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Spliffy Box Not Working


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Hi i cant seem to figure out why this spliffy box isnt working i have copied the code the image is saved fine as i belive. i just really not geting it it. Thanks

<style type="text/css">/*set the image to use and establish the lower-right position*/.cssbox, .cssbox_body, .cssbox_head, .cssbox_head h2{background:  url(img.php.png) no-repeat bottom right}.cssbox{/*intended total box width padding-right(next)*/width:335px !important; /*IE Win = width-padding */width: 320px;/*the gap on the right edge of the image (not content padding)*/padding-right: 15px; /*use to position the box*/margin:20px auto}/*set the top-right image*/.css_head{background-position:top right;/*pull the right image over the top of the border*/margin-right:-15px;/*right-image-gap + right side padding*/padding-right: 40px}/*set the top left image*/.cssbox_head h2{background-position: top left;margin:0; /*reset main site styles */border:0;/*ditto*//*padding left =image gap +interior padding.... no padding right */padding:25px 0 15px 40px;height: auto !important;height:1%}/*holly hack*//*set the lower-left corner image*/.cssbox_body{background-position:bottom left;margin-right:25px; /*interior padding right */padding:15px 0 15px 40px} /*mirror .css_box_head right/left*/</style></head><body><div class="cssbox"><div class="cssbox_head"><h2>This is for the head</h2></div><div class="css_body"><p>This is for your content</p></div></div></body>

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If your file has a .php extension, then you call it with the .php extension in your code. If you want it to have the extension commonly associated with the MIME type the PHP script sets, you can use URL rewriting.

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