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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. I think a DTD and schema could be transformed scince they are XML documents by nature.count() is an XPath function which returns the number of the nodes inside it. What you have done gives errors for 2 reasons:1. There isn't anything to do after the counting. Imagine that the result of the counting is 3. Then the test would look like test="3". This isn't a true conditional expression.2. The argument inside the count() is not valid. You must specify the different items. Like "count(item1,item2)".
  2. I'll be honest with you: I height flash! SVG is the real deal . But it's usage is also not the best usage possible. I (think I) vored for HTML only (If not- I would like to change my vote ) and use SVG when there should be some interactivity.
  3. Theese two issues solved.I see many others, but I edited only the most critical of them and few simple ones, because I'm bored .The solution for the "contact us" button was to remove one of the divs. It was the first thing to come to my mind and it worked . By the way, remove the "contact us" from the background image. Otherwise, if you add something, you would also have to change the background. There's no point of it.To center a text you type "text-align: center". To center the element itself you do "margin: 0 auto;". I used them both and it worked because of the text-align. You may edit/remove the margin, but I suggest to leave it just in case you make some additions to the layout.Here's a tip(W3C QA tip): use appropriate class names. Name things according to their purpose. Next time, don't use things like white10pxVerdana. What if you would like to change that font everywhere it's used? You go manually? What for? If you have appropriate name, you can just edit it in the CSS file once and that's it.Anyway...index.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:output method="html" encoding="iso-8859-1" doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" doctype-system="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"/><xsl:template match="/"><!-- // The Twin Snakes Comic is Copyirght Siew Yi Liang and Chew Zhao Ying 2006. All Rights Reserved. // Site design and layout 'Mono' created by SonicTK of Intelligent Productions. // By viewing this website, you agree not to hold the authors and their affiliates responsible for any content that you may find deragatory// or otherwise offensive. // --><!-- Begin index.html //--><html><head><title>The Twin Snakes - We Make Life Just That More Miserable To Endure.</title><!-- Retrieve styles.css from root directory //--><link href="monostyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head><body><div class="content"><!-- Header //--><div class="header"> <img class="contactus" src="images/Mono_MAIN_02.jpg" alt="Contact us" /></div><!-- Navigation //--><div class="navigation"> <img src="images/Mono_MAIN_06.jpg" style="width:8px;" alt="" /> <img src="images/Mono_MAIN_07.jpg" style="width:31px;" alt="" /> <img src="images/Mono_MAIN_08.jpg" style="width:39px;" alt="" /> <img src="images/Mono_MAIN_09.jpg" style="width:40px;" alt="" /> <img src="images/Mono_MAIN_10.jpg" style="width:37px;" alt="" /> <img src="images/Mono_MAIN_11.jpg" style="width:57px;" alt="" /> <img src="images/Mono_MAIN_12.jpg" style="width:44px;" alt="" /> <img src="images/Mono_MAIN_13.jpg" style="width:65px;" alt="" /> <img src="images/Mono_MAIN_14.jpg" style="width:39px;" alt="" /> <img src="images/Mono_MAIN_15.jpg" style="width:48px;" alt="" /> <img src="images/Mono_MAIN_16.jpg" style="width:292px;" alt="" /></div><!-- Spacer //--><div class="spacer" /><!-- End CSS Layout //--><br /><!-- Content Table. All XML and XSLT functions should be defined to suit this area. //--><xsl:for-each select="news/entry"><table width="700" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="grey1pxborder"> <tr> <td> <!-- Reading from news.xml //--> <br /> <div class="white12pxTahoma" align="left"><strong><xsl:value-of select="title" /></strong></div><br /> <div class="grey10pxVerdana" align="left"><xsl:value-of select="post" /></div><br /> <div class="grey8pxVerdana" align="right"><xsl:value-of select="author" /> ranted on <xsl:value-of select="date" /></div> <br /> </td> </tr></table><br /></xsl:for-each></div><br /><br /><!-- Copyright Information //--><div id="copyright" class="grey8pxTahoma">The Twin Snakes Comic is Copyirght Siew Yi Liang and Chew Zhao Ying 2006. All Rights Reserved.<BR />By viewing this website, you agree not to hold the authors and their affiliates responsible for any content that you may find deragatory or otherwise offensive. </div></body></html></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet> monostyle.css too got some adjustments. I moved the layout here, scince CSS files are actually build for that. /* Main Styles Definition CSS Document for Theme 'Mono' By SonicTK of Intelligent Productions 2006.ALL SITE STYLES SHOULD GO IN HERE UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. NO <FONT> TAGS SHOULD BE USED, <DIV> IS TO BE USED AS FAR AS POSSIBLE.Proper way of defining styles: <color><size><type>If style is not of a general category, please place a comment tag and add a space at the end of this CSS document under Misc. Styles.Please define styles in the area that they should go in. KEEP IT NEAT.*/ a:link { color:#3333FF; text-decoration:underline; } a:visited { text-decoration:underline; color:#3366FF; } a:hover { text-decoration:overline; color:#FFFFFF; } a:active { text-decoration:none; color:#3333FF; } .white12pxVerdana { font-family:Verdana; font-size:12px; color:#FFFFFF; } .white10pxVerdana { font-family:Verdana; font-size:10px; color:#FFFFFF; } .white8pxVerdana { font-family:Verdana; font-size:8px; color:#FFFFFF; } .grey12pxVerdana { font-family:Verdana; font-size:12px; color:#CCCCCC; } .grey10pxVerdana { font-family:Verdana; font-size:10px; color:#CCCCCC; } .grey8pxVerdana { font-family:Verdana; font-size:8px; color:#CCCCCC; } .white12pxTahoma { font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px; color:#FFFFFF; } .white10pxTahoma { font-family:Tahoma; font-size:10px; color:#FFFFFF; } .white8pxTahoma { font-family:Tahoma; font-size:8px; color:#FFFFFF; } .grey12pxTahoma { font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px; color:#CCCCCC; } .grey10pxTahoma { font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10px; color:#CCCCCC; } .grey8pxTahoma { font-family:Tahoma; font-size:8px; color:#CCCCCC; } .white1pxborder { border-width:1px; border-color:#FFFFFF; border-style:solid; } .white2pxborder { border-width:2px; border-color:#FFFFFF; border-style:solid; } .grey1pxborder { border-width:1px; border-color:#999999; border-style:solid; } .grey2pxborder { border-width:2px; border-color:#999999; border-style:solid; }/* ---------------------- Other styles ---------------------- <!-- Begin Site CSS layout version 1.01 //-->*/body { margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; background-color: #000000;}div.header { width:700px; height:252px; margin:0px; border:none; background-image:url(images/Mono_MAIN_01.jpg);}.contactus { width:60px; height:9px; margin:0px; border:none; float:right;}div.navigation { width:700px; height:20px; margin:0px; border:0px;}div.spacer { width:700px; height:2px; margin:0px; border:0px; background-image:url(images/Mono_MAIN_17.jpg);}img { border: 0 #000000 solid;}div.navigation img { height: 20px;}#copyright, #content { margin: 0 auto; text-align: center;}
  4. XML is case sensetive. If you access lowercase letters, you would write lowercase letters and if you write uppercase letters, you would access uppercase letters. If you use both cases, you need two codes to excract each cases of data.
  5. In Windows Explorer, go to Tools>Folder Options. Slect the page "View" and Under the folder "Hidden files and folders", select the radio button "Show hidden files and folders. This will show all hidden files except the operating system files. The option for the system files is the second checkbox below. Uncheck it if you would like to see operating system files as well.
  6. Another forum might best fit the description of how I found this site, but still... I voted for "another site" scince it's close enough. The topic there was about usefull learning sites. All of the others were lessons for designers (photoshop mainly) and only w3schools was shown as for web developers. I haven't found any other good tutorials scince, but I don't think I need such either .[edit] It's ironic how a person always fills/does/writes everything except what the others are going to ask/say/tell .[/edit]
  7. I think the site above is "plamenoW" but anyway...I think what playmenow meant (or if not, I'll add it) is different news. Pretty much RSS feeds.Any small application for which you'll need a database could be replace by XML as long as it doesn't requre forms. Especially if it's all done locally, it gets really easy, scince there isn't any "download it all first" issues.One example is the XML file used in the examples. It's practically a small database. It won't get much bigger, scince we're talking about a person's personal collection instead of some kind of a company's entire catalog.
  8. boen_robot


    omg! Where have you learnt SVG from? You already know (a lot?) more then I do (after reading thorugh the SVG tutorial and some of the reference).I can't help you scince this thing has scripts as well. I'm not good with JavaScript and DOM.
  9. boen_robot


    I still don't understand completely (though I think I got the idea)... care to give the code and point the part that's not working?
  10. boen_robot


    I don't know how this clipPath element works, so sorry if that's not what you meant, but... well...In order to use any links, you'll need to know XLink. This example demostrates how to use an XLink inside SVG.
  11. boen_robot

    RSS Feed.

    <channel><title>Blog</title><link>http://www.mywebsite.com/blog</link><description>My Blog </description> This shows an information about the feed itself. What's it's title, where it's allocated and a short description of it. Again I'll say: the feed!each <item> element holds (what it's name implies) each item in your feed, or in other words: each one of the news, each update, each whatever...You just add new <item> elements above the latest one instead of making another file. RSS aggregators automatically find what's new by comparing what they have and what they don't and show it to the user as an unreaded news item.
  12. Well, you thought right. XSLT could be used without server side scripting. Is JavaScript a server side script? No, it's not . Unpolular?!?! What browser you use? IE1 ?There is a third way, but it's not a "valid" way. I think you could call for the XSLT namespace inside the XHTML document and therefore transform the XML inside the XHTML itself. I haven't tryed this, and even if I did- it's not a standart compilant way and because of that, I don't plan to use it and I don't advice you to use it either.By the way, I just thought of an idea... what if you rename the XML files to HTML? They won't be "valid" but if they are called index.html and are inside certain folders, this would hide them, so it won't matter to the end user.
  13. Such internet filters are made so they COULD block everything out of the safe list. If there was a solution, it would have been a bug, which later on would have been fixed I think.
  14. The link you see is CSS3 specification. None of the modern browsers supports it yet. This was shown to see what the (near?) future holds. For now, the way is JavaScript.
  15. Wouldn't this also make FireFox and Opera paid? Also, if only IE is sold this way, a user would buy it and not bother to change it scince he/she has payed for it. On the other hand, if IE was paid, Microsoft were going to turn a bit more attention to it I think.
  16. boen_robot


    wtf?Have you ever read anything of the XML tutorial? XML does not "do" anything. It only stores data. It's up to XSLT to transform that data into XHTML or something.What vb######? What $5 (that last sentence is a joke)?If you want one thing to appear below another... well.... type it below the other? <paragraph> <label>Something</label> <text>some text</text></paragraph> ?
  17. Perhaps the one who said that language is worth knowing was making a joke? Probably meant that it's a "secure" language for communication between him and his/her buddies scince no one else thinks it's worth knowing?
  18. boen_robot

    Gradient color

    I don't think so. At least not in CSS3 I think. I'm not sure though.
  19. Considering that the amount of users using Notepad is the same as Dreamwaver, you shouldn't be that much frustrated about this.I would recommend that you keep your XHTML and CSS inside Dreamwaver and keep relying on it. But when you have to add scripts, try using Notepad for each basic example, practice, practice, practice and so on. Oh, yeah, and don't forget: practice .
  20. Try using WYSIWYG editors such as Front Page or (better yet) Dreamwaver. Of cource, don't get fooled by it's features. Edit every new code within the code box right after you have seen it in the design one and keep it standart compilant.Another thing would be to try and remembver only few basic tags and write a page with them. Then extend your memory by trying to write few other tags at appropriate places and so on.In fact, I don't remember much tags actually. Dreamwaver does it for me. I just have to remember all of the tags specifics and tricky bits .
  21. Well, actually I use Norton Internet Security's Ad Blocker which adds it's own script inside each opened wep page to prevent ANY pop-ups from being shown. As for how don't get caught... some kind of JavaScript code perhaps?[edit=1] Тука започва лека по лека да се пълни с доста българи. С теб ставаме 3ма (до днешна дата) в този форум . [/edit][edit=2] Ти какво... нещо се опитваш да направиш сайт, който ще е анти люзър френдли ли [/edit]
  22. Note that the star hack will not work in IE7 and later. IE7 will however change it's box model (or at least that's what the CSS compatability page said), so if you use the star hack, you should use it ONLY to adjust the box model and not for anything else.
  23. I was thinking... I was wrong. RSS feed is not something for w3schools. Nor is a mailing newsletter though.What I think it might be good would be a "Tricks & Tips" section under each language's reference, which would be filled with the tips collected from the forum, and w3schools staff of course.At the home page, there might be a random tip displayed from any language. Newer tips should be with priority over older ones thoguh . Though a person might not know the shown language, there might be something "generally usefull" or better yet: something that would enspire the person to learn the shown language.If you would like to see "customized" list of tips, you would have to go into the language's tutorial and select the "Tips & Tricks" link which (as mentioned above) would store all existing tips for the desired language.Also, I think there should be some section for "general" Tips & Tricks such as "In what order should I learn languages?", "History of the web" and/or something else.The downside of this is that you won't get notified for new tips though. Or maybe w3schools would think of some mailing list thing... I don't know, but it would be the same to me anyways. I vsit this tite more that often enough. You might say I'm adicted to it .
  24. What do you mean? What can a user adjust on it's browser? Well, practically anything. A user could disable stylesheets, JavaScript, can change font size, choose to display or not to display images, and maybe even more.
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