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Adding information into a column in mysql db


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Hi guys, Is there a way to update a column in my row without selecting the information?What I mean by that is I have this row:

+-----------+----------------+| r_name	|   r_comment	|+-----------+----------------+| name	  |   comment	  |+-----------+----------------+

and I want add more information to it like this

+------------------------+-------------------------+| r_name				 |   r_comment			 |+------------------------+-------------------------+| name and last name	 |   comment and reply	 |+------------------------+-------------------------+

I don't want to change the name of the column just the information inside of the rowDo I absolutely need to select my information before of is there a way to do it just with an update?

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Sorry I didn't explain myself correctlyhere what I'm trying to do:

	###----- START inserting message tbl -----###	$db2 = new MySqlDB;	$db2->connect('localhost', 'root', 'pass');	$db2->select_db('db2');	$result = $db2->query("UPDATE message 						   SET message_desc = '". $comment ."' 							   message_enddate = '". $endcookie ."' 							   message_lastmod = '". time() ."') 						   WHERE message_username = '". $user_logged ."'");	$db2 = $db2->close();	//------------- END inserting message tbl -------------->

I don't know what is inside the column message_desc and I want add $comment after it.I know with number I ca do something like this: message_desc =+ '". $comment ."' (I don't remember the exact syntax) but is there something similar to that or I have to select the column and add it manually to $comment?

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MySQL has a string concatenation function you can use.

	$result = $db2->query("UPDATE message 						   SET message_desc = CONCAT(message_desc, '". $comment ."'),							   message_enddate = '". $endcookie ."', 							   message_lastmod = '". time() ."'						   WHERE message_username = '". $user_logged ."'");

http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/str...function_concatFor T-SQL in MSSQL Server you can use the plus operator for concatenation.

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