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I try to add this Form to my page ..bu I wanna it as the other comments forms ..eg.{ youtube } That I can add my comment not type it in outlook and those things :) this is the code I added

Hello,Please leave your comment here :)<BR><form action="[email="tata_mostwanted@hotmil.com"]mailto:tata_mostwanted@hotmil.com[/email]" method="post" ><textarea name="comments" COLS="30" rows="6"></textarea><form action="[email="tata_mostwanted@hotmail.com"]mailto:tata_mostwanted@hotmail.com[/email]" method="post" enctype="text/plain"><input type="submit" value="add comment"></form>

this is the page that i wanna add that form there http://mostwanted.my-place.usWait ur help...btw:to skemcin ..I did as u said :)

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It's hard to understand what you're talking about.

bu I wanna it as the other comments forms
I know it's a lot to ask, but please pay attention to what you're writing, and use the best English you can. I understand it's not your first language, but it doesn't take a lot to read back through your post and make sure it's clear.If you're trying to make a form that adds a comment to a database or emails it instead of opening the user's email client, then you can't use mailto in the form action. Mailto always opens the user's email client (whether it's Outlook, or anything else). If you want the server to process the form and add it to a database or send an email, then you need to submit to a server-side page such as one written in PHP, ASP, ColdFusion, Perl, Python, JSP, etc. The server-side language can do whatever you want to do with the form.There is a section in the w3schools PHP tutorial about how to process forms, and I also wrote up a couple tips on it in a sticky topic in the PHP forum.
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To expand on what people are saying, HTML cannot process an actual form submission, it can only pass the information on to something that can. So, that means either a mailto: function which opens the local default email program (which will be different on every machine, if defined) or have a server side scripting language handle the request. So, since you have stated that the first option is what you'd like to avoid, then you are only left with using php, asp, or coldfusion to handle the request. Additionally, it would seem that would like folks to comments on things and those comments be posted to your site. That will involve at the very list the use of a server side scripting language and ideally a database. You can use XML in stead of the database if you really had to but if your hosting account can process at least one server side scripting language, then you likely are going to have access to a database.This could be your first database driven application, its a good project to get your feet wet.

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To expand on what people are saying, HTML cannot process an actual form submission, it can only pass the information on to something that can. So, that means either a mailto: function which opens the local default email program (which will be different on every machine, if defined) or have a server side scripting language handle the request. So, since you have stated that the first option is what you'd like to avoid, then you are only left with using php, asp, or coldfusion to handle the request. Additionally, it would seem that would like folks to comments on things and those comments be posted to your site. That will involve at the very list the use of a server side scripting language and ideally a database. You can use XML in stead of the database if you really had to but if your hosting account can process at least one server side scripting language, then you likely are going to have access to a database.This could be your first database driven application, its a good project to get your feet wet.
Thnx very much ,and thnx for the P.M But what's the server side scripting?---Sorry ,Iu wanna me use the xml or php ?
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Err... PHP. PHP is a server side language, one that causes the server to run a script before sending the page to the user (i.e. mail data to you :) ). However, you can use XML in conjunction with PHP to store the comments in a file format.

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