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Posts posted by jlhaslip

  1. Google on "php redux" and you will find a link to Larry Ullman's script for "sticky forms". The form, error handling , and whatever you need are all processed on one page and the form fields get displayed by the single script. Larry is an Author that has written quite a few books, is rather knowledgeable, and presents the information in an easy to understand manner.Link here: redux format : http://www.peachpit.com/articles/article.a...qNum=2&rl=1Link here: sticky forms : http://www.peachpit.com/articles/article.a...qNum=3&rl=1

  2. Fire up the browser, use the "File>Open" option and "browse" to locate the correct file. Saves having to type in all that stuff and possibly mis-type the input.

  3. We seem to be forgetting that the information can also be saved into 'text' files for those who are reluctant to use Databases. 'Flat files' can be used as a tool to learn certain techniques before jumping on the Database bandwagon. The data persists and for some tasks, a database is overkill, to my way of thinking. They did a whole bunch of work in the days before databases using flat files. Sure, there are distinct advantages to databases and they scale much better, however, if you need to store small amounts of data, consider learning flat file data management. Simple file opening, reading sequentially, writing to flat files and updating information is a valuable lesson to be learned before tackling the learning curve of databases.

  4. There are two pages to look at here. Both use the same code, with only a width and height difference to "hide" the second page's image. It looks just like an i-frame with scrollbars but it isn't...

  5. You need to declare a width on some thing, some place, whether it is the parent div, or the entire page, otherwise the div will simply fill itself with the image and be done.

  6. check this out ==> Images and Text Blocks floated and displayed in-lineOne from column A and one from column B should work.The reason (I think) you are having trouble with this page is that it appears to be working fine using IE6. Then the problems begin when using other Browsers. Another problem, IMHO, is the basic page design seems to be a mix of Tables and CSS. This could be making the page behave weird, too. The transition from tables to full css design should be considered for the page. It would be easier for you to only have to deal with the single approach to the layout, the css site would load quicker, etc, etc... but that is your call...because your page looks fine in IE6, this tells me that your page was designed with IE6 in mind, so the code was written to look good in IE6, and this results in having to hack the standard compliant Browsers to behave in a manner which is against the Standards. Guaranteed you will have difficulties using this approach. For cross-browser designs, you are far better off designing to the Standard compliant Browsers and then hacking for IE versions by using Conditional Comments in the style selection to offer the IE specific CSS files as required. I believe that you will be able to avoid the use IE specific style sheets in this case, but you will need to extract a section of html from the Sample page, and some from the 2-column page. And the appropriate CSS, too. Combine them into the content div/table cell on your page and you are done.The explanation for the design is pretty straight forward. First create a div to contain the image and text div's. Images are floated left inside it's div, and given a width. Then the text inside it's own div is given a margin wider than the image, so they appear side by side.The image title and description on the Sample page are optional, of course. It doesn't appear that you would need or use them.

  7. There is an image gallery called "hoverbox" (google it) that might be what you want. It is a css "pop-up" gallery for images and php can be used to create it on the server for presentation on the client machine. Other than that, I think you are looking at javascript, AFAIK.

  8. A couple of quick references would be geohtml (google it) as an imagemap tool, and look at bonrouge.com for his image handling techniques for absolute positioning of images on:hover. (might need some javascript for IE6) Then go to CSSplay.co.uk for some terrific techniques used in the on:hover event. The stuff at cssplay will blow you away when you realize it is all CSS, no javascript.Also, this link might help you do some of it, too : tooltips It will be something like the stuff at bonrouge. Using postioning to change display of stuff.Have fun.

  9. can I use :hover with something else than 'a'
    Not if you want it to work in IE6 or earlier IE's.They don't perform on:hover effect except on the <a> tag. (without javascript)
  10. Two things:1.) place the IE 7 conditional after the standard CSS links.2.) the top IE7 conditional should be re-written to be equal to IE7???

    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'href='sheets/body.css' media='screen'/><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'href='sheets/menu.css' media='screen'/><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'href='sheets/heading.css' media='screen'/><!--compliance patch for microsoft browsers--><!--[if  IE 7]><script src="ie7/ie7-standard-p.js" type="text/javascript"></script><![endif]--><!--[if lt IE 7]><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'href='sheets/ie6.css' media='screen'/><![endif]--><!--[if lt IE 6]><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'href='sheets/ie5-5.css' media='screen'/><![endif]-->

    Try that...

  11. a.info {	background-color: #000000;	color:#000000;a.info:hover  {	background-color: #ffffff;	color:#000000;

    I haven't test the use of this code, but try it and see if it works...

  12. Excellent that you are learning some html and css. That is known as a "spoiler" tag because you make the information available to people, but if they don't want to "spoil", say, the ending of a movie, they don't hover over the black spot.And, yes, your code works in all Modern Browsers. Unfortunately, IE throws a wobbly and the on:hover doesn't work except in IE7. You might be able to use this code to achieve a similar effect. It works in IE, FF, Netscape8, and sort-of works in Opera. ( click on the tooltip for Opera 9)

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