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When Will Xhtml 2.0 / Html 5 Come Out?


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Both of them are still drafts. As for browser support. I doubt that all browsers will fully support it for at least another two years.

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Guest FirefoxRocks

You can read about the implementation status of the features found in HTML5 here: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/The implementation status of CSS3 selectors, properties and pseudo-elements can be found here: http://www.webdevout.net/browser-support-c...&uas=CUSTOM(Test data for IE8 is incomplete for CSS3 stuff).As for XHTML2, I don't think browser vendors are that eager to support the features. They are focusing on HTML5, CSS and faster JavaScript performance in the browsers (and of course usability and security).

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I know that XHTML 2.0 and HTML 5 are in the works for quite some time and I'm still confused by these two... As adopter of XHTML 1.x, my gut says to go when XHTML 2.0 over HTML 5 (when they are out of course). All I've seen about HTML 5 so far, was more multimedia oriented and I don't develop much of those websites. But I haven't seen that much about it either one of them. Still, I think that XHTML 2.0 seems the way to go for someone that mostly developed websites in XHTML 1.1.

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HTML 5 is very much focused on improving the semantic value of markup. XHTML 2.0 has been more about implementing useful XML features in a web context, such as namespaces. You can always write your HTML 5 code using XML syntax...

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