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Posts posted by jlhaslip

  1. Simply place all of the possible banners in one folder, have the page read the filenames of all the banners in that folder into an array and randomize the selection of one of those banners from the array. Check the array functions at php.org/com/net, I forget where, exactly they hid all that php info... *wait* ...check at w3schools... !!!*edit*That would be http://www.php.net and try the array_rand() function.

  2. Those are called favicons and they are quite particular about the size of the images and all that stuff. If you go to this site and read this Tutorial, you will find out everything you need to know about them and how to install them on your site. p.s.: they also get used in Modern Browsers when you Bookmark a site... :)

  3. I am not certain of all the gory, technical details on this, but it seems that not all Browsers handle that line of code. So it probably forced your site into 'quirks' mode, which means the design is a best guess rendering and has no consistency between Browsers. The alternative to quirks mode is 'standards compliant' mode, which is 'more consistently displayed' the same between different Browsers.

  4. What is it doing or not doing and what did you expect it to be doing or not doing. Telling us it is not working is not quite enough information. Someone might be able to give you some code that will make the problem go away, but only if I know what the problem is...Do you have a link to a live page, maybe? And a description to what the problem is?Asking us to pursue hypothetical or imaginary problems is about as much of a waste of time as cross-posting in two or more Forums (http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=10877&hl=)... Hint, Hint...

  5. and can you post a link to the page or post the css file for it? Might be something in the file we would need to know about if your problem gets explained as per above. Thanks.

  6. One of the reasons CSS is used more is because the style sheet only gets sent with the page the first time and is cached for the other viewings of the site, whereas the table styles need to be send every time. Also, table based sites require more code for the structure, too, so that uses more bandwidth also.

  7. Yes, very easily done. Spammers would not be effective without this feature.There are some scripts available at hotscripts.com which do exactly what you want.

  8. Why are you using position : absolute on a table based layout?Once I removed the position:absolute, the page seems to have straightened up and behaved itself. Header, horizontal navbar, content, footer, no overlapping of the images, all centred in the Browser. Position absolute references the containing block which it resides in and the element is removed from the document's normal flow, so it can be quite unpredictable. Point being, it is best avoided unless you are certain of its results.Similarly, this page is a perfect example of mis-using table-based layout when div's and document flow is the suitable method of presenting the information. Tables are not designed for page layout according to the w3c standards and causes problems with accesibility, too. To add insult to injury, you have used three tables???Oh, and remove the direction=LTR also.

  9. Before you check the value of the submitted password to the one stored in the database, you will need to hash or encrypt the value similarly to the method used prior to storing it or they won't be the same. And the comparison will prove false, so the page will reject the user. Security can be just like that some times.

  10. Looks like a good start, but if you have any issues with the css not working, simply post the header.php code here.Usually, you can create the "included files" from a shell of the page you are trying to mimic with the includes. Write the page as you would normally write an html page, then all the code from the opening DTD to the opening body tag would go into the header.php, the last batch of code would go into the footer.php, the code for the sidebar into the rightside, etc. The only code which is unique to the page is the "content" div which you have shown above. This could also be an include, too, if you want. In a lot of sites, there would be some php / mysql scripting to pull information from a database, for example.Hope this helps. STE did a marvellous job up there, so I hope I am not stepping on his/her toes on this one. Like I said, if you need any more help, post the code snippet and someone will assist you.

  11. Research the use of server side includes in php or asp to create a templated layout and then fill the header, nav sidebar, news sidebar and footer div's using includes and the content div based on the "page" which the user selected. There are several ways of doing this, but they all depend on "includes", so start reading and learning php or asp.

  12. The greatest risk is when you ask for and accept "user input". Their input should be "cleaned" using strip_tags, strip_slashes, etc before you use the data, especially into or out of a database.

  13. Edit the css file using a text editor like notepad and simply change the attributes to the selected size.

    .over{ font-size:18px; (etc) }.out { font-size:12px; (etc) }

    and then save the file, reload the page into your Browser and it should be good.And id's are the same thing to change.

  14. Absolute Positioning is probably the problem. Avoid it until you have a better grasp on the consequences of using it. For a three column layout such as you want to acheive, there are other alternatives which don't use Absolute positioning. Try this one:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head>       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">  <title>CSS layout, 3 columns with Header and Footer, Ordered columns, Netscape4 compatible</title>        <!--  the methods on this page are largely the hard work (freely given) of many people from the css-discuss list [http://www.css-discuss.org], including (but not limited to) Big John, Holly Bergevin, Douglas Livingstone, Scott Sauyet, Victor Caston, Mike Papageorge, and me, Alex Robinson [css-stuff@alex.cloudband.com] -->  <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="ResizeReloadNN4.js"></script> -->       <style type="text/css">/* ====================================================================GENERAL STYLING-------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* border:nones are for NN4 */html { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }body	{	margin: 10px;	padding: 0px;	background-color: #999999;	}div { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }p {padding: 0px; margin: 0px;}.clear { clear: both;} /* CSS HACK: only for NN4, so now use Caio hack to cleanse palette *//*/*/ .clear { display: none; } /* *//* box-wrap is only needed if you want to set a background color for the columns, put a border round the content block or fix the content width */.box-wrap	{	color : #000000;	background: #cccccc;	border: 10px solid #000000;	}.box-header	{	color: #000000;	background: #996699;	margin: 0px;	padding: 0.5em;	border: none;	}h1 { margin: 0px; }h2	{	font-size: 1em;	color: #ffffff;	background-color: #000000;	margin: 0px 0px 0.5em 0px;	padding: 0.25em;	} .box-footer	{	background: #999966;	padding: 0.5em;	clear: both;	border: none	}/* ====================================================================COLUMNS LAYOUT-------------------------------------------------------------------- */.columns-float	{	float: left;	width: 67%;	}.column-one	{	float: left;	width: 50%;	}/* CSS HACK: Caio hide from NN4 since NN4's float model is all wrong *//*/*/.column-two { margin-left: 50%; }.column-three {margin-left: 67%;}/* */.column-one-content, .column-two-content, .column-three-content	{	padding: 6px;	border: none;	color: #000000;	}.column-one-content { background: #ff6666; }.column-two-content { background: #66ff66; }.column-three-content { background: #6666ff; }/* GUTTERS BETWEEN COLUMNS */.column-two-content	{	margin-left: 10px;	margin-right: 10px;	}/* HORIZONTAL PADDING OUTSIDE COLUMNS */.column-one-content { margin-left: 10px; }.column-three-content { margin-right: 10px; }/* VERTICAL PADDING ABOVE COLUMNS */.box-header	{ margin-bottom: 010px; }.column_padding_after	{	height:010px;	font-size: 1px;	line-height: 0px;	clear: both;	}/* CSS HACK:  position:relative needed by IE6 otherwise the header and col 2 don't show up on initial rendering - they're there but you have to minimise the window or switch to another app and back to see the full effect. But IE5(pc) doesn't like it. And nor does NN4.NB. the use of pos:rel has to go way beyond skin-deep - any nested element that needs a background colour appears to require to be be relatively positioned */ /*/*/.box-wrap, .columns-float, .column-one, .column-two, .column-three, h2	{ p\osition: relative; }/* */  </style> <!-- Controls.css only used to style the layout controls and style display -->     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="3Col_OrderedFloats_C.css"></head>  <body>    <div class="box-wrap">   <div class="box-header">  <h1>3Col_NN4_FMFM - header<br>  <em>Ordered Columns, float-margin/float-margin model</em></h1>  </div>   <div class="columns-float">   <div class="column-one">  <div class="column-one-content">  <h2>column one</h2>   <p>column one</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p><a href="#" title="fake link for testing">test link</a></p>  </div>  </div>    <div class="column-two">  <div class="column-two-content">  <h2>column two</h2>   <p>column two</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p><a href="#" title="fake link for testing">test link</a></p>  </div>  </div>   </div> <!-- close columns-float -->   <div class="column-three">  <div class="column-three-content">  <h2>column three</h2>   <p>column three</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p>column filler</p>   <p><a href="#" title="fake link for testing">test link</a></p>  </div>  </div>    <div class="column_padding_after"> </div> <!-- only required if spacing needed after columns -->  <div class="clear"> </div> <!-- clear only required for NN4 compatibility -->  <div class="box-footer">footer </div>   </div><!-- close box-wrap -->      <p><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer" title="Valid XHTML 1.0"><img src="valid-xhtml10.png" width="88" height="31" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0"> </a> <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer" title="Valid CSS"><img src="vcss.png" width="88" height="31" alt="Valid CSS"> </a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain" title="Public Domain Dedication"><img src="norights.gif" width="88" height="31" alt="Public Domain Dedication"> </a></p>   <p><a href="http://www.fu2k.org/alex/css/index.mhtml" title="CSS Enterprise">Back to CSS index</a></p>      <br> </body></html>

    Set the margins, etc to suit your likes / dis-likes. Page link is at the bottom for the original source.

  15. body {background-color: #dfffdf; // set the colour for the pagebackground-image: url('images/opac_logo.gif'); // select the imagebackground-repeat: no-repeat; // no repetition of the imagebackground-attachment: fixed; // fix the image on the pagebackground-position: 50% 75%; // at this spot, play with it...}

    Works for me...

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