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How do you use ads?


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What is 'Pay Per Click' and 'Click 2 Pay' and all that? And what about affiliate plans? Do they pay off? I am thinking about making a website that has like every tutorial, code, and resource anyone would ever need to make websites - a web design one stop site. I would like to put ads on it and link to some other sites in the business (or any for that matter). How do people get paid for having ads on their site? How can I make money like they do? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Anyone know of sites or businesses that can hook me up? Anyone have experience with this?Thanks,LifeInBinary.

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Well lets use Google AdSense as the example.Website owners pay Google to put an ad of their website in the system.Google then adds them into the AdSense system.The Ad is displayed on your website by a content match up (complex stuff). Each (i think) 1000 impressions/views of that Ad gives you some small cents. Each unique click then gives you some more cents.Google makes their money from only giving you a tiny part of what the ad owner paid Google. Now theres like a whole bunch of calculations to speculate how much you get per click or 1000 impressions which no-one except Google knows.So basically you get paid nothing (well something...I get $30AU per month from Martin2k) from having adverts while Google buys billion dollar companies (ie GooTube [YouTube] ) :)Wikipedia can probably explain it better if you type in AdSense or something.

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... I am thinking about making a website that has like every tutorial, code, and resource anyone would ever need to make websites - a web design one stop site. I would like to put ads on it and link to some other sites in the business (or any for that matter)...
Sounds alot like, http://www.w3schools.com except adding the graphic design and multimedia stuff. Thats an awfully big challenge so good luck. A site like you describe would often seek the services of something like http://www.doubleclick.com/. There is a lot of information on this topic. You really are better off researching it on your own until you have a specific question.
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