><![endif]-->
  8. I think this is what Web Services exist for. Let me explain...reportingsjr can make a PHP file on his server that will serve as a Web Service server. It will contain a function he created for others to reuse. A Web Services client will connect to that file and pass arguments for his function. The function returns a result or a set of results based on the arguments which the client then uses as (s)he pleases.If reportingsjr decides to alter the function, he can do it on his server and anyone using the function will use the result from the updated version.Without web services, the new version of the code will have to be posted and re-edited by everyone who has used the old one.
  9. not <embed> but the element <emb/> with unstandart attributes and such. test it yourself with the direct input box. The problem is the "<" and ">" inside the script. That is why I asked if there is a way to escape them, while still running the script, or at least an alternative method of creating an element.
  10. Make the changes I suggested and then show me what the validator says.Your problematic tables are on line 58 and 85. Add <tr>'s on the next line and </tr> just before the closing </table> tags.
  11. Ok. That was very informing..... not.What do you have in mind? How exactly can we help you? I mean, this forum is for web developers, not network administrators, but some of us also know a thing or two about networks.Can you go to a course about networks or anything? Do you have some network hardware ar your disposal? Anything...?
  12. If you did just a little more researching, you would know that XHTML 2.0 is still a working draft. It is too early for anyone to teach it, scince all of the stuff is still not clear.Currently there are only 4 DTDs. The three W3Schools mentions and XHTML1.1's which was mentioned in another W3Schools tutorial.There are also two HTML DTDs (Scrict and Loose) and that's probably the thing W3Schools missed, but then again, who cares? You should use XHTML 1.0 anyway.By the way, older versions of HTML have DTDs too, but they were only used for validation as is the case with HTML4. However, the XHTML DTD also make the CSS behave as closely as possible to the CSS-on-XHTML spec. That is why W3Schools says you really need the DTD in order for XHTML to work.There is stuff they've missed, but nothing so critical for you not knowing the language.
  13. Not this script anyway. embed is still detected. Is there a way to escape the entitites and for the script to still work? Or simply an object to create a new element with certain name and attributes?Here's the markup I tested:<!DOCTYPE htmlPUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html><head><title>simple document</title></head><body><div><object><script type="text/javascript">document.write('<embed />');</script></object></div></body></html> And the only error is: However, the good news in this is that JavaScript is allowed as an alternative of an Object. The bad news in this approach is that it will requre the user to support JavaScript. Then again, if anyone is scared enough to turn JS off, (s)he would probably turn off embedded multimedia as well.
  14. Your tables have the structure: <table ...> <td ...>...</td> </table> However, the specs requre that you define a table row even if there is only one row in the table. So, simply add a tr right after the table, like this: <table ...> <tr ...><td ...>...</td> </tr></table>
  15. Whoever told you that is either a bigger noob then yourself, or you didn't understood his/her point correctly.C(++) is an OOP(Object Oriented Programming) language. It's used to create Desktop applications. You know, like Browsers, Players, Messangers, etc.The languages in W3Schools are for web programming or in other words- for creating websites. This includes a scope of a whole bunch of other languages and most (but not all) have nothing to do with C(++) programs.If you came here with the ambition to create web sites, then just read the earlier posts in this topic. You need the languages in this order: HTML, XHTML, CSS. From then on, there are many things to take, some of which may do fine without the other.There's JavaScript, for manipulating the page on the client side. The true power of it is that things are done instantly without the page being reloaded. That brings interactivity into the page.There are server side scripting languages like PHP, ASP, .NET, Cold Fusion, etc. In short, they can practically do everything you can't otherwise do with client side languages. But your server is requred to support the requred language.There's XML and XML based lagnguages. Each of which has different purpose and who's concept is the hardest thing to grasp. Their most important quality is portability- They may need server side scripting or client side scripting or an OOP language to run, but it's not requred, nor it's a fixed language.If you've come here with the idea to create a Desktop application, then you're in the wrong place. W3Schools doesn't teach OOP programming and there's probably no one here that can giude you. Theese languages are most of the times learned in either large books or in Universities.
  16. Are the keys always in this order? I mean, is the artist for example always in the 6th element (3rd key, second) place? If so, then the easyest way to go is position(). Something like: <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:template match="/"><html><body><table><thead><tr><xsl:for-each select="plist/dict/dict/dict/*[position()=5 or position()=7 or postion()=25]"><td><xsl:value-of select="."/></td></xsl:for-each></tr></thead><tbody><xsl:for-each select="plist/dict/dict/dict"><tr><xsl:for-each select="*[position()=6 or position()=8 or postion()=26]"><td><xsl:value-of select="."/></td></xsl:for-each></tr></xsl:for-each><tbody></table></body></html></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet> If you weren't in a hurry, I would have tryed to devise a more flexible solution, but if this works for you, then such is useless right now anyway.
  17. Well, the idea is almost the same. Create a template with a param, that will serve as the default value. From outside, change that parameter and that's it. For example: <xsl:param name="test-value" select="'0'"/><xsl:template match="/"><xsl:choose><xsl:when test="$test-value=1">yes</xsl:when><xsl:when test="$test-value=2">double yes</xsl:when><xsl:when test="$test-value=3 or $test-value=4">YEAH!</xsl:when><xsl:otherwise><!--Things to do if all whens fail-->oh no.</xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose></xsl:template> Even though this stylesheet defines the parameter's value as "0", that value can be changed by the XSLT processors. Methods for doing so vary depenging on the processor and language you're using.
  18. When you call a template, you're invoking it and thus return a value from it in the output. That is the behaviour. I'm not sure what you're asking for here.I mean, if you already know templates could be called, you should know that for example: <xsl:template name="template1">1</xsl:template><xsl:template match="/">0<xsl:call-template name="template1"/></xsl:template> Will produce "01", scince "template1" outputs "1" and the main template returns "0" before "template1" is invoked.
  19. It seems to me as if you haven't assimilated the XSLT tutorial completely. All the tools you need are discussed there:
  20. The www.biblegateway.com line now looks better. The "m" is only half going into the black border. One or two pixels/points/whatever down would probably place it perfectly, but it's acceptable now too .Hope you remove the empty <p>s and <br /> spacers though. They seem silly.You may want to validate your CSS. It has one error and many warnings. Don't get crazy over eliminating the warnings, but fix your error.Displaying a site in multiple resolutions is trickier then displaying a fixed resolution site. I wondered how did you got a 3 column layout so easily, and now it seems it's because of fixed values. If you had used relative ones, you would have had greather problems. 3 column layouts are known as "holly grails" simply because they are the hardest to implement. Different solutions nowadays always requre some sort of sacrifice in order to run. For example, they work only in the latest browsers with no backwards compatability, or they requre the user to have the window maximized, or a lot of extra markup, etc. etc.Your page looks good in higher resolutions though. I have 1280x1024 and it looks great. Or do you mean something even higher like 1600x1200?By the way, I'm 17 (turned them this month) .
  21. Other then the fact that this HUGE jpg file loads slower then I wake up in the morning (and believe me, that's not a second or two), everything is positioned perfectly in all browsers. Way too perfect, and of course, as mentioned already, slow .Tested with IE7 and FF1.5.0.6. I don't even want to try Opera, as I've waited enoguh for this image to load on those two browsers already.
  22. As I said, the document() function.
  23. I wish I could assist with this, but all computers I'm ever on now use IE7RC1. This includes my home PC, work PC, and even School PCs. Every PC I've touched . I can only take a look when a new PC, needing a Windows installation arrives and I don't know when will that be.
  24. I thought you had your first version tested in IE6.Well, check all of your versions and see at what point it gets bad. THEN we should search for what caused the problem.
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