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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. The simplest way to answer where to use XML in such project would be "Where do you NOT use a database to carry content?". At all of those places, you should use XML instead.It would be hard to use XSLT though, scince PHP doesn't have a built in XSLT processor. As I have said previously in this forum: if you know which extension exactly is requred for that and how to install it, please give some kind of instructions somewhere.Without XSLT, you would have to use PHP in it's place. But the code would get vast.
  2. Well, try theese things (a different host for starters) and then we shall see.As for the html extension. I meant the XML and/or XSLT. In other words: don't know. I haven't got such problems.
  3. Or if I could put it more simply:XML- data.XSLT or any server side scripting language- data to structureXHTML- structureCSS- presentation
  4. Most probably, google hasn't configured the XSLT MIME types, and because of this, Firefox (which cares about MIME types unlike IE) tryes to get the file instead of reading it.Try remaing your XSLT files with XML extensions. If that doesn't work... try using html extensions or something.
  5. I think it's more likely that they visit sites such as W3Schools and get the list from the menu .
  6. It's worth the effort in the end, but on the way, it will seem as it isn't.It's a great way to organize the site. I'm glad you actually realized the logic behind it. You can keep common data in one file. More specific data in other files and per page content in their own respective files. Download times will be reduced, scince the common data is cached the same way as CSS stylesheets are.The only drawbacks are that the page won't be accesable for browsers who don't support XML and XSLT, and you won't be able to validate your page scince it's not actual XHTML but XML styled with XSLT. The only way to avoid this is a server side script that would execute the transformation, but then you lose the data caching.
  7. Small correction(s): it's spelled XHTML .And yes. It depends what phones you are looking after. WML is supported by every internet enabled phone but it doesn't have much features. XHTML is supported by every MODERN phone with internet. You may use every XHTML scrict and every CSS as you would be doing on a computer screen, but you'll have to do it for small screens after all. Some BRAND NEW phones are even able to render other things such as SVG for example, but that's another story .
  8. Actually, no. It requres some kind of extension before you are even able to run any code for the XSLT processor. I don't know what extension exactly is needed and how to install it. If you're able to figure it out by going through the manual or something, please let me know.
  9. I tryed using two of theese scripts today. Only the last one called gets rendered. How come ? I mean... they target different pairs of XMLs, XSLTs and containers (both divs), both are in their own files and called with the scr attribute of the script element. What could be wrong ?
  10. W3C has a Schema validator. However, they don't have XML or XSLT validators. The only way you could validate an XSLT would be to get it's XHTML output via server side scripting language and validate it instead.
  11. The order of the pseudo classes is wrong. It must be exactly like this to work: a:link {text-decoration:none; color:gray;}a:visited {text-decoration:none; color:gray;}a:hover {text-decoration:none; background-color:#C7C7C7;}a:active {text-decoration:none; color:gray;} That's why I prefer not to use the :link pseudo class. You can't go wrong with it.[edit] I think so Jonas... That's why as I said, I prefer not to use it .[/edit]
  12. See the source code of this page, and you'll see for yourself that it won't work. Entities are THE way to go.
  13. An important thing to note is that the method Jonas describes is going to style your menu through every page. However, if you want to change data, you would have to use some third language that would force a single data to appear everywhere. It could be a server side include, XSLT executed with JS and so on.
  14. Try to use "times" instead(notice the small starting letter). If not, you could always use serif instead. As far as I know, Times New Roman is generic serif font, but I'm not sure.
  15. boen_robot

    XML Link

    <HTML><xml id="cdRecord" src="record.xml"></xml><TABLE dataSrc="#cdRecord" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="2" width="100%" border="0" height="70"> <tr><td><A dataFld="FullName" href="topic.asp?dataFld=&FullName"> Cannot link to King Manchester from record.xml </a></td><tr></TABLE></HTML> If it doesn't work, try making an empty span inside the anchor and apply the dataFld attribute to it instead.
  16. It's probably too late. In fact, I'm sorry that I forgot this topic, but you should see PMXHT (Praetje's Method of XML to HTML Translation ) for the solution.
  17. boen_robot

    XML Link

    Some of the attributes don't have quotes. Either that, or you are using Firefox or Opera. Data Islands are not avaiable for any other browsers after all.
  18. What happens instead? The script is displayed as plain text? Where is it from? Another file? In the XSLT file directly? Aanother file imported with the src attribute in the XSLT? Else?
  19. Just four letters: XSLT . It holds the answer to every of your questions and a lot more.
  20. Just for the protocol. I see "exeption occured" every time there's something wrong in the XSLT. Are you sure your XSLTs are ALL correct? If any of the used ones is wrong, this would crash the whole thing, so it would be pretty obvious why do you see such error.
  21. You must use entity codes to write the special XHTML characters. Forum boards such as this have a PHP file that automatically transforms special characters into entities, but without it, you must manually type for example > every time you need to write >.I can't say anything about the scrollbars though.
  22. The only way I know is a server side scripting language(PHP, ASP(.NET), Cold Fusion, etc.). There's no way by using client side technologies only. If there was, then XML's security would be critical.
  23. boen_robot

    XML Storage

    In my point of view, MSAccess is useless anyways, but that's only my opinion.XML is not meant for replacing a database engine such as Access or MySQL. It's suppose to be used everywhere you would rather include only plane text on the visual parts of the site. The reson being to "separate data from presentation". Such thing would be for example a menu. Instead of making a server side include, you could store all the presentation for it in the ASP file (or in XSLT and use ASP to execute it- that's what I would prefer) and keep all the data in XML. When you want to add/edit/remove a menu item, you would only edit that easy-to-read-file, instead of going deeply into the whole system's hard-to-read-and-find core.
  24. Conditional statements maybe? <xsl:if test="EmployeeName=Joe"> If you would like to have more than one employee selected, there are several ways to do this. I would personally go to grouping the table row in another template and use the "apply-templates" element to apply it for every desired employee.
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