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Unable To Ensure Attributes Are Linked To A Supplier.


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at the moment, with the current attributes asked for being kept in the top level array $attribids, it should not have all the suppliers in the list as not all suppliers have all the attributes linked in the 9_supplierattributes table.

// check if the supplier has an attribute linkedfunction hasattrib($supplierid,$attribid) {	$sql = "SELECT * FROM 9_supplierattributes		WHERE bigint_SupplierID = ".$supplierid."		AND bigint_ServiceID = ".$GLOBALS["service"]."		AND bigint_AttributeID = ".$attribid."		AND bigint_RegionID = ".$GLOBALS["region"].";\n";	$GLOBALS["sql"] .= $sql;	$result = mysql_query($sql);	$err = mysql_error();	$GLOBALS["sql"] .= strtoupper($err)."\n";	if ($result) {		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {			return true;		}	}	return false;}// make sure all attributes are linkedfunction hasattribs($supplierid) {	$ret = true;	foreach ($GLOBALS["attribids"] as $attribid) {		if (!hasattrib($supplierid,$attribid)) {			$ret = false;			break;		}	}	return ret;}// checking wether has regions, and attributes and hasn't been added already before// adding, but adds to arrays despite that// $GLOBALS is to reference the top level variables on the page.function getsuppliers($svcid) {	$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM 4_servicesuppliers JOIN (5_suppliers) ON		(4_servicesuppliers.bigint_SupplierID = 5_suppliers.bigint_SupplierID)		WHERE bigint_ServiceID = ".$svcid.";\n";	$GLOBALS["sql"] .= $sql1;	$result1 = mysql_query($sql1);	$err = mysql_error();	$GLOBALS["sql"] .= strtoupper($err)."\n";	if ($result1) {		while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {			if (inregion($row1["bigint_SupplierID"]) &&			  hasattribs($row1["bigint_SupplierID"]) &&			  !in_array($row1["bigint_SupplierID"],$GLOBALS["supplierids"])) {				array_push($GLOBALS["mailadds"], $row1["text_ContactFirstName"].				  " ".$row1["text_ContactSurname"].";".$row1["text_SupplierName"].				  ";".$row1["text_ContactE-mail"].";".				  $row1["bigint_CurrentBalance"]);				array_push($GLOBALS["supplierids"], $row1["bigint_SupplierID"]);			}		}	}}

but despite this, all suppliers for the service get added to the array. i believe i need a bit of help here please... i'll respond with anything that might be required.

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please help someone, i cannot see why it would not be filtering the suppliers with nonexistant attributes...

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problem was fixed thanks.some coding had to be rewritten, the hasattribs and hasattrib functions dropped, and the problem disappeared with that. :)

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