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Ruud Hermans

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Everything posted by Ruud Hermans

  1. I used the following code for a navigationmenu and was wondering if there is a way to create a 3th layer? <table width="80%"> <tr bgcolor="#585575"> <td onmouseover="showmenu('Hoofdsite')" onmouseout="hidemenu('Hoofdsite')"> <font color="#ffffff">Hoofdsite</font><br /> <table class="menu" id="Hoofdsite" width="120"> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/html/default.asp"><font color="#000000">Hoofdsite</font></a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/html/default.asp"><font color="#000000">Venster1</font></a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/html/default.asp"><font color="#000000">Venster2</font></a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/html/default.asp"><font color="#000000">Venster3</font></a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/html/default.asp"><font color="#000000">Venster4</font></a></td></tr> </table> </td> Ruud Hermans
  2. This tag allows you to dram a line: <hr> Ruud Hermans
  3. Did and edited. Ruud Hermans
  4. Mmm. allmost.If I take a better look at what I think you mean then that is that every specie has a function to make sure things remain the way they are.Yet there is one that doesn't at least not on earth. Every specie gives and takes beside the human race witch only takes from nature and gives nothing in return.*Wondering.....is our purpose to destroy?**reportingsjr...war is only for humans in other cases it's part of survival (see apes). We need it becouse every economy on earth is based on war. Without war there is no work.Ruud Hermans
  5. How can I position a image in sutch a way that I can have text on the left side of it. If I try to do it now the result is that the image ore text is pressed down underneath one an other?Ruud HermansCan't delete the topic but found the solution
  6. Thanks I'll figure it out and come back if I come around any problems.Ruud Hermans
  7. Whats the use in having any species at all??? Ruud Hermans
  8. Yeah, first time I outbeated an old rot.*takes ou the cake. Ruud Hermans (Getting better....lol)
  9. harder one, what's the meaning of life as in having lifeforms???
  10. Try using a Marquee inside a table that can hold 5 of your images.I'm not sure if it will work but I can't think of anything else using html.Ruud Hermans
  11. Concider me an idiot at the moment.....maby I am.....How would I best approuch this issue then so I can have a navigation menu that can overlap the text underneath it couse it would be pretty boring looking at a screen with only a navigationbar on it.Edit. I know I could do it by not using frames but if I need to change the navigationbar in that case I would need to open several pages sinds it needs to be displayed on all pages.Ruud Hermans
  12. The revalidation theory (ore how you write it in English) was discovered by a German genius in maths called David Hilbert.E=MC2 was discovered by Olinto de Prettoen and publicated in 1903 Einstein used his writing in 1905.Ruud Hermans
  13. Advertising a forum is hard. I used to run one based on phpBB for about 1,5 years the problem was that in the first period a lot of people registered (about 500) and started posting. After a while the ammount of new posts went down like every one did their say.Running a forum means you need to come up with new ideas these day's sinds most people allready got their place to go so a regular forum has no chance of surviving.My solution: I edited the back-up files by deleting the MD5 hashed passwords so people couldn't extract the passwords no more using rainbowtables and offered it for download to who where interested in the data (postings) sinds a few people kept trying to keep the forum alive.After that Bzzzzzzzzzz *plug pulling.Ruud Hermans
  14. To make that more scarier we got a few moving black holes in our galaxy and one of them is pretty huge.To get back at the universe expanding witch I read I think on the first page this is called "The big cut" the moment the universe reaches it's maximum width and implodes swallowing everything even time, light and darkness.Makes you wonder.....what's the meaning of life???Btw. Einstein was a fake his o so famous theories where discovered before by others only thing he did was explain them in a way every one could understand.Ruud Hermans
  15. <html><head></head><FRAMESET ROWS="30%,*"> <FRAME SRC="menu.html"> <FRAME SRC="welkom.html"></FRAMESET></html> I'm using the above code for a website, menu.html is a menu based on this the problem I face now is that I can't overlap the frame underneath it so the links that drop down from the navigation menu aren't visible.Is there any way to sort this out?Ruud Hermans
  16. I created a navigation menu with a little help of some nice program I found but for some wierd reason I can't get it to work.This is the CSS I should use (menu_opmaak.css) /* --[[ Main Expand Icons ]]-- */#imenus0 .imeam span,#imenus0 .imeamj span {background-image:url(C:/Program Files/OpenCube/Visual Infinite Menus/icon_library/arrows/light_arrow_down.gif); width:9px; height:6px; left:15px; top:5px; background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top left;}#imenus0 li:hover .imeam span,#imenus0 li a.iactive .imeamj span {background-image:url(C:/Program Files/OpenCube/Visual Infinite Menus/icon_library/arrows/light_arrow_down.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top left;}/* --[[ Sub Expand Icons ]]-- */#imenus0 ul .imeas span,#imenus0 ul .imeasj span {background-image:url(C:/Program Files/OpenCube/Visual Infinite Menus/icon_library/arrows/medium_purple_right.gif); width:6px; height:9px; left:0px; top:3px; background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top left;}#imenus0 ul li:hover .imeas span,#imenus0 ul li a.iactive .imeasj span {background-image:url(C:/Program Files/OpenCube/Visual Infinite Menus/icon_library/arrows/medium_purple_right.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top left;}/* --[[ Main Container ]]-- */#imouter0 {background-color:#585575; border-style:none; border-color:#6a6a6a; border-width:1px; padding:0px; margin:0px; }/* --[[ Sub Container ]]-- */#imenus0 li ul {background-color:#d3d2df; border-style:solid; border-color:#333333; border-width:1px; padding:5px; margin:4px 0px 0px; } /* [Underlayment (Drop Shadow)] */ #imenus0 .imunder {background-color:#a2a2a2; top:3px; left:3px; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=50);opacity:0.50;-moz-opacity:0.50;}/* --[[ Main Items ]]-- */#imenus0 li a {color:#dddddd; text-align:left; font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none; border-style:solid; border-color:#ffffff; border-width:1px; padding:2px 20px 2px 8px; } /* [hover] - These settings must be duplicated for IE compatibility.*/ #imenus0 li:hover>a {} #imenus0 li a.ihover, .imde imenus0 a:hover {} /* [active] */ #imenus0 li a.iactive {}/* --[[ Sub Items ]]-- */#imenus0 ul a {color:#555555; text-align:left; font-size:11px; font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none; border-style:none; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px; padding:2px 5px; } /* [hover] - These settings must be duplicated for IE comptatibility.*/ #imenus0 ul li:hover>a {color:#000000; text-decoration:underline; } #imenus0 ul li a.ihover {color:#000000; text-decoration:underline; } /* [active] */ #imenus0 ul li a.iactive {background-color:#ffffff; } Now when I add it in my page like in this example: <html><head><title>menu</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="menu_opmaak.css" /></head><body><li style="width:145px;"><a href="#">main</a> <div class="imsc"><div class="imsubc" style="width:145px;top:1px;left:0px;"><ul style=""> <li><a href="#">main</a></li> <li><a href="#">about us</a></li> <li><a href="#">more knowledge</a></li> <li><a href="#">more knowledge</a></li> <li><a href="#">more knowledge</a></li> </ul></div></div></li>rest of the page....... The CSS doesn't seem to have any effect on it sinds I just get a listing, no containers nothing.Glad if some one could help me solve this.Ruud Hermans
  17. How can I make it that this has a default value for example "list1" like if it's a button. Witch makes me ask the next question how do I make the arrow on the right dissapear?Ruud Hermans
  18. We'll I could but it's empty. All I get to see is the follwing when I open a MusicTrivia.vbproj.user:<VisualStudioProject> <VisualBasic> <Build> <Settings ReferencePath = "" > <Config Name = "Debug" EnableASPDebugging = "false" EnableASPXDebugging = "false" EnableUnmanagedDebugging = "false" EnableSQLServerDebugging = "false" RemoteDebugEnabled = "false" RemoteDebugMachine = "" StartAction = "Project" StartArguments = "" StartPage = "" StartProgram = "" StartURL = "" StartWorkingDirectory = "" StartWithIE = "false" /> <Config Name = "Release" EnableASPDebugging = "false" EnableASPXDebugging = "false" EnableUnmanagedDebugging = "false" EnableSQLServerDebugging = "false" RemoteDebugEnabled = "false" RemoteDebugMachine = "" StartAction = "Project" StartArguments = "" StartPage = "" StartProgram = "" StartURL = "" StartWorkingDirectory = "" StartWithIE = "false" /> </Settings> </Build> <OtherProjectSettings CopyProjectDestinationFolder = "" CopyProjectUncPath = "" CopyProjectOption = "0" ProjectView = "ProjectFiles" /> </VisualBasic></VisualStudioProject> Ruud Hermans
  19. Just go trough the w3schools tutorials: http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.aspRuud Hermans
  20. Yes, ore I must be blind but if I'm right there should be a tab to that shows the project at least that is how it's displayed in my book. Ruud Hermans
  21. So I presume databe explorer is the saame as server explorer? But about the other question: Ruud Hermans
  22. I hate space it scares me to think about it.Ruud Hermans
  23. Ruud Hermans


    Didn't had mutch time so I only changed a bit of it, still a lot of work that needs to be done on it but at least it's a start and the menu is above the image as you wished.You could put a lot of the code into the Internal Style Sheet.P.s. I changed nothing in this code beside that I centered it sinds I never worked with it myself. <center><div style="font: bold 11px verdana"><a style="border-right: black 2px solid; padding-right: 5px; border-top: black 2px solid; display: block; padding-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; border-left: black 2px solid; width: 300px; padding-top: 5px; border-bottom: black 2px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #eeeeee" href="http://song2play.com/b/bleeding_through-2148/this_is_love_this_is_muderous-8686/sweet_vampirous-113305.html" target=_blank>Bleeding Through - Sweet Vampirous <p><embed name=RAOCXplayer pluginspage=http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/ src=http://song2play.com/play/song_113305.asx width=310 height=45 type=application/x-mplayer2 autoplay="true" controller="true" ShowStatusBar="false" loop="false"></embed></a></p></div> The full code with edites: <html><head><title>Gothic world</title><meta name="generator" content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.2963"><style type="text/css">h1{background:black;color:maroon;font:x-small 20pt "gothic1","verdana"}body{background-image: url('http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/2097/3763519vm3.gif');}p {align=justify}b{style=position:absolute;left:0px;top:90px;font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;</style></head><body><center><p style="font-size:1500%; color:red"; font-family:"blood of dracula">Gothic</center><center><font face="demon" color="gray" size="7"><blink>the teen site</blink></center> <font face="buffied" color="maroon" size="4"><b><center>So,you probably ask yourself-what is this site?who is it's creator-blah blah blah...well-you'll found out,just be patient!</center></b></font><center><font face="creeper" color="red" size="4">HELLO,GOTHIC PEOPLE! THIS IS YOUR HOME....BE YOURSELF....HEHEHEHEHE....</font></center></p><table border="1" align="center"><tr><td><a href="http://www.freewebs.com/gothsexy/myprofile.htm"><font face="verdana" color="red" size="5">Who am I?</font></a></td><td><a href="http://www.freewebs.com/gothsexy/myblog.htm"><font face="verdana" color="red" size="5"> My life</font></a></td><td><a href="http://www.freewebs.com/gothsexy/media.htm"><font face="verdana" color="red" size="5"> Media</font></a></td><td><a href="http://www.freewebs.com/gothsexy/mybuttons.htm"><font face="verdana" color="red" size="5"> Buttons</font></a></td><td><a href="http://www.freewebs.com/gothsexy/myalbum.htm"><font face="verdana" color="red" size="5"> My album</font></a></td><td><a href="http://www.freewebs.com/gothsexy/mybands.htm"><font face="verdana" color="red" size="5"> My favorite bands</font></a></td></tr></table><center><img src="http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/7708/oiyfot9.jpg"></center> <center><div style="font: bold 11px verdana"><a style="border-right: black 2px solid; padding-right: 5px; border-top: black 2px solid; display: block; padding-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; border-left: black 2px solid; width: 300px; padding-top: 5px; border-bottom: black 2px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #eeeeee" href="http://song2play.com/b/bleeding_through-2148/this_is_love_this_is_muderous-8686/sweet_vampirous-113305.html" target=_blank>Bleeding Through - Sweet Vampirous <p><embed name=RAOCXplayer pluginspage=http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/ src=http://song2play.com/play/song_113305.asx width=310 height=45 type=application/x-mplayer2 autoplay="true" controller="true" ShowStatusBar="false" loop="false"></embed></a></p></div></center></body></html> Ruud Hermans
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