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Everything posted by Elevator_Hazard

  1. Regarding the question about frontpage users, I have used it at school (recently in fact, before I knew html), and I still knew enough to look at the html and see that it was not very good. I also looked at the sub-website of my school for a section of the 8th grade (I was in 8th grade this year) and couldn't help but laugh. but it is a lifesaver for some people, especially teachers who don't have time or don't want to learn html. And it would be hard to program frontpage to recognize patterns regarding position and such to make a css class for it, but they should at least make a css thing that converted a tag's attributes to css and allow you to name the class it creates (do they?).As far as my favorite editor, I like PSPad, and Kate which comes with linux, but that is probably because of the ftp stuff Kubuntu had... I also like my very own AHTMLPad Latest Version because it is pretty simple. I am also proud that someone said they would make AHTMLPad their prefered html editor . Well, enough advertising of that, because to be honest I only use my AHTMLPad for HTML2txt conversion, ftp uploads, and when I take screenshots of new versions and the rest of my html editing is done with PSPad or gedit (ubuntu text editor now that I got ubuntu instead of kubuntu) or just the web site that hosts my site's little feature to edit the html, since I don't have my own domain (I wish I did but they aren't free and I don't have enough reason for my own domain, I guess)
  2. Update...If you run the program you will notice. Go to link and see it's updates. Enjoy
  3. That first bug with trying to run the converter again is a simple on. Its an error with autohotkey (the programing language I'm using) and it means that there are two of those windows because the other one is just on hide and is not actualy destroyed, so I will fix that.I will work on the templates, it will be simple.As far as syntax highlighting goes, the text area is just a simple edit control, and the only other control that I could even possibly use from a dll would be a Rich Text Edit, and syntax highlighting for that is quite slow I think, maybe there is a scintilla or somethings but I doubt it.The bug with the color picker is that the function returns -1 I'm assuming when its canceled and I should have put something to check for that and close that window.As for the last bug, its mainly for just typing somewhere else or viewing somewhere else, not really to use for much else.1. An installer? This scripting was mainly to test myself and show to the autohotkey community, that's also why the .ahk scripting are there, it is all the uncompiled code. 2 and 3. easily doable.4. I guess I could tweak it5. Sure, I've also recently added contacts menu and a recent files area in file menu, but not a revert, I might work on that.6. Word Wrap.... Sure7. Meh... I would need to worry about another timer other than the statusbar's, but I guess I could.8. I will just eliminate the window and have it Control, EditPaste what was highlighted using some sort of clipboard manipulation to get the highlighted text then revert the clipboard to its previous contents.9. Error in my code, talked about it above10. I'm ok with it being there for now.11. Yea it just does Run, http://exampleurl.com so that you run the thing in your default browser. Check-menu is something I've never used, but now is a good time to try. But I don't know how to detect an individual's browser's they have. Maybe have them give a path but that's a bit troublesome12. talked about13. talked about14. Nothing, its a default with autohotkey's traymenu. I haven't added anything to it so it isn't custom.15. I could record tabs and such but it is inefficient.16. Just double press the corrosponding number, I use it as a guideline.17. I would love to do that, but as explained above is very hard.When I update the program and you use it next, a window will appear showing you that an update is available, as well as the features of the new version and the link to get to there.
  4. Look at my editor and post comments in this link: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=11497Its not professional, of course, but I like it because I made it.
  5. Ok I'm updating just the link that I give you so just read about the program there, but respond here. I have made a little program and has many features and is useful for html.Here is the link:http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16786If any of you are interested in learning autohotkey, go here.Please do reply. Also do not move the actual .exe program, make a shortcut, because it won't work very well and you will probably get errors. Enjoy.
  6. Yes I've looked on IE, I hate it now because of that.
  7. http://www.autohotkey.net/~Elevator_Hazard...plate1HTML.htmlTell me what you think. Its quite wide but that's because of the css I'm showing that is in it.... Its on an external style sheet and some of the links are long for the images so the template is a bit wide.
  8. The autohotkey forums do this. Why shouldn't we? We have an even greater need. The big cheeses of this site should add in a little website called w3schools.net or something for space to upload files, create websites, and such. You could easily make it better by actualy letting it be a .css file too, unlike freewebs :)Of course, this might cost too much money...But its a nice success on http://www.autohotkey.com/forum for uploading programs and having webspace for people.
  9. Well... Is anyone else having this problem? Well, I had a slight problem with the site not working earlier today... I just had to refresh. It was crappy looking, no dropdown bar, just white background, and no banner, the links were all on a list... Maybe its not working for a lot of people....
  10. I need it in a fixed location for all links you hover over. But I might be able to edit it how I please. Thanks.
  11. I'm making a template for who knows what and I would like it so that when you hover over a link, (they are on table cells and change colors when hovered over) information will appear in a box somewhere else. Like say you hover on the Link1, the box like... to the right of the link bar will then be filled with info on the link... I'm thinking I could do this through hiding a cell and/or using z-index. Maybe not. please help
  12. Perhaps you have images blocked from www.photobucket.com... Also, dot.tk is pretty annoying I've heard... They say its crappy and is a virus generator. You can do http://www.freewebs.com/hazardzone101 for my site as well. I think.
  13. I have made two websites. I guess it isn't entirely necessary for the autohotkey.net one, but I didn't want to use file share websites to show people on the autohotkey forums my programs... Anyway I want to know what you think of them, they are both under some contruction, and hazardzone.tk just got a new style sheet I made.Here they are:1:www.hazardzone.tk2:www.autohotkey.net/~Elevator_HazardAlso you can check out the programs I made if you want Autohotkey is a great way to learn how to program other things.
  14. Here is the problem I can't make it work... It works fine before I upload it too! I took the tryit off of w3schools and changed its things so it should work from anywhere on web but it doesn't work. I did get a little thing put into the html code displaying that this form is unoporational... and in the code it had a comment or something about provisional users, but I deleted it because I'm stupid... I shoulda left it up...Pleaes help
  15. My website that I'm working and will be working on for a while has an HTML part to it, and I want to use the Tryit editor, I've gotten the code and changed just a few link things so now it works. But, I don't want to run into any problems with w3schools... Do you know if this is ok?
  16. But I can't read either... just kidding, obviouslyI just didn't know how to get the code... I know some HTML, and I am really new... Check out my solar template I did it with all html and some images I made and put into photobucket...
  17. I know that only I can get into my photobucket account... but, you can do some stuff to those links in the picture area and then it allows you control I'm pretty sure... but, that's considered copywright infringement or some weird little thing...Also thanks for the feedback. I realize that I have some pointless things.... I guess I just wanted to put up quickly. I got board of working on my website (not using that template) and made that one, easy. I need put in ID's or Classes for the links though, so that if you want the link to have that button thing when your hovering over it, you could add ID, otherwise if you add a link in a larger table it wwill tile the push button background across the space...
  18. Just use notepad and open in browser, much bigger window... Also, please rate it :)Everything is centered... Well, the code says so at least. maybe if you use browser instead of tryit editor.
  19. Ok, I've made a underwater template for my website, but I don't want to post it. This one is brightly colored with yellow and orange, and has decent buttons for links. If you want links in a regular phrase, it will mess up because of how to button link system works, by the way, so you may need to change things if you want to do that.Here is the code, I will also post a poll for a rating... Please reply as well.Here you go: <html><head><style type="text/css"> A{text-decoration:none}a { display:block;height: 100%;width: 100%;}body{background: url(http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/Elevator_Hazard/TemplateImages/Solar/sunburst20gradient.jpg) no-repeat top left;width:100%;height:100%;}a:hover { color: #ADB0C0;background: url(http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/Elevator_Hazard/TemplateImages/Solar/ButtonSolarTemplateA.jpg);display:block;height: 100%;width: 100%;}</style></head><body><! banner ><table align="center" width="740" height="121" background="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/Elevator_Hazard/TemplateImages/Solar/BlankSolarBanner1.jpg" ><td><p>Banner here</p></td></table><! Link section!!! ><table align="center" border="0"><td width="121" height="30" background="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/Elevator_Hazard/TemplateImages/Solar/ButtonSolarTemplateI.jpg" align="center"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link1</a></td><td width="121" height="30" background="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/Elevator_Hazard/TemplateImages/Solar/ButtonSolarTemplateI.jpg" align="center"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link2</a></td><td width="121" height="30" background="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/Elevator_Hazard/TemplateImages/Solar/ButtonSolarTemplateI.jpg" align="center"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link3</a></td><td width="121" height="30" background="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/Elevator_Hazard/TemplateImages/Solar/ButtonSolarTemplateI.jpg" align="center"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link4</a></td><td width="121" height="30" background="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/Elevator_Hazard/TemplateImages/Solar/ButtonSolarTemplateI.jpg" align="center"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link5</a></td></table><table align="center" width="910" height="740"><td width="180" background="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/Elevator_Hazard/TemplateImages/Solar/SidePanelSolar1.jpg"></td><td width="550" background="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/Elevator_Hazard/TemplateImages/Solar/MainPanelSolar1.jpg"></td><td width="180" background="http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/Elevator_Hazard/TemplateImages/Solar/SidePanelSolar1.jpg"></td> And also: I'm pretty sure that by doing this, my photobucket stuff is open to you guys...... I don't know how to fix it either, so DO NOT USE MY ACCOUNT
  20. I posted all the images for this template that I think is pretty good on photobucket and if I display the code for the template, you can chop off the last part of my links given and you will then be in control of my photobucket profile . What should I do? I really like the template...
  21. I new to HTML and by script I mean the coding for the menu... And I don't know how to get the whole source-code thingy either
  22. wow can you please give me the script for that menu part? lol I know you need help but I don't know how to help you, but I really want that menu script, please and future thanks.
  23. FINE BE THAT WAY, REPORTINGSJR, YOUR NOT MY FRIEND ANYMORE! I'm kidding so its too blocky? what can I do to make it not-so-blocky? As far as I know, tables are blocks, and I like tables, please help.
  24. Updated after good-looking links :)here you go! please give feedback! <head><style type="text/css"> A{text-decoration:none}a { display:block;height: 100%;width: 100%;}a:hover { color: #DDDDDD;background: #808080;display:block;height: 100%;width: 100%;</style><script type="text/javascript">function mouseOver(){"td.Link1"}function mouseOut(){td td.link1 bgcolor="#00FF00"}</script><table width="100%" height="25%" align="center" bgcolor="#222222"><tr><td><p> Picture/banner/title goes here</p><! pic/title here></tr></head><body text="#656565" bgcolor="#000000" link="#777777" vlink="#999999" alink="808080"> <table border="0" width="60%" bgcolor="#DDDDDD" valign="top" align="center"> <! LINKS GO BELOW> <tr> <td align="center" class="Link1"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link1</a></td></td> <td align="center" class="link2"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link2</a></td> <td align="center" class="link3"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link3</a></td> <td align="center" class="link4"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link4</a></td> <td align="center" class="link5"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link5</a></td> <td align="center" class="link6"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link6</a></td> <! More can be added (copy+paste and change class) > </tr> </table><br> <table height="20%" width="65%" bgcolor="#232323" align="center"> <td><p>Advertisement here</p></td> </table><br> <table height="120%" width="80%" bgcolor="010101" border="1" align="center"> <tr> <! Main Info > <td width="15%" align="left" valign="top" height="60%"> <p> left side</p> </td> <td width="50%"> <p>Main area</p> </td> <td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" height="60%"> <p>Right side</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%" align="left" valign="bottom" height="60%"> <p> bottem left</p> </td> <td width="15%" align="right" valign="bottom" height="60%"> <p> bottem right</p> </td>
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