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Wich JOKE  

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  1. 1. Wich JOKE should i put on site

    • infinity pop-ups
    • infinity alert boxes

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check my new site.SITEIt has a button that u must click.If ur done (hint it has something to do with 40000)Tell me what u think about it but. don't tell everything that happens. Or else it isn't as fun for the other people that checkSom of the site is written in dutch but just click the button :)

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Haha, very funny, an alert script that never terminates (unless you actually click 40,001 times that is). Luckily, Opera includes an option on alert buttons to stop execution of scripts on any page. I don't think anyone will be pressing that button from now on though. And it's always a good idea to use caution before pressing buttons you don't know what do.

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i made it a few times for pages of my friend they like it.It's just a simple code so i dont botherJonas i think i saw one of your galaxies site on the space topic and i whas wondering how did you do that.It said it whas made in javascript but didn't watch the source code so could u tell me a little ?srry if it wasn't yours

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yea that i quess u used CSS for position and javascript for the if statement.and also srry for the double (srry if...) i pressed add reply twice

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The script is all there in the source, partially in the code, partially in two external javascript files. Although I did make that particular design, I by no means made the code for it. We did it in IT classes in High School, as an example of what javascript could do. We primarily programmed in Visual Basic, and made the same thing there I might add, but then our teacher though it'd be fun to see another programming language and its approach to the same thing. It's really amazing what javascript can do, if you look at pages like walterzorn.com (where we got the file called wz_dragdrop.js), and what's shown there. All javascript you know, and all drag'n'droppable.

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Wow that is very cool.You can make some nice aplications with that.Are u still working on that solarsystem site ?It would be cool to know when all planets were in a line with each other.That the planets would spin around the sun in normal speed and the moon around the earth.Would that be possible ???¿¿¿???

Haha, very funny, an alert script that never terminates (unless you actually click 40,001 times that is). Luckily, Opera includes an option on alert buttons to stop execution of scripts on any page. I don't think anyone will be pressing that button from now on though. And it's always a good idea to use caution before pressing buttons you don't know what do.
It is always risky to go on even the site people can set the onload on the body element.So if you only visit the page you could download all kinda things.
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Wow that is very cool.You can make some nice aplications with that.Are u still working on that solarsystem site ?It would be cool to know when all planets were in a line with each other.That the planets would spin around the sun in normal speed and the moon around the earth.Would that be possible ???¿¿¿???
I stopped working on that thing a long time ago, and never intended to put up all planets. The thing is, even if you add all 9 planets (8 excluding Pluto), you won't see most of them, because they'll be put off-screen. The screen will expand to the right and bottom, but the planets will disappear on the left and top.
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Or smallen them and don't put real(on scale) distances between them.It probably will be doable.Only i never worked with DHTML before so i don't know if it's possibleDoes some1else got another JOKE to publish. or be creatife and make 1 now .pls do not use religion or nasty words.And i would love to see some in another script or programming language

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Definetely possible, however I won't do it. But please, experiment with it. It's not really difficult if you go through the code. The only thing you need to change is in the index file, everything should remain as-is in the .js files.

<img alt="planet" src="redball.png" id="ball4" /> <script type="text/javascript"> SET_DHTML("ball0","ball1","ball2","ball3","ball4");
Add a new <img alt="planet" src="ball.png" id="ball5" /> and add another ID in SET_DHTML("ball0","ball1"..."ball4","ball5");As for working with DHTML, that's really just a name for a combination of html, css and javascript to make Dynamic HTML.
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Yea i will try to make something.oh yea i forgot to paste the code for my joke.

<script type="text/javascript">function dalert(){for (i=0;i<=i;i++){alert ("you clicked: "+i)}}</script>

And i tweaked it a little bit so it's infinity do u see what i have changed ?

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I know something that would be really anoying.What if i make a infinity code for pop-up boxes.i am not that good at pop-up boxes right know so better get learningBut can i use the for(i=0;i<=1;i++){for the pop-up boxes ?

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If you really want to make annoying pages like that, it's not really difficult, no loop required. Make a document with this code:<html><head><title>POPUP Madness</title></head><body><script type="text/javascript">window.open("path to the the exact same document");</script></body></html>But who would you use these pages on. Just to practise javascript and show it to your friends?

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People like Rienk he's a boy in my class he's realy annoying.I would love to see him be mad at me.That reminds me some1 told the teacher about a quiz i had almost got detention i would love to see him get angry

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And what makes you think he would visit such a page? Aren't there better ways to deal with what you call "annoying" people? Like for example ignoring them?

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yea but he once set me up against a teacher he got realy pissed sent me away.But about the code i have it finished ow it's sweet i tryd it.

<html><head></head><body><script type="text/javascript">for(i=0;i<=i;i++){window.open("http://vytas.freehostinn.com")}</script></body></html>

Oops i edited it :)

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Ok because i can't have 2 jokes on my page i wanna manage a poll:

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