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Everything posted by ste

  1. ste

    centralized webpage

    the website you posted uses this code<div align="center"><center>
  2. ste

    First time visitor

    the beta is out already. I havent had the chance to try it yet though but there is a test board of phpbb3 here which i just ran through the validator and it passed
  3. ste

    Bored at work

    haha i have some work you can do as well
  4. ste

    First time visitor

    i think there already working on that for the next major release of phpbb so you might not have to do it your self
  5. weird looks like its now displaying the pngs with transparency but also displying the broken image thingmaybe try and email the guy who wrote the tutorial i posted aboveor you could always just use transparent gifs but they wont be as sharp as the pngs
  6. there isnt one set route to take. theres plenty of different jobs and types of company in web design/development. One of my friends just does flash website design for trader media group he hasnt coded outside of flash in yearsWhere i work we dont use much flash. We put a big emphasis on search engine optimisation so, its all valid xhtml & css in here. And theres plenty of other places that do things in different ways too.
  7. haha i have been tempted to do the same many times but no not unless you want to seriously limit your audience remember IE is still the most popular browser
  8. first off you need to add alt attributes to your img tags e.g. <img src="images/nukesentinel/lock.png" alt="lock"> an explanation of alt attributes:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt_attributethere is no attribute "BORDERCOLOR" the correct way to style this table would be <table style="width:100%; border: 3px solid #FFFF00; background: #FFFF00;> or better yet put that in an external style sheet
  9. IE doesnt properly support transparent PNGs. its really annoying some tips here: http://koivi.com/ie-png-transparency/hope this helps
  10. you could leave the class there but just add the width of each div in the html e.g. <div class="caption" style="width: 600px;"> altough there could be a better solution by the way if you want someone to touch up those first 2 photos for you i can
  11. yes, you just call it once in the head of the document (header.php)if you look in the html of the website i posted above it looks like plain html this is because all the php is handled server side unlike javascript. So you wont see <? require('header.php'); ?> when you view the source.Basically think of each php file as a chunk of html you can call. The benefit is you only have to edit one document to see the change throughout the site. Its kind of like a stylesheet or using frames in that wayhope this helps
  12. Its not difficult to learn how to use php includesI will show you how i did it on a project i worked on a while ago, www.moneyzone.ieIf you click the above link you will see that in everypage certain parts of the page are always the same. Only the center content varies from page to page, this is typical with making webpages. One great way to save time and organise your site is to use php includes. basically you can split your html up into different php files. heres how i did it for moneyzoneto make this work i simply include the seperate php files like this(below is Index.php) <? require('header.php'); ?><div id="left"><p>blah blah content here etc etc</p></div><?require('rightside.php');require('footer.php');?> This way if i want to change anything its easy. For example the menu is in header.php so i only have to change that 1 file and i see the change happen throughout the sitehope this helps
  13. look in the source code of this page for your answerhttp://www.htmlite.com/faqEX004.html
  14. ste

    CSS menu problems

    sorry but im confused do you want the white line between GRAFIČNA OBDELAVA and PRIMERI UPORABE or not??
  15. ste

    Grouping selectors

    well you could have a {text-decoration: underline;} but this will apply to all your pages links in active, hover, visited statesbtw the default is text-decoration: underline; so you wouldnt need to include this at allbut if you wanted all the sites links to be bold it could be handy e.g. a {font-weight:bold;}
  16. im not sure myself, maybe try br {margin: 0; padding: 0; border-width: 0; line-height: 0.2em;}
  17. ste

    Grouping selectors

    .link a:hover, .link a:active { text-decoration: underline; }
  18. Hi AnyaThere is another thread where this was discussed recently. you should find some more info therehttp://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...c=10184&hl=
  19. ste

    Some questions about float

    you need to understand why what IE is doing is wrong. when you float an element you take it out of the flow of the document in standards complacient browsers. This is why the container element is empty, because the float is not filling up your container. there are 2 solutions to your problem:1) float the container element 2) clear the float after your contentyou dont need a pointless empty div like this: <div style="clear: both;"></div> you can just clear the float by applying that style to whatever comes next in your markup. for instance a horizontial rule e.g. <hr style="clear: both;">hope this helps
  20. I suppose untill we see css properly supported by all the browsers many will still use tables. I myself am working on a liquid layout using divs at the moment and there is no problems with it in firefox but getting it working in IE has been a bit of a nightmare
  21. ste

    what new logo??

    well you can have the one i made in the original thread:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=10348or if you want i might be able to do something different. cant make any promises because its a busy week in work but pm me if your interested.
  22. you should start a new topic (include your code and a clear explanation of the problem)
  23. ste

    new-log in/log on page

  24. I dont think so, browsers will always try and display the code they read they wont just hang on white screen because of a coding issue. It may be an issue with the server you are hosted on It is fine to put the css in the html document as long as you use the style tags you can also put it in an external css file if you want Check the paths to the images are correct e.g. in the html file if your images are displayed like this:<img src="images/logo.gif"> then make sure the directory structure is the same on your hosting server
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