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Everything posted by rootKID

  1. Thanks for the answer! However, i have a little bit of a different setup. Here is my connection function: <?php// DataBase Connection Functionfunction db_connection(){ # Connection Information //------------------------------- $DBCONN['host'] = 'localhost'; $DBCONN['user'] = 'root'; $DBCONN['password'] = 'daniel1'; $DBCONN['database'] = 'nxtait'; // ( NeXT Artificial Intelligence Tracker ) //$DBCONN['port'] = '80'; // Not used $DBCONN['charset'] = "utf8"; //------------------------------- $mysqli = new mysqli ( $DBCONN['host'], // Host $DBCONN['user'], // Username $DBCONN['password'], // Password $DBCONN['database'] // Database ); // Check if there was an error if ( mysqli_connect_errno() ) { echo "<b><u>"."An error happened when we tried to connect the database!"."</u></b>"; echo "<br />"; echo mysqli_connect_error(); exit(); } // change character set to utf8 $mysqli -> set_charset( $DBCONN['charset'] ); // (query_connection) MAKER & Switch Module (BETA VERSION!) // ================================================================ if ( !@( $GLOBALS["query_connection"] = $mysqli ) ) { switch (((is_object($GLOBALS["query_connection"])) ? mysqli_errno($GLOBALS["query_connection"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_errno()) ? $___mysqli_res : false))) { case 1040: case 2002: if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET") { die(" <html> <head> <meta http-equiv='refresh' content="5 $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"> </head> <body> <table border='0' width='100%' height='100%'> <tr> <td> <h3 align='center'>The server load is very high at the moment. Retrying, please wait...</h3> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> "); } else die("Too many users. Please press the Refresh button in your browser to retry or try again later."); default: die(" [".((is_object($GLOBALS["query_connection"])) ? mysqli_errno($GLOBALS["query_connection"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_errno()) ? $___mysqli_res : false))."] <br /> dbconn: mysql_connect: ".((is_object($GLOBALS["query_connection"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["query_connection"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false))); } } // ================================================================ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Loaders / Updaters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Connection Type: // MySQLI = Secured MySQLI Database Connection //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $connection = $mysqli; // Not used yet // LOADERS GO FROM HERE AND BELOW!}?> I'm still working on it to be a beta, but whenever a connection is being made to the DB i use the global (query_connection) in this function: function query($query){ $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["query_connection"], $query); return $result;} to connent the query.. but like i said, still working on it. So now that i have it like that, any suggestions on how i could be writing my "prepared statement" down Oo? Thanks for answers/suggestions if possible you have any! x) -> root
  2. Hello W3S! It's been a while since i've been online here... sorry about that Anyways. I have some trouble with a dynamic menu i'm trying to make with MySQLI... not sure if that is the problem anyhow... Here is the code as a start, i will explain under the code below what i'm trying to do: // File that we are on (viewing / watching)$tab = pathinfo( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], PATHINFO_FILENAME );$menu_res = query("SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu_file_url = ".$tab);$menu_row = mysqli_fetch_row($menu_res);if( $tab == $menu_row['menu_file_url'] || $menu_row['menu_accessible'] == "no" ) stderr("Page Error", "We are currently working on this page! Go to another page to keep browsing! Thanks for your patience! :)");if(isset($CURUSER)){ $menu_while_res = query(" SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu_accessible = 'yes' AND menu_view = 'user' OR menu_view = 'both' ORDER BY menu_order_id ASC");}else{ $menu_while_res = query(" SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu_accessible = 'yes' AND menu_view = 'guest' OR menu_view = 'both' ORDER BY menu_order_id ASC");}$HTMLOUT .= "<ul class='nav_first'>"; while ($menu_while_row = mysqli_fetch_array($menu_while_res, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { // Menu Items Loaded Here $tabarray = array( $menu_while_row['menu_array_id_name'] => "<li><a href='".$menu_while_row['menu_file_url']."'>".$menu_while_row['menu_name']."</a></li>", ); // K = Key // V = Value foreach($tabarray as $k => $v) { if( $tab == $k ) $HTMLOUT .= str_replace("<li>", "<li class='nav_active'>", $v); else $HTMLOUT .= $v; } // Unset Menu For re-load again unset($tabarray); }$HTMLOUT .= "</ul>"; Currently i'm trying to make a dynamic menu with MySQLI! It's working perfectly... but when i tried to "expand" the project a bit longer and try to make a dynamic menu with errors on pages if the users are not allowed to view a specific file, then i get nothing... What i'm trying to do is to controle in the database with "Enum" as my DB setup that is "no" is has been set on one of the menu items (menu_accessible).. then the item will NOT show on the menu! AND if the user still tries to enter that specific page by URL, he will then get an error message saying that we are working on the website page... The code i'm trying to insert into this project is this little peace of code here: // File that we are on (viewing / watching)$tab = pathinfo( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], PATHINFO_FILENAME );$menu_res = query("SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu_file_url = ".$tab);$menu_row = mysqli_fetch_row($menu_res);if( $tab == $menu_row['menu_file_url'] || $menu_row['menu_accessible'] == "no" ) stderr("Page Error", "We are currently working on this page! Go to another page to keep browsing! Thanks for your patience! :)"); However, i get no respond on the code! Even when i have checked if the "$tab" variable is real and related to the name inside the DB (which it is!)... so if possible, can anyone help and tell me what i'm doing wrong here Oo? Thanks alot by the way! And sorry for the long goodbye hehe ...studies and all, killing me! -.-' Anyways, hope some answers or good tips... really need this one Thanks in advance! Mr rootKID
  3. rootKID


    Is is what i can recommend - OpenCart (Free Source / PayPal + alot more!) Please note that i have setup this source for alot of people before, just send a PM or anything if you wonna know how -rootKID
  4. Hello W3S! Again... I have probably asked of this before in time, but i forgot what you told me about this, so asking here again to see if i get any luck with me. I have attached an image in this post to show what i am trying to do. As you see on the side-panel, i wonna have the panel's height at "100%" so it WILL go from top to bottom! My problem is that i HAVE to use position fixed to get it to be at 100%... this also means i will have problems with the content/wrapper when i get that far! Since the panel is at a fixed state, it will just be there.. now, my problem is that i wonna make the panel height full.. 100%... but without the panel div can overrule all other divs when i get that far in the project... that is my first problem, the other is that i wish a max height on the panel, so that all browsers under 400px or so will be showed a scrollbar... is this possible in a fixed state div? here is my CSS & HTML so far: img { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;} img a { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; } a img { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; } * { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 8pt; font: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}html, body { width: 100%; background-color: #1E1E1E;}#left_panel { position: fixed; color: #FFFFFF; background: #111111 url('images/left_panel/background.png') repeat top left; width: 220px; min-width: 220px; max-width: 220px; height: 100%; border: none; border-right: 5px solid #4697d5;} <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='da' lang='da'><head><title>Home</title><link rel='shortcut icon' href='http://localhost/other_projects/function_collection/templates/blue_1/favicon.ico' /><script type='text/javascript' src='http://localhost/other_projects/function_collection/templates/blue_1/js/jquery.js'></script><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='http://localhost/other_projects/function_collection/templates/blue_1/style.css' /></head><body><div id='left_panel'>Left Panel</div>Home</body></html> If any questions, ask away.. i tried to be specific as possible.. if more details for the flaw are needed, ask... and i will try to re-explain it all again in another way if possible at all ^^'... Hope some answers soon.. this one is a tricky one since i wonna have my menu on that panel Oo?... thanks ^^ - rootKID Hope answers soon EDIT: Never mind.. i figured out the problem myself! I made a new div called main and put it around ALL of the stuff (meaning start right after <body> and close at end of <body>) made it a fixed position with 100% height and width and then just used relative inside the main div ^^... so far so good... now i just need help with the scroll problem The problem is like this now: whenever my customers browser get below the 400-500px... then scrollbar does not appear, can someone tell me why Oo? thanks again!
  5. I'm out right now with some girl... will tell him when i get home, thanks.. replying when i have something new -rootKID
  6. well.. in the URL, we already DO have the id... cos the pagination only shows when a category has been chosen... and when we try to get the URL ID in browser, it dosen't shows anything... but the fun part is that, in the bottom of code where all links are starting, you can see that he tried to make a "page" in the URL to be added.. but when my mouse is hovered over the pagination link, guess what, nothing... we only get the same URL we already have "kategori_ID".. just empty, that is why i'm kinda "what the...." Have you any tips etc? Not sure how to fix this one for him myself -.-'... Thanks
  7. Hello people... yet again.. I'm helping out a friend with he's pagination "PHP" coding, but it's a bit crazy for my taste to figure out what da heck he's done hehe ... hope you can help out where i cannot... this is the code of hi's if(isset($_GET['kategori_ID'])) { $antal2 = mysql_query("SELECT * from produkt Inner Join kategori On produkt.FK_kategori_ID = kategori.kategori_ID WHERE kategori_ID = ".$_GET['kategori_ID']." ORDER BY produkt_navn"); $total_count2 = mysql_num_rows($antal2); $page2 = 1; if(!empty($_GET['page'])) { $page2 = $_GET['page']; } $per_page2 = 4; $current_page2 = (int)$page2; $total_pages2 = ceil($total_count2/$per_page2); $offset2 = ($current_page2 - 1) * $per_page2; $next_page2 = $current_page2 + 1; $previous_page2 = $current_page2 - 1; $has_previous_page2 = $previous_page2 >= 1 ? true:false; $has_next_page2 = $next_page2<=$total_pages2 ? true:false; $query2="Select produkt.produkt_ID, produkt.produkt_billede, produkt.produkt_pris, produkt.produkt_navn From produkt Inner Join kategori On produkt.FK_kategori_ID = kategori.kategori_ID WHERE kategori_ID = ".$_GET['kategori_ID']." ORDER BY produkt_navn ASC LIMIT $per_page2 OFFSET $offset2"; $result2 = mysql_query($query2); $count2 = mysql_num_rows($result2); while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { echo " <div id='varewrapper'> <div id='vareleft'> </div><!-- vareleft end end --> <div id='vareright'> <div id='varerighttop'> ".$row2['produkt_navn' ]." </div><!-- varerighttop end --> <div id='varerightmid'> <img src='../IMG/produktoversigt/".$row2['produkt_billede']." Kr.'> </div><!-- varerightmid end --> <div id='varerightbottom'> ".$row2['produkt_pris']." Kr. </div><!-- varerightbottom end --> </div><!-- vareright end --> </div><!-- varewrapper end -->"; } //echo ""; echo "<div id='paging'>"; if( $total_pages2 > 1 ) { if($has_previous_page2) { echo "<a href='produkter.php?kategori_ID = ".$_GET['kategori_ID']."?page="; echo $previous_page2; echo "'>"; echo "</a>"; } for($i2=1; $i2<=$total_pages2; $i2++) { if($i2==$page2) { echo "$i2"; } else { echo "<a href='produkter.php?kategori_ID='".$_GET['kategori_ID']."'?page=$i2'>$i2</a>"; } if($has_next_page2) { echo "<a href='produkter.php?kategori_ID = ".$_GET['kategori_ID']."?page="; echo $next_page2; echo "'>"; echo "</a>"; } } } echo"</div>";} the problem seems to be around the "kategori_ID" down at the end of the code "after while-loop"... but i cannot be sure about this, can some of you help out perhaps? Thanks alot if possible! - rootKID
  8. Is it me, or should you not set a "value" after "insert" in the sql? I mean.. something like so: "INSERT INTO trade (value1, value2) VALUES (derp1, derp2)".... Just asking? Not sure tho x)...
  9. Ok, i have this customer i'm trying to help out with a WordPress thing... Now, there is something i'm not aware of how to fix (been driving me nuts) so asking here to hope there is someone out there who can help me out -.-'... Ok, so i'm using this version first off "3.9.0" of wordpress! Next is, my customer wishes a design (almost) like this one (www.juf.dk)... it's a danish website, but the design is what counts... Now, my customer wishes me to run "Genesis Framework" with a childtheme because he thinks it will be ALOT MORE faster AND better... and i somehow agree... i'm using Child-Themes... Anyways! What i'm trying to do right now, is like JUF website has it, their menu/navigation is INSIDE a "<header>" tag in the HTML... the normal way is that the "<nav>" is outside of header tag in the Genesis Framework. The thing that has been driving me nuts, is this.. and sorry for upcoming language: BUT HAVE THE F**K CAN I EDIT THE DAMN HTML TO GET THE <NAV> INSIDE <HEADER> TAG! DRIVING ME NUTS! It's harder than it looks like Oo?... Everything else i think i can handle! The thing is really just that, but if i touch the Genesis Files, he may not get he's "Updates" whenever there is some... so, i really hope someone can think outside the box of this one if possible! And help out! Would be much apreciated! Alot! x) If more details are needed for what i'm trying to, then ask away! I will try to make a more "Detailed" post? Hope to hear from someone soon! And thanks again!
  10. sorry for late reply due to school and all, but thanks!
  11. Yoyo W3S! Might seem like a rookie question, but i was wondering if i could use sign's as theese inside a SQL line? -, +, >, <, =...? Just trying to clear out my head for confuceness x)...
  12. hmm... how would you do the check? Outside the while-loop?... i mean, making another SQL and then use that for checking?
  13. Hello W3S I have this code: <?php// $HTMLOUT .= "";//============================================if(isset($CURUSER)){ // ReadRights // (BIGGER or EQUAL to CURUSER class ID)... $rr = " WHERE ".$CURUSER['u_FK_uc_id']." >= of_uc_read_min";}else $rr = "";$of_res = sql_query("SELECT * FROM overforums".$rr);while($of_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($of_res)){ // (LESS or EQUAL to 0)... //if(mysql_num_rows($of_row) <= 0) if($of_row == 0) { $HTMLOUT .= "Nothing..."; } else { // BoxHeader $HTMLOUT .= "<div class='mfv_BoxHeader'>"; // BoxTitle $HTMLOUT .= "<h3 class='mfv_BoxTitle'>"; $HTMLOUT .= $of_row['of_name']; $HTMLOUT .= "</h3>"; // BoxOptions $HTMLOUT .= "<div class='mfv_BoxOptions'>"; $HTMLOUT .= "<a href='#'>"; $HTMLOUT .= "Indstillinger"; $HTMLOUT .= "</a>"; $HTMLOUT .= "</div>"; $HTMLOUT .= "</div>"; }}?> And i'm trying to see im getting ANY forums that are OVER the " of_uc_read_min " row in the database, then the user will get the tables.. but if there are NONE with a number that is higher or equal to the user-class current viewing the forums, then he/she will get a error message saying "Nothing..." Do you have any suggestions to my code? Would be helpful... right now i have tried with "num_rows" of mysql... just for test... that did not went well hehe Hoping anyone can come up with something where i dont x)...
  14. hmm... perhaps... this is just the way he was setting it up hehe ... @Ingolme - will test later, thanks for the support! Writing if it helped @davej - will edit it later, but you are right... the setup is bad .. EDIT: @Ingolme - Thanks! Working like a charm x)...
  15. hmm.. ok, i ment i "might" have seen it before, i just can't remember the damn website name. But it was something about "void" or something like that, not sure how they did it or why who Oo...
  16. this is my code: $menu_res = sql_query("SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu_accessible = '".sqlesc("yes")."' AND menu_u_class_read_min <= ".$CURUSER['u_FK_uc_id']); // BETA and error: Any help Oo?... tried with and without '' and sql-escape, with and without.. same error i get... ideas Oo?.. Thanks if possible!
  17. Hello W3S! One of my friends going in an it university have been trying to code some stuff for he's website and came up with this for a countdown timer made i JS: (IMAGE ATTACHED) My question now, how to add years? I know how... i think... i just need to calculate correct hehe .. this is the main JS function code: function countdown(secondsRemaining){ var days = Math.floor(secondsRemaining / 86400), hours = Math.floor((secondsRemaining - (days * 86400)) / 3600), minutes = Math.floor((secondsRemaining - (days * 86400) - (hours * 3600)) / 60), seconds = secondsRemaining - (days * 86400) - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); if(secondsRemaining > 0) { if(days < 10) { days = '0' + days; } if(hours < 10) { hours = '0' + hours; } if(minutes < 10) { minutes = '0' + minutes; } if(seconds < 10) { seconds = '0' + seconds; } $('.days > .number').html(days); $('.hours > .number').html(hours); $('.minutes > .number').html(minutes); $('.seconds > .number').html(seconds); secondsRemaining--; } else { if(secondsRemaining == 0) { window.location.reload(); } } window.setTimeout(function() { countdown(secondsRemaining); }, 1000);}function updateProgress(procent){ if(typeof procent !== "number") { procent = 0; } if(procent <= 7) { $('.progressBarFill').css({ width: '7%' }).find('.progressBarFillMiddle').html(procent + '%'); } else if(procent >= 100) { $('.progressBarFill').css({ width: '100%' }).find('.progressBarFillMiddle').html('100%'); } else { $('.progressBarFill').css({ width: procent + '%' }).find('.progressBarFillMiddle').html(procent + '%'); }}function objectConverter(array){ var object = {}; for(var i=0; i<array.length; i++) { object[array[i]] = ''; } return object;}function setHeaderColor(color){ color = color.toLowerCase(); if(typeof color === "undefined") { color = 'yellow'; } if(color in objectConverter(['green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'purple', 'red', 'gray'])) { $('.header').attr('class', 'header').addClass(color); }}function setProgressFillColor(color){ color = color.toLowerCase(); if(typeof color === "undefined") { color = 'green'; } if(color in objectConverter(['green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'purple', 'red', 'gray'])) { $('.progressBarFill').attr('class', 'progressBarFill clear').addClass(color); }} and this is main HTML file: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Construction Page</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/js/verticalcenter.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/js/functions.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/js/main.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/css/main.css" /> </head> <body> <!-- start: container --> <div class="container"> <div class="logo"></div> <div class="header yellow"></div> <!-- start: content --> <div class="content"> <h1>This website is currently undergoing construction</h1> <div class="space20"></div> <h3>We expect an official launch in</h3> <div class="space11"></div> <!-- start: countdownTimerWrap --> <div class="countdownTimerWrap clear"> <!-- start: countdownTimer --> <div class="countdownTimer"> <div class="years"> <div class="number">00</div> <div class="text">Days</div> </div> <div class="days"> <div class="number">00</div> <div class="text">Days</div> </div> <div class="splitter">:</div> <div class="hours"> <div class="number">00</div> <div class="text">Hours</div> </div> <div class="splitter">:</div> <div class="minutes"> <div class="number">00</div> <div class="text">Minutes</div> </div> <div class="splitter">:</div> <div class="seconds"> <div class="number">00</div> <div class="text">Seconds</div> </div> </div> <!-- end: countdownTimer --> </div> <!-- end: countdownTimerWrap --> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="space28"></div> <!-- start: progressBar --> <div class="progressBar"> <!-- start: progressBarFill --> <div class="progressBarFill green clear"> <div class="progressBarFillLeft"></div> <div class="progressBarFillRight"></div> <div class="progressBarFillMiddle">50%</div> </div> <!-- end: progressBarFill --> </div> <!-- end: progressBar --> <div class="space14"></div> <!-- start: progressDescription --> <div class="progressDescription"> <div class="progressDescriptionHeader"></div> <div class="progressDescriptionMiddle"> <h1>We're now about 50% done</h1> <p>We have just finished transferring the user database from the old site</p> </div> <div class="progressDescriptionFooter"></div> <a href=""</a></div> <!-- end: progressDescription --> <div class="space24"></div> </div> <!-- end: content --> <div class="footer"></div> <!-- start: bottomBar --> <div class="bottomBar"> <!-- start: followUs --> <div class="followUs clear"> <div class="boxIndent icon"> <div class="boxIndentLeft"></div> <div class="boxIndentRight"></div> <div class="boxIndentMiddle"> <div class="boxIndentContent"> <a href="http://facebook.com/"><img src="resources/img/follow_us_icons/facebook.png" alt="" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="boxIndent icon"> <div class="boxIndentLeft"></div> <div class="boxIndentRight"></div> <div class="boxIndentMiddle"> <div class="boxIndentContent"> <a href="http://twitter.com/"><img src="resources/img/follow_us_icons/twitter.png" alt="" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="boxIndent icon"> <div class="boxIndentLeft"></div> <div class="boxIndentRight"></div> <div class="boxIndentMiddle"> <div class="boxIndentContent"> <a href="http://linkedin.com/"><img src="resources/img/follow_us_icons/linkedin.png" alt="" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: followUs --> <!-- start: notifyMe --> <div class="notifyMe"> <div class="boxIndent notify"> <div class="boxIndentLeft"></div> <div class="boxIndentRight"></div> <div class="boxIndentMiddle"> <form method="post" action=""> <div class="notifyMeInput"> <div class="notifyMeInputLeft"></div> <div class="notifyMeInputRight"></div> <div class="notifyMeInputMiddle"> <input type="text" value="Your email address" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Your email address') { this.value = ''; }" onblur="if(this.value == '') { this.value = 'Your email address'; }" /> </div> </div> <div class="notifyMeSubmit"> <input type="image" src="resources/img/notify_button_unactive.png" /> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: notifyMe --> </div> <!-- end: bottomBar --> </div> <!-- end: container --> </body></html> As you see i have added "years" right above "days" in the countdown section... now, in the JS file, how do i calculate so it will show the "years"? Any suggestions?
  18. hmm... i must say, i have seen websites hidden their HTML with "view source".... so i would say it is possible, however i dont know how to do this myself ...
  19. what i ment by the last post, was that i basicly have trouble understanding the use of it.. i mean, is it ALOT that is changed in the mysqli use base? In other words, is it ALOT more different to use than mysqli... i dont know how else to explain myself with this.. i will try! However i can't promise i understand all of it.. maybe some of it, but all other commands i still dont understand, and i might need some of them to re-place the old ones for like the forum i am about to build for the customer and all that.. Even the menu on the website is dynamicly build up... so... i suppose i can call for help if my website is broken.. as always hehe? ...
  20. Hello Sherry, as far as i have learned with stuff of/about CSS, then you DO need it in EVERYTHING and ANYTHING now adays to make a website look cool.. like this forum, also uses CSS.. a webshop, CSS... almost everything is CSS based online on the wwww (World Wide Web)... Even i use this when i code/develop websites, or tho the design's aint that big/good.. im more a background-coding/develop geek/nerd x). Anyways, i dont know much of google website coding/analystic or whatever you use. All i know you might as well learn CSS if you also are trying learning HTML/XHTML since you DO NEED CSS for HTML to actual design each DIV/TABLE or whatever you use x)... If you need help, ask away.. CSS i am better at than coding, or.. sort of anyways... dont ask me about that in details hehe .. -rootKID
  21. but does it makes a difference? I mean the way i use mysqli/mysql?... i saw that i had to use some sort of OOP to use it.. " NEW / -> / .... "... Seems eazy, but dont i only need to re-write the "mysql" lines to "mysqli"?... just thinking about if i need to change more than that.. to use them properly, if you know what i mean?
  22. it's not b-coz i dont want to! It's because i keep thinking it will kinda "disable" the whole stuff.. the way it's working and coded all together... right now im using some stuff i have developed myself, like template/design system that makes it EASY for me to make a design/template for a customer to keep them happy for the support i give them for free once in a while, and pages that generated from each template system i release each time... it's kinda complicated to explain the way i have builded it all together, but if it's not affecting the way i have builded the whole thing up so far, i wont have a problem with it and would like to change it right away x)..
  23. rootKID

    live support

    Not that im aware of... then you need to make one yourself hehe ...
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