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Php Simple Text Form


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Hi, I have created a simple form that looks like this:

					<form action=\"admin/new_press_process.php\" method=\"post\">									<fieldset>										<legend>New Press Release</legend>										<ul>								<li>									<label><strong>Title:</strong></label>									<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" />								</li>												<li>									<label><strong>Body:</strong></label>									<textarea name=\"body\"></textarea>								</li>																<li>									<label><strong>Excerpt:</strong></label>									<textarea name=\"excerpt\"></textarea>								</li>												<li>									<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" />								</li>											<ul>									</fieldset>								</form>

and the new_press_process.php it submits to, looks like this:

<?php																	$title=$_POST['title'];												$date=date("Y-m-d");												$body=$_POST['body'];												$excerpt=$_POST['excerpt'];												$host='localhost';												$username='u0558234';												$pass='26jun87';												mysql_connect($host,$username,$pass);												mysql_select_db($username);												$query="INSERT INTO news VALUES (NULL,'".$title."','".$date."','".$body."','".$excerpt."')";												$result=mysql_query($query);												if(mysql_affected_rows()==1) {													echo '<p>Details were successfully added</p>';													}												else												{							echo '<p>There was a problem</p>';						}										?>

However it isn't submitting the contents to my database, it just displays the "There was a problem"Any ideas what the problem could be? Thanks.

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Do some basic error handling and debugging, at least.var_dump($_POST) to see what's actually arriving.use isset() to test the values of your POST variables before you go assigning them.check the return values of mysql_connect() and mysql_select_db()Echo your query string to make sure it's formatted correctly.check mysql_error() after you call mysql_query()You've gone through this before. You should know what to look for. If you do all this, and you're still stuck, come back for more ideas.

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