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Removechild Loop


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Hi I need to delete every images in any cell, but this doesn't work.The function removes only the first image, the rows[1], cells[6].

	function clearAll() {	var table = document.getElementById("table");	for(c=6; c >= 0; c--) {  //cells		for(r=1; r <= 6; r++) {  //rows		table.rows[r].cells[c].removeChild.(createCircle);		}	}		}

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rather parse the rows before the cells as a row would be the parent of a cell.rows have cells as children, and cells have rows as parents.for example try something like this:

function clearAll() {	var table = document.getElementById("table");	for r = 0; r < table.rows.count; r++) {		for (c=0; c < table.rows[2].cells.length; c++) {			table.rows[r].cells[c].removeChild(dynamicImageReference);		}	}}

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You have a '.' between the function and the parameters so it's not going to work:


Besides that, "createCircle" is a reference to one single element, so it's only going to be in one of the cells. One same element can't be in more than one place at a time. I don't see where createCircle is defined either so I don't even know if it is an element.

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Assuming you really want to remove ALL the images in your table (not just some of them), this does the trick:

function clearAll () {	var el = document.getElementById("table");	var ims = el.getElementsByTagName("img");	while (ims[0]) {		ims[0].parentNode.removeChild(ims[0]);	}}

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