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Alignment Issues


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Hello all,I am using Microsoft Office Live basic for my small business website ( www.go-geartactical.com ), it's a great system and you cant beat the price for what you get but as alot of you prob know office live doesint view perfect with FF & Safari. Its not that the site cannot be viewed its just that certain things are misaligned which is fustrating, so im wondering if there is html or other code out there that can help with the alignment issue and it wouldint bother me if it viewed a bit off in FF but its pretty bad. any help what so ever would be awsome.-Paul-

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What web design software comes with Office Live? I thought it was just a online collaborative system. Though the alignment doesn't look too much out for me. Any particular part you are referring to?

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I'm trying to figure out what Office Live is but when I go to the website in Opera it flashes the content then everything disappears while it tries to contact microsoftoffice.112.2o7.net. Is it really any wonder that there's a Microsoft product that makes websites that don't work with browsers other then their own?If you can go to a page on your site that has the misalignment issues and view the source code of that page and post the source code here we might be able to help. But I'm getting a sneaking suspicion that much of the HTML code that gets produced can't be changed.

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I'm trying to figure out what Office Live is but when I go to the website in Opera it flashes the content then everything disappears while it tries to contact microsoftoffice.112.2o7.net. Is it really any wonder that there's a Microsoft product that makes websites that don't work with browsers other then their own?If you can go to a page on your site that has the misalignment issues and view the source code of that page and post the source code here we might be able to help. But I'm getting a sneaking suspicion that much of the HTML code that gets produced can't be changed.
i highlighted the front page and the pasted it in the html module and this is the code that it gave me.<FONT color=#c41200 size=5 unselectable="off"><P align=center unselectable="off"><TABLE class=iws_table borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=8 background=/images/Tag1HOME.jpg border=1 unselectable="off"><TBODY unselectable="off"><TR unselectable="off"><TD unselectable="off"><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"><STRONG unselectable="off"><EM unselectable="off"><FONT color=#9f9f9f size=5 unselectable="off">                                      <FONT color=#9f9f9f unselectable="off">             </FONT></FONT></EM></STRONG><STRONG unselectable="off"><EM unselectable="off"><FONT color=#9f9f9f size=5 unselectable="off">                                       </FONT></EM></STRONG></P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off">                                                                           </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P><P unselectable="off"> </P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P><P align=left unselectable="off"><EM unselectable="off">                                                <A href="/Main.aspx" unselectable="off"><FONT color=#9f9f9f unselectable="off">ENTER</FONT></A></EM></P><P unselectable="off"><?import namespace = ezwebint urn = "ezwebint" implementation = "http://go-geartactical.com/%5Flayouts/wh/designer/HTC/aspctrl.htc?b=1.05.1359.0" /><ezwebint:aspctrl id=HtmlControl1 style="BORDER-RIGHT: blue 1px dashed; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: blue 1px dashed; DISPLAY: inline-block; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-LEFT: blue 1px dashed; WIDTH: 749px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: blue 1px dashed; HEIGHT: 44px" unselectable="off"><iws:htmlcontrol id="HtmlControl1" runat="server" culturename="en-US" content="<!-- Since you selected Editor Area, You may need to paste the following codeInto every HTML Module you create or insert scripts, This is To avoid the White Rectanglesrepresenting the modules when you view the page, or have applied a background color other than white.This will style the HTML Module with the same background color you selected in the Color Picker.P.S. Make sure you make the Module as small as you can, using the handles around it.It is recommended to insert your code's between the code snippet below.(e.g. <div>&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;Your Code's Here</div>)Code: --><!-- <div style="background-color: #020300;">&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;</div> --><div style="background-color: #020300;">&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<script type="text/javascript">/* Office Live - Background Color ChangerProvided by -OSWC (Open Source Webmaster Center)@ http://TheXbanners.com - Free 4 AllBut The CREDITS MUST STAY INTACT !!*/var p = parent.document.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_Content');p.style.backgroundColor= "#020300";</script></div><script type="text/javascript">/* Office Live - Background Color ChangerProvided by -OSWC (Open Source Webmaster Center)@ http://TheXbanners.com - Free 4 AllBut The CREDITS MUST STAY INTACT !!*/var f = parent.document.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_Footer').getElementsByTagName('div')[0];f.style.backgroundColor= "#020300";</script><script type="text/javascript">/* Office Live - Background Color ChangerProvided by -OSWC (Open Source Webmaster Center)@ http://TheXbanners.com - Free 4 AllBut The CREDITS MUST STAY INTACT !!*/var f = parent.document.body;f.style.backgroundColor= "#020300";</script><script language=javascript>top.document.getElementById("IWS_WH_Elem_BottomAd").style.visibility="hidden";</script><script>/* Use parent since that element is one level upCause HTML Module is an Iframe */ var p = parent.document.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_GlobalLinks'); /* We already have the elemt in our hands so we go ahead and modify it */p.innerHTML = ""; /*InnerHTML is the complete value that this element holds, thus we set to value to "" witch means NULL, NADA, GONE */</script><script type="text/javascript">/*Customized Blank Template for Office LiveProvided by -OSWC (Open Source Webmaster Center)@ http://TheXbanners.com - Free 4 AllBut the credits must stay INTACT !! */var p = parent.document; var sbox = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_GlobalLinks'); var hr = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_Header');var ln = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_LeftNav'); var tn = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_TopNav');var fr = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_Footer'); var ba = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_BottomAd');hr.innerHTML = "";ln.innerHTML = "";tn.innerHTML = "";fr.innerHTML = "";</script>" width="749px" height="44px"/></ezwebint:aspctrl></P></FONT>MS Office live is starting to get on my nerves so i picked up Web Page Maker V2 and now im tring to figure out a free host that allows you to upload pre made web pages, anyone have a good suggestion?
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Yeah, that's some of the more useless code I've seen. Here's a slightly more formatted version:

<FONT color=#c41200 size=5 unselectable="off">  <P align=center unselectable="off">	<TABLE class=iws_table borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=8 background=/images/Tag1HOME.jpg border=1 unselectable="off">	  <TBODY unselectable="off">		<TR unselectable="off">		  <TD unselectable="off">			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off">			<STRONG unselectable="off">			  <EM unselectable="off">				<FONT color=#9f9f9f size=5 unselectable="off">				                                        				  <FONT color=#9f9f9f unselectable="off">					            				  </FONT>				</FONT>			  </EM>			</STRONG>			<STRONG unselectable="off">			  <EM unselectable="off">				<FONT color=#9f9f9f size=5 unselectable="off">				                                        				</FONT>			  </EM>			</STRONG>			</P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off">                                                                           </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>			<P unselectable="off"> </P>		  </TD>		</TR>	  </TBODY>	</TABLE>  </P>  <P align=left unselectable="off">	<EM unselectable="off">                                                	  <A href="/Main.aspx" unselectable="off">		<FONT color=#9f9f9f unselectable="off">ENTER</FONT>	  </A>	</EM>  </P>  <P unselectable="off">	<?import namespace = ezwebint urn = "ezwebint" implementation = "http://go-geartactical.com/%5Flayouts/wh/designer/HTC/aspctrl.htc?b=1.05.1359.0" />	<ezwebint:aspctrl id=HtmlControl1 style="BORDER-RIGHT: blue 1px dashed; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: blue 1px dashed; DISPLAY: inline-block; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-LEFT: blue 1px dashed; WIDTH: 749px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: blue 1px dashed; HEIGHT: 44px" unselectable="off">	  <iws:htmlcontrol id="HtmlControl1" runat="server" culturename="en-US" content="<!-- Since you selected Editor Area, You may need to paste the following codeInto every HTML Module you create or insert scripts, This is To avoid the White Rectanglesrepresenting the modules when you view the page, or have applied a background color other than white.This will style the HTML Module with the same background color you selected in the Color Picker.P.S. Make sure you make the Module as small as you can, using the handles around it.It is recommended to insert your code's between the code snippet below.(e.g. <div>&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;Your Code's Here</div>)Code: --><!-- <div style="background-color: #020300;">&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;</div> --><div style="background-color: #020300;">&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<script type="text/javascript">/* Office Live - Background Color ChangerProvided by -OSWC (Open Source Webmaster Center)@ http://TheXbanners.com - Free 4 AllBut The CREDITS MUST STAY INTACT !!*/var p = parent.document.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_Content');p.style.backgroundColor= "#020300";</script></div><script type="text/javascript">/* Office Live - Background Color ChangerProvided by -OSWC (Open Source Webmaster Center)@ http://TheXbanners.com - Free 4 AllBut The CREDITS MUST STAY INTACT !!*/var f = parent.document.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_Footer').getElementsByTagName('div')[0];f.style.backgroundColor= "#020300";</script><script type="text/javascript">/* Office Live - Background Color ChangerProvided by -OSWC (Open Source Webmaster Center)@ http://TheXbanners.com - Free 4 AllBut The CREDITS MUST STAY INTACT !!*/var f = parent.document.body;f.style.backgroundColor= "#020300";</script><script language=javascript>top.document.getElementById("IWS_WH_Elem_BottomAd").style.visibility="hidden";</script><script>/* Use parent since that element is one level upCause HTML Module is an Iframe */ var p = parent.document.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_GlobalLinks'); /* We already have the elemt in our hands so we go ahead and modify it */p.innerHTML = ""; /*InnerHTML is the complete value that this element holds, thus we set to value to "" witch means NULL, NADA, GONE */</script><script type="text/javascript">/*Customized Blank Template for Office LiveProvided by -OSWC (Open Source Webmaster Center)@ http://TheXbanners.com - Free 4 AllBut the credits must stay INTACT !! */var p = parent.document; var sbox = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_GlobalLinks'); var hr = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_Header');var ln = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_LeftNav'); var tn = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_TopNav');var fr = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_Footer'); var ba = p.getElementById('IWS_WH_Elem_BottomAd');hr.innerHTML = "";ln.innerHTML = "";tn.innerHTML = "";fr.innerHTML = "";</script>" width="749px" height="44px"/>	</ezwebint:aspctrl>  </P></FONT>

That's a tremendous waste of space, and the giant Javascript chunk inside an attribute is a nice touch. It truly amazes me that after all these years Microsoft is still so delusional. They have the most market share of any vendor in the browser market, and they listen to users literally less then anyone other vendor. Opera, Firefox, and Safari all have much better relationships with the developer community. I don't even know what to say about Office Live. The last thing that Microsoft has released that has impressed me was Windows XP in 2001. Quite literally everything they have released since then I have either laughed at, been confused about, or been angry about. This falls under the confusion category. When a company has more money then most countries on this planet and can't manage to make something that writes decent HTML code (much less render HTML code properly) it just leaves me speechless. I don't know what to say about this, but I'm going to follow other developers by telling people not to use any Microsoft products for creating web content. Don't use their search service. Don't use their advertising service. Don't use their Live service. Don't use Frontpage. Don't use Silverlight. Don't use any Microsoft product where there is a viable alternative (as far as I'm concerned the only thing Microsoft makes that does not have a viable alternative is Windows XP). Historically I've never been very anti-Microsoft, but they have abused their relationship with their customers and developers to the point that I now have zero faith in their abilities, after so much time it now appears that they have absolutely no interest in addressing their customer's and developer's complaints and issues. They are living in a vacuum. When they are releasing products in 2007 for commercial use that are about as mature as you would expect a product from 1997 to be I think that sort of shows how oblivious they are. I'm not the only one that feels this way either.I'm sorry you're having problems with your site, and I'm even more sorry to tell you that you need to abandon Office Live and either use a product that isn't going to mangle your pages (I don't have any experience with Web Page Maker V2, maybe it will be good for you), or have a professional developer make your site for you. If you want me to send you a quote on what it would take send me a personal message with the details of what you want your site to do, or you can also just post the details here and people will probably be able to offer suggestions on how to do what you need to do.

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Justsomeguy,Thanks for the help, i tried your code on the site and its still all fuged up with FF. I agree the MS are testing the limits of people way to often, the crappy part is that thay dont tell people before thay sign up that there sites are not compatible with any browser other than IE and even with IE you get problems and to top it off you cant transfer your domain name so now i need to get a new one. I have basicly made all the pages to my soon to come new site except for the store page since i dont have all the pics of my items yet and im wanting a better cart than PayPals one in my account since there are alot of people who down right hate them plus my items are some what weapon related so i dont want PP to cancel my account when a customer adds the word rifle to the payment. here is the newer site i made with Web Page Maker V2 ( all but the store nav works ) *** MY BAD its not a url ***the only prob with the Web Page Maker V2 i have is its a trial version so it says it will leave there logo on my site when published ( i dont want that of coarse ) so if you where to redo the site you would have to use your software. FYI i dont have a hosting account since im new to this whole make your web then upload it to the sever so im not sure who to go through ( cheaper the better, since my Co. is just starting and funds are tight ) i will need to get a new domain name also through the host.PM me a quote .thanks again,PaulEDIT: im an idiot :) let me know how you want me to sent the website files to you so you can check it out..

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