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Everything posted by Mudsaf

  1. Mudsaf


    Hello, i've been developing my own shoutbox. Please rate the shoutbox. If you have any improvement ideas please reply here . Currently smileys: [sMILEN][sMILEC][sMILEA][sMILES][sMILEH][GOODNIGHT][ALPHABETS]. I know the alphabets smiley requires bit editing. Link to shoutbox: http://beta.mudsaf.info/shoutbox.php Also forgot to tell that below filters are not done. Norwegian (Couple of words) Danish (Small amount) Swedish (Some) English (Medium amount) Finnish (Alot) If you want to help me add cursewords join channel "Cursewords" & curse all you like. (Not those who doesn't want to see cursing). Also keep filters enabled so you can spot new words. Feel free to use fake-email like asd@asd.com. The styling & functionally is made for Google Chrome browser atm, will edit after for all other browsers. (Other browsers might have some styling issues). Also there seems to be some issue with text-styles that is working on local server (checking it out). Fixed text-styles (Uploaded less database information as possible and it required one which i didn't upload. Table uploaded & script should work. Fixed message area including text if user doesn't have JavaScript enabled. Fixed displaying website structure.
  2. Alright, thanks thescientist
  3. Well if user enters tags example $MyString = '<span style="display:block;" title="WADAP">MyText</span>';strip_tags ($MyString,"<span title>"); //So this would remove the style attribute. Result should look like <span title="WADAP">MyText</span>
  4. Hello, i'm wondering how to striptags span element only allowing title attribute on it.
  5. Mudsaf


    @OldMan Yes you should be able to use. Code below (Make sure your path is correct) <html><head><script type="text/javascript" src="phases.js"></script></head><body><div class="example"><script>document.write(mensage[rand]);</script></div></body></html> JavaScript (Notice that you wont add script tags here) var mensage = new Array( 'example', 'example2'); var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
  6. Mudsaf


    At second one you forgot to close the JavaScript array var mensage = new Array( 'example', 'example2');
  7. Well i made code similar you had few problems there on your code. Example there is no img closing tags like </img> & div width & height entered on style attribute. <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script><script> $(function() {$("#moveim").on('click', function() {$("img").animate({"margin-top":"200px"});});});</script><button id="moveim"> Move creeper down.</button><div style="width:500px;height:500px;"><img src='http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/1_logo.png'></div> Or if you want it to move certain amount down on each click do this. $("img").animate({"margin-top":"+=200px"}); Also i would recommend you to give and ID to image that you're moving because currently it moves all images. Lets say our image id="MyIMG" and make the function working. $("img#MyIMG").animate({"margin-top":"+=200px"});<img id="MyIMG" src='http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/1_logo.png'>
  8. Alright then i suppost jQuery would be better.
  9. Actually the meaning was that i provide flash games that users can play on my website. Below example of dynamic pages 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 So basically those dynamic pages load by default with <a> links, but i'm wondering would jQuery method be better since there would be no page refreshing.
  10. Mudsaf

    [PHP] Replace

    Ah, found PHP5 function. str_ireplace()
  11. Mudsaf

    [PHP] Replace

    I have code like below and i'm wondering how to replace the array if its same even if its the word is written like tHiS. $censorword = str_replace(<PHP_ARRAY>[<CENSORWORD ARRAY>], "*****" , <CONTENT>); I tried $censorword = str_replace(strtolower(<PHP_ARRAY>[<CENSORWORD ARRAY>]), "*****" , strtolower(<CONTENT>)); But the $censorword whole string is lowercase after that.
  12. Hey, how to fix this, i have flash object that gets aligned to left when flash block is enabled, and when disabled its centered.
  13. Hello, i'm wondering should i change my game loading from HTML dynamic pages to jQuery non-refreshing load. HTML + Easily working No JavaScript required to play games. Doesn't make the page slower? <Not sure about this bc jQuery would load all to one page everytime> jQuery + Medium working (Needs JavaScript tho, but who doesn't have JavaScript these days) Cooler loading system + functions also might be more user-friendly. Can do anything!
  14. Have you tried to check if your web-hosting server is preventing large files. Forexample all basic free hosts have PHP upload maxfile size few mb. do phpinfo(); at some of your webpage and check if the web-host isn't preventing that. My php upload file code looks like this $_FILES['<myfile>']['size']/1024/1024) <= 30 //30MB Check PHP.ini .htaccess phpinfo();
  15. https://www.mystuff.org/login?inputEmailHandle=mememe%40gmail.com&inputPassword=123 I don't recommend to use any account information on URL, because all the links will be saved on history and its high security risk. Do logins with POST method instead.
  16. Try to get rid of Dreamweaver, nobody likes it! I suggest notepad++.
  17. Thanks for reply, but usage isn't fair enough for me
  18. Y i see they must be hosted on FreeSmileys.org + not mass smileys, well i can't control that. Well i gotta check other pages
  19. To be sure, i can legally host them on my website?
  20. Mudsaf

    Curseword list

    Hello, does anyone know website where i can get curse word list with languages below. I'm developing curse filter for my website so that's why i need em ^^. English Norwegian Danish Swedish Finnish (Others are optional)
  21. Finally it works, thanks a thousand times :>
  22. smiley = smiley_list.smileyList[i].smileyCode;smiley = smiley.replace("]","]");Returns [SMILEN]
  23. Well how i can turn easily [sMILEN] to /[sMILEN]/ ?
  24. Alright i totally messed the page, now basically everything = smileys (70%) My JSON {"smileyList": [{ "smileyCode":"[SMILEN]" , "smileyURL":"SM0-001.png"}, { "smileyCode":"[SMILEC]" , "smileyURL":"SM0-002.png"} ]} My JavaScript (JSON stored to global variable named smiley_list Javascript i = 0; $.each(smiley_list.smileyList, function() { smiley = new RegExp(smiley_list.smileyList[i].smileyCode, "g"); data = data.replace(smiley,"<img class='sbSmiley' style='vertical-align:middle;' src='script/shoutbox/smileys/" + smiley_list.smileyList[i].smileyURL + "'>"); i++; }); $("#shoutbox_content").html(data); } Seems like its replacing every s with the image? dafuq
  25. var smiley = new RegExp(smiley_list.smileyList[i].smileyCode, "g"); var data = data.replace(smiley,"<img class='" + smiley_list.smileyList[i].smileyCode + "' class='sbSmiley' style='vertical-align:middle;' src='script/shoutbox/smileys/" + smiley_list.smileyList[i].smileyURL + "'>");Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'replace' of undefined
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