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Tabifier Problem Incorporating <ul> Into Code


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I am referencing this site here: http://www.barelyfitz.com/projects/tabber/ to try and set up a tab content script.The site makes it seem easy. In step 1 I enter this code into my page:

<div class="tabber">  <div class="tabbertab">	<h3>Section One</h3>	Section one content.  </div>  <div class="tabbertab" title="MyTabTitle">	Section two content.  </div></div>

And get this nice looking result:screen2.gifBut when you get to step 3, he throws in the <ul> to dictate the tabs. However, when I implement his code:

<div class="tabberlive">  <ul class="tabbernav">	<li class="active">	  <a href="java script:void(null)" onclick="">	  Section One</a>	</li>	<li>	  <a href="java script:void(null)" onclick="">	  MyTabTitle</a>	</li>  </ul>  <div class="tabbertab">	<h3>Section One</h3>	Section one content.  </div>  <div class="tabbertab">	Section two content.  </div></div>

...into my page, I get a distorted look:screen1.gifI want to be able to incorporate the <ul> into my site so I can style the tabs. He provides other examples on his page, but none of them use an unordered list. Am I missing something obvious here? Thank you in advance to anyone who can offer some help and thought.

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the onclick runs a javascript dom code, to show required content, but at the same time hiding the unwanted content.usually using display: none; to hide. and display: block; to show required content.or in this case to change the classname as listed in tabber.js file

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the onclick runs a javascript dom code, to show required content, but at the same time hiding the unwanted content.usually using display: none; to hide. and display: block; to show required content.or in this case to change the classname as listed in tabber.js file
Thank you for your input. So what changes do I have to make on my end?
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you don't use the unordererd list code shown, this is what the original code is transformed into.you should have link to css and javascript file in page like so<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Untitled Document</title><script type="text/javascript" src="tabber.js"></script><link href="example.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /></head><body><div class="tabber"> <div class="tabbertab"> <h3>Section One</h3> Section one content. </div> <div class="tabbertab" title="MyTabTitle"> Section two content. </div></div></body></html> when you open this page the javascript turns the current code into (using firefox select all->right click-> View selection source) the code below, which now uses an unordered list.<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>Untitled Document</title><script type="text/javascript" src="tabber.js"></script><link href="example.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body><div class="tabberlive"><ul class="tabbernav"><li class="tabberactive"><a title="Section One" href="java script:void(null);">Section One</a></li><li class=""><a title="MyTabTitle" href="java script:void(null);">MyTabTitle</a></li></ul> <div title="" class="tabbertab"> <h3>Section One</h3> Section one content. </div> <div class="tabbertab tabbertabhide" title=""> Section two content. </div> </div></body></html>and then the example.css file styles the unordered list produced.

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