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Insert multi values into a table


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I think what you can do is that first make an array of the things that you want to put into the table and then instead of writing "Something" you can write thatArray .

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I want Insert multi values same same into a table .Please help me
Inserting a record with multiple values is easy:
INSERT INTO	table	(field1, field2, field3)VALUES   (val1a, val1b, val1c)WHERE   condition = @condition;

If you want to insert multiple records, its practically the same thing, except you seperate the values for each record by a comma:

INSERT INTO	table	(field1, field2, field3)VALUES   (val1a, val1b, val1c),   (val2a, val2b, val2c),   (val3a, val3b, val3c),   (val4a, val4b, val4c)WHERE   condition = @condition;

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