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BBcode [color]


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Hi ! I have a problem with BBcode like thisHere is I am using

$patterns[] = '@\[color=(.*)\](.*)\[/color\]@'; // Matches [color=COLOR]TEXT[/color]$replaces[] = '<font color="$1">$2</font>';

Now it only right when I type


Not true for all the rest case like:1.




...Could you show me the way to solve it !Thanks :)

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Your link is really nice. I know some about it.So the problem is (.*) just only match any single character with any repeated times, but it ignores newline character ?Try many cases but not find out the good match for it :) Any ideas ?

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My first instinct says

"/\[color\=(.*)](\w+\s?)\[\/color\]/i","<font color=\"$1\">$2</font>"

SHOULD work.. but then again im no expert with regex either.

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Hi ! I use regex for url so when you type http://..... in your post, it auto change to url instead using [code]&#91;url&#93;http&#58;//........&#91;/url&#93;[/code]but i also allow people to embed code for video, audio using embed tag, it also has url (for video, audio) and it creates confliction :) How can I fix it ? (regex continue ?)Thanks !!!
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Hi ! Like this, I am using URL match regex so people don't need to use

[url]link here[/url]

But suppose in the post, they also post the video embed code like this

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/cRAMkZxqudg"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/cRAMkZxqudg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

When they click Submit, the post will be checked for URL pattern, the problem starts because it also check URL match in the embed code and replace them as a link ?How can I solve it :)

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Thanks justsomeguy !!!I got your idea and maybe here is the last, anyway it works well to me now :)

$patterns[] = '@((\s|\\\n)((www|http)(\W+\S+[^).,:;?\]\} \r\n$]+)))@'; $replaces[] = ' <a href="$3" target="_blank">$3</a> ';$a_answer = preg_replace($patterns, $replaces, $a_answer);

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You could, but you would have to know which color to search for. So you could maybe search for "black", "white", "red", etc, but if you use a regular expression you can replace any color[/i]"] with <color="any color">, you can just replace the pattern but use the same original value.I'm sure someone will stop by to mention that <color> is not an HTML element, but that's not the point. The point is that with str_replace you can only look for a specific string, with a regular expression you can find something that matches a certain pattern (like xxx[/i]"], whatever xxx is).That being said, if you are only looking for a specific string and not necessarily a pattern, using str_replace is faster then using regular expressions. Regular expressions are powerful but the regular expression engine involves some overhead that makes it slower for replacing vs. str_replace.

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is <color> even a tag? But you would use preg_replace(or eregi_replace) like so:

 $text = $_POST['text']; $text = preg_replace("/\[color\=([\#?a-z0-9]+)\]/i","<span style=\"color:$1\">",$text); echo $text;

Should do it... at least by the example you've given.

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