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I am confused about AJAX..... what is it about? what can you gain from using it? my main question is why is there not a forum section here on w3schools about AJAX ?
AJAX is a combination of Javascript and any S3L to create or get content from the server on the go without having to reload a page. Javascript sends a request to the server, the request goes through the serverside language and is executed in the background.A downside I guess is that certain content on your pages can't be caught by the search engines, so if you have relevant content only accessed through AJAX, people won't find that by searching for relevant words, only through actually visiting your site and seeing it.But I'm sure someone can give a more thorough explanation. I guess you've already read the tutorial?http://www.w3schools.com/AJAXAs for why there's no forum for it, it's really not a separate language, it's just exploitation of a mix of languages and the extended possibilities that come with that.
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