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Error Of Unexpected $end


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hello,I am getting Unexpected $end.. whats wrong with my code. And I spent about 2 days to check it out. But I totally lost.<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="example.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="sortable.js"></script> <title>Browse all records from P2</title> </head> <body> <?php $db="mytest"; $link = mysql_connect("localhost","root","Openit4me"); if (! $link) die("Couldn't connect to MySQL"); mysql_select_db($db , $link) or die("Couldn't open $db: ".mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM mytest.p1 limit 30" ) or die("SELECT Error: ".mysql_error()); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); mysql_close($link); echo "<P>this is my debug. Each column can be sorted by click column title. </p>"; echo "<P>need add feature to display records page by page when looking a lot of rows</P>"; echo "<P>There are $num_rows records.</P>"; //add titles; echo "<h3><center><font face=arial> My test project II </font></center></h3>" ; echo "<h4><center><font face=arial> Browse all records from table p1 </font></center></h4>"; echo " <table class='sortable' id='mybrowse' align=center height=50 ><tr><th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>CHR</strong></div></font></th> <th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>SNP</strong></div></font></th> <th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>minorA</strong></div></font></th> <th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>majorA</strong></div></font></th> <th width=20><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>MAF</strong></div></font></th> <th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>NCHROBS</strong></div></font></th> <th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>_dom</strong></div></font></th> <th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>_rec</strong></div></font></th> <th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>_add</strong></div></font></th> <th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>position</strong></div></font></th> <th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>AddBETA</strong></div></font></th> <th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>addPvalue</strong></div></font></th> <th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>domBETA</strong></div></font></th> <th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>domPvalue</strong></div></font></th> <th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>RecBETA</strong></div></font></th> <th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>RecPvalue</strong></div></font></th> <th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>bestP</strong></div></font></th> <th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>ModelUsed</strong></div></font></th> </tr>"; while ($row= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //loop until all records from the table are selected //set difference color for ODD or EVEN row; $color2 = "#ffffff"; $color1 = "#cccccc"; $row_count = 0; while ($row= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //loop until all records from the table are selected $row_color = ($row_count % 2) ? $color1 : $color2; echo "<tr bgcolor='$row_color'>"; echo "<th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'CHR' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'SNP' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'minorA' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'majorA' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=20><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'MAF' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'NCHROBS' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ '_dom' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ '_rec' ] ."</strong></div></font></th>"; echo "<th width=10><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ '_add' ] ."</strong></div></font></th>"; echo "<th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'position' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'AddBETA' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'addPvalue' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'domBETA' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'domPvalue' ] ."</strong></div></font></th>"; echo "<th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'RecBETA' ] ."</strong></div></font></th>"; echo "<th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'RecPvalue' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'bestP' ] ."</strong></div></font></th> "; echo "<th width=50><font face=arial size=2/><div align=center><strong>". $row[ 'ModelUsed' ] ."</strong></div></font></th>"; echo "</tr>"; $row_count++; } echo "</table>"; ?> <p> </p><p> </p><p> </p> <! go back to main page> <form action="./index.html"> <p><input type="submit" value="Back to Home Page" name="Back to Home Page" > </p> </form> </body></html>

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You have a while loop inside a while loop at the end and you've only one closing brace.

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This usually happens for one of two reasons:

  • You've forgotten a closing brace '}' for an if(), while() or function() statement
  • You've forgotten to close a string with ' or "

Look through your code and indent it as well to see if you find it. It can't be that hard. I'd do it myself but I think that you should try on your own first.

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