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Posts posted by jlhaslip

  1. Can you go back and use phpadmin to export the "stucture only" and then export the tables one or two at a time?You should then be able to IMPORT them using phpadmin again???

  2. You might want to add some information about the entire 'process' you went through to get this CMS to this stage. Sort of like a Blog about the process. That would make some good reading and turn the project into a 'tutorial' for others who might wish to duplicate the path you have been on.You might then be able to hand it in as a project for your school classes at some point? Just an idea I had.

  3. * html, body {margin:0;padding:0;}

    Change this first couple of lines in your css. Then add margins and padding where you need them.*edit*Might need to modify the padding-top on the header h1 after you do that, too.

  4. To add to what Kevin says up above this post, NOT using the $site address makes the code "portable", meaning if you change domains or copy the code to another location, the link will still work since it is relatively addressed, not an absolutely address. Of course, for external links (ie:http://www.w3schools.com/), you might continue to use the http portion of the link but the links pointing to your own pages or inside your web Host, I recommend the relative address method, without the $site variable.

  5. Or Mod your HOSTS file to make them go away... :)Not that I would do anything to avoid looking at Ads....(*looks for a link to post here*)Try thisCan't remember where I found the procedure, but simply point the ad links to (which is your own computer) and the ads won't be found.

  6. you need to link to an id= not a class=Like this:

    <div id= "menu-links" name="menu-links">...<a class= "menu-return" href= "#menu-links" title= "Return to top">Return to top</a>

    and the CSS should reflect the changes, too

  7. phpbb3 is near the end of the beta testing. I'd recommend that, although it would depend on what they anticipate the usage as. There are some really good, lesser known forum software around, some even validate xhtml strict, if you know where to find them :)

  8. It is already in html format. You see the results of the Browser processing the html by clicking on that link. Click on that link and then select View > Source in your Browser menu bar. All the html shows up. Then "select all" after a right click, followed by a right click "copy" and save it to a blank file in your text editor by using right click "paste". If you are not familiar with the right-click functions, time to learn...Perhaps you need to check out the tutorials at w3schools first, before you try to change the page. Learn about the html behind the page and then attempt to modify it. :)

  9. Okay, now I see.The Navigation is floated left, but it is placed below the floated right "content" and that is affecting the display, so move the navigation up above the "content", but inside the "main" div. Check out a float tutorial to understand that the "normal flow" is interrupted when you float items and the source order does matter.An example of placement is the "clearer div was inside the right hand container and should've been placed below the narrow content div.Speaking of div's, the page has a serious over-use of div's, and could be cleaned up to avoid "div-itis", but I am sure many of these are coming from the Wordpress, so can't be cleaned up, maybe....Also found that the "content" is defined as both a class and an Id. Change the reference in the css from a class= to an id=.There were numerous other small items which I have a copy of corrections for, but with 500 lines of code, I won't be posting them here. Please send me am email and I will send back a zip file.

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