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navigation menu problems


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hi, im having a major problem with two navigation bars that i have designed in fireworks.the site they are used in is a floating div template i designed in dreamweaver.<a href="http://www.lighterdawn.co.uk/members_home.php">link to website page</a><a href="http://www.lighterdawn.co.uk/css/stylesheets.css">link to css stylesheet</a>when you hover over the navigation options the options are lost behind the floating divs, when i change the position of the navigation divs i lose my content because they are held in a containing div which holds the rest of the site. its driving me mad!!!! also on the left hand vertical menu the options have lost their width and for some reason wrap into two lines, any help at all would be most appreciated.problem appears in firefox, opera, ie and safari aaaaargggghhhhh!!!thanks in advance

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Ouch! A menu composed of absolutely positioned divs, tables and javascript. And you're using images rather than text?I don't approve much of Dreamweaver's predefined libraries (I can tell by the source code).This menu at CSSplay might do the job correctly http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/fly_definition.htmlImportant: your page most likely has to run in standards compliant mode to work with most of the CSS tricks on that site.

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Hi,You just have to many tables :S. Tables weren't made to construct your layouts. Divs were. Try migrate to divs or in this case use the element of listing (<ul><li></li></ul>).Complements \o/

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Hi,You just have to many tables :S. Tables weren't made to construct your layouts. Divs were. Try migrate to divs or in this case use the element of listing (<ul><li></li></ul>).Complements \o/
the tables were made in fireworks, thats what i made the menu with cos im nopt too sure about writing that much code....took bloody ages lol so i should just replace rather than try to fix?
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Good code == less maintenance problems. You could try to fix it, but it would be much easier to start again and write it in a simple and elegant manner. This will also save you time if you need to change / repair something later on.

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Good code == less maintenance problems. You could try to fix it, but it would be much easier to start again and write it in a simple and elegant manner. This will also save you time if you need to change / repair something later on.
:) Complements \o/
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