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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. Wow. Never heared of this element before. I learned my lesson here (despite the fact that you were the one asking) .
  2. That's exatly what I meant when I said that I haven't figured out how you can add xsl refernce in the XSLT. If you add it the ordinary way (the way you have done) then it's not the final output that is styled, but the XSLT itself is transformed.The only possible way I can currently think of is to bind a server side script in the XSLT and execute the transformation with a server side script as well. This way, the output should have the final output + the server side "deeds" which in our case is the reference.As for "the way BBC Sport do it", I think they fill the feed manually, considering the xml entension. That is certanly a way you can't go wrong with .
  3. An RSS feed only contains short descriptions about the article, it's name and a link to it. The actual content is held on the site itself. So technically speaking, all "new" thing you need is to learn RSS and post a link to the file on the proper page(s) on your site. Of course, you'll have to update the file when there's a new article. You could automate this process if you write and post your articles through a server side script which adds the proper RSS content to the feed and posts the article (that's what theese "bloggers" are good for).
  4. RSS is actually a plain XML document. By putting a reference to the XSLT file that transforms the custom XML to RSS, you are practically making XML to XML transformation, or in other words: no actual visual information.What I would suggest is to somehow put a reference to another stylesheet in the XSLT file so that it appears in the output (damn it... haven't really figured how is that going to happen).Also, try to check if your <xsl:output> is set to method="xml". If it's "html" or "text" instead, it's quite obvious why you see only plain text.By the way, it would be really good if you could a server side scripting language to generate the actual RSS file. This should make it good for some incufficient RSS readers.
  5. Well, I think that's what the generate-id() function actually is about. I mean, just look at it's example... The only "tricky" think is that you must apply that function where you want the IDs to be used, which in this case means some FO element (I think "basic-link" is the one).
  6. Simply use the <xsl:comment> in the place of the start and end of the XHTML comments.
  7. I agree for the DNS suggestion and like aspnetguy I'm totally against the idea of allowing guests to post. Besides the reasons aspnetguy pointed out, allowing guests to post means a lot of spam, because there's no true bot protection this way. I know few forums that allow guests to post and they were filled with a lot of spam at one point. So they were forced to imply a GOTCHA method if a guest was posting a message and a GOTCHA method when registering. Ugly sight...
  8. After a bit of a struggle, my friend was able to implement this script and even added the feature that the submit button isn't acceable until the form is filled .There was an option I suggested which is probably not going to be useful here, but it's going to be on other parts of the forum where this script is going to be used...Is there a way that when the user clicks on a certain filled field, he would demove the numbers from that field and the ones after? Example:Date 1From 2Subject 3Title 4If I wanted to keep the Date first and From second, but I wanted to alrer the order of the other. I can click "reset" but this would mean I would also have to set the previous options as well. Again I say this not tha much urgent nor at this point usefull. Just a thought .
  9. The reason might have been that you have used/seen the examples with VBScript which because is Microsoft specification is not that well supported in other browsers. Not to mention that IE and FF use different objects to access XML data. Or you might have just tryed data islands? Nevermind...
  10. This doesn't make much difference you know. Sample XMLs are essential in order to see what happens to what. I don't have experience with the xsl:copy element, but I don't think I can't without some kind of proper XML for the XSLT to transform.
  11. Well, my friend said it's not going to work, but he wasn't that final either. He'll see it sometime today. Whatever happens, I'm going to stash this script if don't mind. I like it .
  12. I just happened to have installed myself a new antivirus software, and I decided to test it against the Shields UP! test. I didn't knew the link so I went to the web security page. Imagine my surprise when I realized the link to the Shields UP! test is not there anymore. After I made a search, I found Google's cached page which did had the link.Just to ensure myself, I bookmarked the test. But why did W3Schools removed that link on the first place? Was it some kind of advertisment which the advertiser didn't payed for?
  13. Well, one thing is for sure... if it's possible, the user is going to have to download the needed modules, which is not something that most users would like. Why do you need to use those parsers anyway? MSXML parser is a pretty good one.
  14. You muse specify the encoding in which the non-latin characters are in the XML declaration. See XML encoding for details. Any unicode characters should be able to work. If you want to have non-latin character's in elements' names, you must also ensure that the parser(browser or a server side scripting language) is supporting them. How, I can't tell. I'm used to writing latin element names.
  15. XQuery is wisely popular because it has many features over XPath, but it's not used because it's not a reccomendation yet. The interest in it however is very strong and I think that such GUIs you want to make would be avaiable as soon as browsers support XSLT 2.0 which is going to use XQuery along with XPath to get data from XMLs.As for releasing such an application at this state... it might be good to start it's core but you shouldn't get all the details right, scince the specification isn't even complete. Which reminds me... in order to build such an application, you would need to have a perfect understanding of all XQuery's abilities. In order to learn all abot them, see XQuery's specifications.From what I understand, you want to have what MS Access is to SQL, but to XML instead, right? Well, here comes our second problem. How is the user going to see the results of it's selection? SQL databases are suppose to be tabular, but XML documents are suppose to be plain text. That is something I can't help you with, simply because I'm used to writing XPath expressions "manually".
  16. To "read" PHP files, you don't need anything. PHP is processed on the server and returns only (X)HTML for the browser to read.If you need to create or should I say "use" PHP files and use their abilities on a host, that host has to support PHP. If it does, all you need to do is place a file containing PHP scripts. If it doesn't you can't make anything to enable PHP.If you want to turn your own PC into a server so it can process PHP files you need to either download all-in-one server packs such as the above mentioned easyphp or something else such as XAMPP for example, or you can download the server's components (Apache, PHP, MySQL) one by one and assamble them, which is harder, but does give you more control of everything.
  17. Initially I was thinking about not having them, but if they are removed, this means you won't be able to "change your mind" without submitting the form first. Let's say the menus look like this: |Date| |From| |Subject| |Title| The user changes changes From to Date. At that point, the drop down menus should look like this: |From| |Date| |Subject| |Title| Scince Date was already present as a selection to the first drop down menu, the script should look for something else, it may find Subject and see it's avaiable as a selection inside the third menu, and therefore try something else. The same may be repeated for Title. It then finds From, which is not selected anywhere else, therefore it switches the value of the previously repeated Date to From.
  18. I know we are not suppose to request full scripts, but I'm really not good with JavaSciprt at all. Besides, what I want is for a friend of mine's site (though I would probably use this as well).So the issue I have is that, if we have (let's say) 4 drop down menus, each containing the same options. Could JavaScript detect a change in one of the menus and change this option from the other menu if it's the one selected?The idea is to have a script for changing different table columns' order. An example- the options in the drop down menus are Date, From, Subject and Title. Each drop down menu if looked without JavaSciprt contains theese in the same order (or not? If it's a requrement for a smooth work, it could be done). If I would like Date to appear second, I would go to the second menu and select Date from it. The script should detect the change and change all other "Date"s to some option which isn't repeated on other fields. If I go to the other fields and select the Date inside them, this would again change the Date from the second dropdown menu to another option which hasn't been yet selected.PHP would be used to verify the data anyway, so this isn't urgnent nor insecure (if the user has turned JavaScript off). It's all for the sake of user's comfort .
  19. By using CSS. either inline or a separate one. Example for inline one: <a href="#" style="color:red;">link text</a>
  20. I think that's what Different CMS(Content Management System)s are used for. Only to share a lot of information without any more "detailed" needs for desingn, functionality and so on.If you do need to have your own design and functionality, you could use Server Side Scripting to select and include the content of specific HTML inside the current page by using a GET variable to select the proper content.Considering that you just want to share information, it might be better to go with the CMS solution though.
  21. According to the XSL functions description on the PHP home site, the extension is built in, but it requres the libxslt to be installed and to add the argument --with-xsl[=DIR] to my configure line. I downloaded the library, but how do I install it? And where the heck is that configuration line? Is it somewhere in the php.ini file? If so, where?
  22. Try to add <xsl:template match="/"><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:template> The match of "/" is usually the piece needed to invoke the rest of the templates by the apply-templates elements.If this doesn't help, could you please provide a sample XML. I seem to be unable to get used to your schema, so if you have a sample valid XML file, this would help the investigation .
  23. Normally, a program such as Internet Explorer, MS Word, Windows even or any other kind of application that you can imagine is compiled into files which only the OS can read and manipulate. Their functions and all are predefined by the author and "packed" into the respective files.When a program is Open Source however, the code from which the application was compiled, is avaiable to the public. That way, everyone who has skills in the used language (most often C++) can edit every major and minor aspect of the application and recompile his new version.I personally don't care for open source-nes scince I don't have C++ skills anyway though .[edit] Yes. Linux is oper source. That's why there are so many versions of it, each with it's own specifics. [/edit]
  24. Well, scince we are taliking XML stuff, I guess the XML forum is the right spot, but you already started the topic here, so let's see the issue and if we could solve it. I read XSLT mentioned... I might be able to assist if so. However, I haven't even heared of this eXist though.
  25. boen_robot

    Line Feed

    Whatever that Line Feed is, I don't think it's any W3C reccomendation. It looks more like some kind of Microsoft's XML specification. So XML files COULD contain such thing it's not something that SHOULD exist in any other XML based file I think.
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