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<table>, background in w3school pages


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I have a question/comment about the background attribute. Background is not listed as an attribute for the <table> tag at w3schools; bgcolor is there, but I don't see an attribute to add a background image. However, there is a link in the 'Try-It-Yourself Demos' section (http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_table_background) which shows the use of a background attribute. But when I try to use background this way in a page, it won't validate as HTML 4.01 Transitional. The page looks OK in IE6 and Firefox 1.5, but it won't validate.I resolved my immediate problem with some CSS, but I'm trying to figure out how this is supposed to work and the w3school approach just confuses me more. What am I missing? thanks

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background image in a table in html is deprecated I believe. W3schools would need to update their tutorials.

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I think vchris is right. You could add it in with inline styles though, eg:

<table style="background-image: url(/url/to/image.ext);"><tr><td>Hello</td></tr></table>

That should work. You could also add it using CSS styles as well, by adding in an ID or CLASS.

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Yep, I did fix it with CSS background-image and it's just fine. I was just suprised that the HTML tag descriptions at w3school didn't even mention 'Background' related to <table> or <td> and say that it was deprecated. The only place that I noticed it was related to <body> and there it is defined as deprecated.

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