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Update an MySQL entry?


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Hi, i usually code ASP but now I want to learn PHP. I'm currently working on a project which communicates with a MySQL database but I've got stuck and could really need some help. I looked through the PHP reference but couldn't find any good way of updating an already existing entry. The way they explained it i needed to put all my data into a SQL-query. Is there any way that something like this could work, and how would it be like?

mysql_select_db("database", $con) or die("Could not connect to the DB<BR>");	$seledit = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE ID = ".$ID ;	$result = mysql_query($seledit, $con) or die("Query failed:<BR> " . mysql_error());while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {	row['Entry1'] = $Variable1	row['Entry2'] = $Variable2	row['Entry3'] = $Variable3	row['Entry4'] = $Variable4	row['Entry5'] = $Variable5	row['Entry6'] = $Variable6	row['Entry7'] = $Variable7	row['Entry8'] = $Variable8


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if u want to update use.

$seledit = "update  Table1 set fieldname=$fieldname WHERE ID = ".$ID;//fieldname is the name of field u want to update and $filedname is the value.$result = mysql_query($seledit, $con) or die("Query failed:<BR> " . mysql_error());

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if u want to update use.
$seledit = "UPDATE Offerter SET underkonsult = ".$underkonsult . " AND offertNr = " . $offertNr . " AND offeradFran = " . $offeradFran . " AND offeradTill = " . $offeradTill . " AND bestalldFran = " . $bestalldFran . " AND bestalldTill = " . $bestalldTill . " AND lon = " . $lon . " WHERE OffertID = ".$offertID;$result = mysql_query($seledit, $con) or die("Query failed:<BR> " . mysql_error());

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don't write this way

$seledit = "UPDATE Offerter SET underkonsult = ".$underkonsult . " AND offertNr = " . $offertNr . " AND offeradFran = " . $offeradFran . " AND offeradTill = " . $offeradTill . " AND bestalldFran = " . $bestalldFran . " AND bestalldTill = " . $bestalldTill . " AND lon = " . $lon . " WHERE OffertID = ".$offertID;


$seledit = "update  Table1 set fieldname=$fieldname, fieldname1=$fieldname1, fieldname2=$fieldname2 WHERE ID = '$ID'";

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I followed your example but I can't seem to get it to work.
Don't use the AND operator in UPDATE queries - they are for logical tests. Use commas instead. So (clean up as well)
UPDATE Offerter SET underkonsult = $underkonsult, offertNr = $offertNr, offeradFran = $offeradFran, offeradTill = $offeradTill, bestalldFran = $bestalldFran, bestalldTill = $bestalldTill, lon = $lon WHERE OffertID = $offertID

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Thanks for your help & feedback. Just one more question, in ASP you can use the "if not"For example

If not request.querystring("ID") = "" thenresponse.redirect "wherever.asp"elseresponse.write "hello!"

Is it possible in PHP to write

if ($_GET["reference"] != "") {  $reference = $_GET["reference"];}else {	$reference = "Konsult";}


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for your help! The SQL-syntax you gave me doesn't return any errors. The only problem left is that the database doesnt get updated, i added mysql_select_db to be sure that it uses the right db. mysql_update_db doesnt return any errors aswell.. What can be wrong? Is there any cache option that is set to on by default?Thanks!

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No, there shouldn't be any caching with regard to the database. Print out the query you're building and run it directly on the database, make sure it's valid. If there aren't any errors but it's not updating what you expect then chances are the WHERE clause doesn't refer to any existing rows.

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