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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. At one time I "accidently" got to 1044.5 on the bloody one of course.
  2. Aren't there some instructions in the skin's package or on the site on which you got the skin from?
  3. There are many "close" sites. If you make any mistake while typing yahoo.com or microsoft.com, it's likely that you will get into some really odd place. It's completely normal and all .
  4. Hello. As many of you have realized many times, either by browsing the forum or by looking at all the tutorials, that there are many incomplete tutorials and/or references at W3Schools. This is completely normal and I don't blame W3Schools for that.The idea of this topic I have in mind is for you to say in what order would you like different additions on the site to be made. When the topic starts to get crowded, I expect W3Schools' staff to look at it, so they could know what they should concentrate on and adjust their priorities.The legend in my priorities I intend to use is as it follows:A new tutorialA big addition to existing tutorialShould be a small edition to an existing tutorialI advise you to use it in your posts as well, but you decide of course .And my priorities are of course in order of most important(for me) to least important:1. Addition to the XSLT tutorial about variables and attributes (already suggested to kaijim) and perhaps some detailed presentation of the document() function.2. .htacces tutorial.3. SVG tutorial expansion for animation, binding with XLink and other XML technologies, usage of JS to manipulate SVG, sample of SVG created from transforming XML with XSLT, completing the reference, etc.4. Completing the Schema reference and making some tutorial additions until the Schema tutorial becomes as detailed as the DTD one (well... there are some thing such as "entities" which aren't described in the Schema but are present for DTD).5. More detailed PHP tutorial with more useful examples.6. Cold Fusion tutorial.7. Completing the PHP reference with differences for PHP4 and PHP5.8. Adding an Opera and Safari compatability in the CSS reference.9. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tutorial.10. Voice XML tutorial.I'll add more if I think of any. Even if what you want is listed here, write it in your priorities especially if they are in a different order .
  5. boen_robot

    Hey guys

    And what are we suppose to say here ?[edit] Yeah, I know, and my post is sarcastic, due to explainable reasons. Jonas was more direct then me in this matter. [/edit]
  6. It all depends on what characters you need. I personally use UTF-8 for english content and windows-1251 for Cyrilic (Bulgarian) content pages. Each of the ISOs and other encodings specify characters, relevant to the targeted alphabet and/or other specific symbols.
  7. You are all speaking as you've never seen Flash animations before. I can't believe you .There's already a topic in the Flash forum for Flash vs HTML and it's clear that Flash sites will never replace HTML. Infact, I think that soon enough, Flash will start dieing slowly and SVG will start taking over the world. It's just a matter of a good SVG animator... I don't know about you, but the only SVG animators (note: Animators can animate, Editors can make static graphics) I know are based on SVG Tiny which is a thing that makes designers flee away.Flash loads slow, it can only be edited with Macromedia Flash Professional, it has it's own language called ActionScript which is needed for "advanced" actions, etc. etc. making it the worst possible choise for site making.
  8. I'm not sure, but I think that by placing xmlns without :some-kind-of-extension you are killing the XSLT namespace, because by placing the xmlns you are making every child of <xsl:styleshhet> use the namespace www.mine.com instead of making every element which begins with xsl be part of the XSLT stylesheet.As for the irrelavant schema... I have no idea.
  9. I'm glad my offered structure worked and I hope you will always remember to use it. But I must say I just worked on this challenge again (the fact that your issue is solved with a completely new XML is not a thing which will make me sleep while thinking "job well done") and I finally got it perfectly. The following XSLT will output exactly what you wanted. Suggest it if someone has the same problem with already huge database (I understand that yours was just a test, but an already huge XML file is not something a user will thing to alter). <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:template match="/"> <html> <body><table> <tr> <td>Pets</td> <td>Amount</td> </tr><xsl:for-each select="/pets/*"> <tr> <td><xsl:value-of select="local-name(current())" /></td> <td><xsl:value-of select="current()" /></td> </tr></xsl:for-each> <tr> <td>Total</td> <td><xsl:value-of select="sum(pets/*)" /></td> </tr></table></body> </html></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>
  10. The only kind of control which I could think of is to load backgrounds (including header images) as CSS backgrounds, scince the CSS loads before the actual <img /> elements. If there are JavaScript called images in the head section, they will be loaded before the <img />s as well. JavaScript called images will be loaded after the <img />s I think.Of all the things above I'm only sure about the CSS backgrounds though.
  11. W3Schools' staff (kaijim) has mentioned before that they want to concentrate on filling up the content of the site. Currently, the site looks good in all browsers and people with disabilities are not the targeted audience, so this is also a factor which shouldn't be put with a priority.
  12. boen_robot

    Image in CSS

    You should look into the CSS reference before you ask such global questions but anyway...The Width and Height property should be used to specify the size of the picture. You may encounter problems if you use relative sizes though.If the image is going to be used for a designing purpose, you can use the background-image property to place it as a background to some element.Any CSS property, which is not targeted specifically to text (such as the color property) can also be used for images. It all depends on what you need the image(s) for.
  13. I would suggest that you forget about this, unless you don't think of drawing much traffic to your site. As the web building tutorial explains, server computers are more powerful then the ones we've got. Therefore, they are able to serve a lot more people than what a single home PC could. Anyway, to answer your questions.1. If you are not behind a NAT router or anything, you probably already have a static IP adress. Turn on apache and tell some friend of yours to type in your IP. If he/she sucseeds in opening the home page you have provided, then it's clear that you have a static IP.Note: if you have a domain name, it's not always necessary to have a static IP. Some domain registars offer tools that will keep track of your IP and redirect the domain to the new one. This is useful if you were using Dial-Up connections, but it won't work if you are behind a NAT router.2. DSL connection is good enough to serve you and your friends and family perhaps. It all matters on what is your upload speed. A client may have a speed of 30kb/s but if your upload speed is 10kb/s he/she will be unable to reach the limits of 30kb/s. And if there are many people, your upload speed of 10kb/s will be shared among them, making your pages load even slower.3. It all depends on the router's settings application. There is no standartized way that we can point you to. If you are behind a router, then this means you don't have a real IP, therefore it would have to be set so that http requests to it's IP would be redirected to your PC, instead of being handled by the router itself.4. If you use that PC for anything else, then this might make everything you do avaiable to other people. You must manage which folders are shared well, or otherwise you might get into situation which one password is enough for someone to completely take over your computer. Also there are viruses and trojans going through port 80 and others, so you should have a Firewall on your PC that would stealth all of your ports when there are no requests for pages. I personally use Norton Internet Security and I'm very pleased with it's Firewall and all.5. I don't know about "cheapest" but http://www.no-ip.com/ offers the tools for IP to DNS tracking for which I pointed above.6. Your provider might not let you do it, because if something happens to you, you might endanger the whole ISPs network. Good ISPs have good tools for tracking if there are infected people in their network and automatically disable their internet. It is then your responsibility to clean your computer and tell the ISP to turn on your internet again. There is also another possibility. The host might provide some kind of paid webhosting. If you were able to run a server on your PC, this makes you it's competition and the ISP wouldn't want that.
  14. I haven't tryed doing such things, but even if you could create such kind of code, you'll still need a server side script (or something) to execute the whole thing. You can't actually get the output without executing the code. Using XSLT can only visualize the things you want.
  15. boen_robot

    xml book

    Considering that (as mentioned above) Dreamwaver 8 uses it at a reference, yes, I would say that it should be good enough.
  16. margin: 0 auto; or text-align: center; didn't worked?
  17. boen_robot

    xml book

    I don't, but personally I think that W3Schools' tutorials cover pretty much everything you need to know. All the rest is covered on other sites and references such as O'REALLY or whatever was the reference in Dreamwaver called.Exclusion to all you point is XML with MySQL DB, but such things are covered in tutorials too I think. There's no point for a book. That's my point.
  18. <xsl:variable name="type" select="1stElement/2ndElement/@type " /> I think this should do it. Use the XPath tutorial next time.
  19. I don't think such tutorial should be considered a priority though. There is not much into SEO stuff. There just a few things you need to know.1. Register yourself within the engines, instead of waiting them to find you. That's already described in the Web Search setction of the Web Building tutorial.2. Write as clean and meanigful code as possible. Search engines place h1s with a priority over a plain text for example.3. Write appropriate keywords and descriptions. Giving some extra is a good thing as long as it isn't too far from the subject of the site.4. The only way to beat all the previous criterias is to have links to your pages from other sites. A page which is listed in already high ranked pages like Yahoo!'s and Microsoft's will be displayed far above than a page listed only inside some not well known site.Of cource, there are some details to all of theese, but considering the last criteria, there's no point of knowing them.
  20. Wasn't the topic about the weird code? Anyway, back to the topic... I think that xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" is some kind of Microsoft's version of XSLT perhaps. As for why it was used on the first place... I have no idea.
  21. Haha. Bull######garia. That's a good one . By the way, you are not the second from eastern europe here (I think). You are just the second one from eastern europe who pinned himself on the map here . Oh, and don't blame aspnetguy for his post. He was right to say that. I was going to say the same thing if you were reffering to any other country .
  22. boen_robot


    What is actually that application? Is it editable? If so, post it's code. If not (as I suspect) there isn't anything you could do except make your own application by making an appropriate XSLT file.
  23. boen_robot


    So what exactly is the problem if there is a premade application which would transform this XML data into an XHTML table?
  24. boen_robot

    Blog Project

    It could be perl, but I personally height it. It's old and some say it's slow.Try either ASP, ASP.NET, PHP or Cold Fusion. Theese are the best server side languages in my opinion.But if you don't want them, yes... perl will do it.
  25. Try not using the fn: prefix. By the way, I do get that error also. Not using the prefix helps on only some of the XPath functions.
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