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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. I saw the DOCTYPEs which the W3C validator supports and guess what- XHTML Mobile is not among them... Use strict instead. Mobile phones support it anyway .
  2. Well no wonder then. Absolute positioning as far as I know places the element on the specified pixels from the screen's top left edge no matter where in the code it is. Make it relative or adjust the pixels properly.
  3. What are the class's properties? We are talking CSS problem here after all.
  4. It would be A LOT easier to understand XQuery if you know XPath scince XPath is part of XQuery's syntax. Tutorials and "try it" examples are avaiable on W3Schools. You will then be perfectly comfortable with XQuery's spesifics, though I presume that you'll ask yourself a lot of questions when you learn them, but that's another thing.Or do you actually already know them but you want to increase productivity? Hmm... I don't know. Perhaps theese tools are the only ones avaiable, scince XQuery is not even a reccomendation yet.
  5. Before seeing this site, I didn't believe things such as Opera being the fastest browser, but now I do .At a resolution of 1280x1024 there is a repetition of the left... um.. navigation, but without the buttons. That's on all browsers.You have used many deprecated HTML attributes and because of that, not only the site looks awful without CSS, but also, the things load a bit funcky...Instead on using JavaScript for the menu, try to use the :hover pseudo class instead and make both images (for idle and on mouse over) be in one image, which would be pushed down (a very frequently used technique). For some text which you have included in pictures could have been done with plain text I think.By the way, one question. How did you made the picture with the guy wearing classes to load backwards (from bottom to top) ?
  6. Perhaps if you rename the XHTML tags to RSS ones?
  7. There is an option to show the results as posts you know... the bottom right corner ?
  8. Shouldn't this be in the browser discussion topic? Merge?Anyway... nice references.
  9. It works fine with me (no CSS attached). Perhaps a <br /> after the <img />?
  10. I'm not sure I understand your point... a site doesn't change the user's resolution after all. It only adjusts itself to the user's resolution. And you can adjust sizes with CSS(width and height properties) and give them absolute values (pixels). However, for the sake of flexibility (editing only one file for all resolutions), try to use more relative sizes (percentages).
  11. I don't see what you need the <xsl:value-of select="." /> scince the picture element is empty, but if it must be like that, so be it. As for the alt text. If it must appear in both the image and below the image: <xsl:template match="picture"> <xsl:value-of select="."/> <xsl:variable name="src" select="@src"/> <xsl:variable name="class" select="@class"/> <xsl:variable name="alt" select="@alt"/> <img src="{$src}" class="{$class}" alt="{$alt}"/> <xsl:value-of select="$alt" /></xsl:template> If it must appear only below the image, you can always remove the variable and place @alt at the last <xsl:value-of /> instead.
  12. That's what the <xsl:comment> is used for: <xsl:template match="comment"> <xsl:comment> <xsl:apply-templates/> </xsl:comment></xsl:template> The difference here is that the <!-- and --> mark the coment inside the XSLT document itself. And <xsl:comment> marks that the content inside it suppose to be outputed as a comment marked with the above.
  13. boen_robot

    Onwards from HTML

    Those in this forum who know me already know what I'll say, but I'll still say it, because I think of more unprejudiced way of saying it :First come the common things such as (X)HTML, CSS and XML. That's the thing that all interested should know. From then on there are many things that sometimes collide with each other- client side ways and server side ways.Client side ways- This includes client side languages such as JavaScript and VBScript. Between theese two, JavaScript is THE ultimate way to go with. Besides scripting, client side ways also includes XSLT and other XML based languages, each having it's quite interesting in my opinion abilities.Server side ways- Includes SQLs and server side scripting languages. MySQL/MSSQL/Oracle for storing data and server side scripting language(not only PHP but also ASP(.NET), Cold Fusion, JSP, Perl and many others) for not only manipulating that data but also for... well... let's say for everything. Even client side ways have their (possible) eqivalents in server side scripting. Server side scripting is the ultimate tool in a big project.In order to be able to efficiantly create sites, you would need to know the common trio, at least one client side and at least one server side way. I personally don't know any server side language yet, and I'm not at all good with JavaScript either.So I'm a newbie unfortunatly but hey, I started only last summer and I already know a lot more than most of my friends who are also interested and have began sooner then me .
  14. I already know the answer. It won't work, because "<" and ">" are invalid inside elements including atribute values. Replacing them with entities is going to make only plain text.Creating "invalid" XSLT code is what I think we can call the holy grail of XSLT .
  15. Noooo. Data Islands are only supported in IE. It may seem as the easiest method, but it's the worst. They are what I like to call "web mistakes", simillarly to the <font> tag. It seems convinient at first (direct XML to XHTML binding) but then you realize it's drawbacks, such as the lack of conditionals, advanced XPath expresions, etc.As for server side scripting... if you have ASP or Cold Fusion, you may use it to execute the XSLT. This would make the transition between the above method and the new one a lot easier. If php, you would use PHP's XML functions + other PHP functions (in short: a lot of code) for the same purpose that XSLT has and use includes at the proper place. Using XML and XSLT and execute them with a server side scripting language is the best method in my opinion, but please, don't even get started with Data Islands.
  16. You may create an XSLT stylesheet to transform the XML into a menu (execuse my disdesire to show you how would it look) and use this code to place it properly.
  17. I guess that what you are showing is part of the XSLT which is actually inside a <script> element, right? If so, you'll need to surround all of your javaScript code inside CDATA section.
  18. Databases provide the ability to place different content on many pages and relate it to different other datas. The easiest way to illustrate this is MS Acces. If you could give it a try, you'll easily figure out the usefullness of data relationships.Example:An employee list. In one table you have their UIN (Unique Identification Number) and three fields for their three names. In a second table you have multiple phone numbers. Few of them however, may refer to a single employee (for example: home phone and cell phone). In order to make the connection, you would write their UIN in the table with the phones too by writing the UIN to each phone number. From there on, you may define a query to get all the numbers for a certain NAME and that name will show the numbers by using the predefined UIN connection.The explanation above is about relational type databases. Both MS Access and MySQL are such types of databases.And here comes the other explanation.-SQL is a language for querying data in databases.-MySQL is a database... um... platform... which stores data in relational type databases and uses the SQL language for querying them.You need PHP in order to actually connect to MySQL on the first place. There are premade applications for filling manually the data such as PHPMyAdmin, but that's another thing.So the "big deal" is that you use PHP to place the data, manipulate forms, etc. or in short: functionality. And you use MySQL for data storage, so it's always avaiable everywhere.[edit]@Little Goat MSSQL is just another database platform made by Microsoft. You may say it's actually Microsoft's equivalent to MySQL. [/edit]
  19. Тhe $ sign is used to access variables and parameters. Or to be exact- it specifies that what you adress is a variable or parameter. The name of the variable is written right after it so everything the variable returns in the end is written at that spot. Parenthesis are used around the sign and the name when the variable is called inside an attribute's value.Scince you can't have a <xsl:value-of> inside an attribute's value, but you can have a variable applyed inside, the <xsl:variable> is the only possible tecnique when it comes to empty elements such as <img />. In other cases, you could also use the <xsl:attribute>, but even then, the <xsl:variable> method (used above) remains better in most cases.[edit] I did recenly saw a usage of the <xsl:element> element with a child of <xsl:attribute> which is a possible solution too, but this method does remain more comfortable. [/edit]
  20. Perhaps it's some kind of Microsoft's specification (again). Try to run the same thing on another browser. If it doesn't work, it's truly this. If it does work... perhaps complex JavaScript is the way it was done.
  21. Is your IE built different then the latest one? Go to Help>About Internet Explorer and see if you have the following: If old browser version is not the problem, try to check your security settings and/or set them to default ones.
  22. Do I have the wrong idea, or are you trying to achieve the impossible? Data Islands are not a cross browser feature scince they are not part of any (X)HTML specification, but exist only in Microsoft's one. Therefore it's only avaiable for IE.
  23. boen_robot

    Select Nodes

    Data Islands don't have conditionals or anything. The only way you have chance achieving something with it would be by some complex JavaScript. Not to mention it works only with IE anyway.A lot easier way would be few conditionals in XSLT but then other problems for initiating it may arise.
  24. The case with IE is too much different then with WMP. You can use IE to find an alternative to WMP but you can't use Windows alone to find an alternative browser.The only workaround for this would be for Microsoft to "submit" themselves by offering direct "one click" download buttons for Fire Fox and Opera and let other browser developers submit their creations by first downloading one of the two and then go to their site.However, as you can all realize, that will never happen. If microsoft let's other people control the browser, they will have to go along with their standart, instead of them making the rules. If they don't make the rules, they risk to loose more then the browser.
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