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dragging element inside div


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Hi,Here is the code I tried for dragging the element inside the div tag. But the code doesn't seems to work in mozilla and netscape.It works fine in IE.Can anyone kindly let me know where exactly things are going wrong ?Code:**************************************************************** <script type ="text/javascript"> var ie =false; var mousex; var tempx; var temp; function init() { if(document.addEventListener) { document.getElementById("i1").addEventListener("mousedown",display,true); } else { ie=true; } } function display(e) { mousex = e.pageX; } function move(obj) { temp = obj; tempx = parseInt(obj.style.left); if(ie) { mousex = event.clientX; } else { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); } document.onmousemove = drag; document.onmouseup = drop; } function drag(e) { var pos=0; if(ie) { pos = tempx + (event.clientX - mousex); } else { pos = tempx + (e.pageX - mousex); } var limit = parseInt(document.getElementById("m1").style.width) - parseInt(temp.style.width); document.getElementById("t1").value = tempx; document.getElementById("t2").value = mousex; if(pos >= 0 && pos <= limit) { temp.style.left = pos; document.getElementById("d1").style.left = pos + 24 ; document.getElementById("d1").innerText = pos; } return false; } function drop() { document.onmousemove = null; document.onmouseup = null; } </script></head><body onload="init()"><div id="m1" style=" position:relative; width:300px;height:125px; cursor:pointer"> <img src ="slider001.gif" id="i1" alt="slide" style="position:absolute;left:10px;top:10px;width:58px" onmousedown = "move(this)" /> <div id="d1" style="position:absolute;left:30px;top:10px; color:White; font-weight:bold"></div> </div>*******************************************************************

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