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Please Help! Parsing Form With Both Array Elements And Non-array Elements


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hi, the form has an array of elements by name id with various identifiers. not all elements in $_POST are arrays.here is the code sofar:

$attribsarr["products_description"] = $_POST["products_description"];foreach ($_POST["id"] as $key => $val) {	// attributes	if ($key!="TEXT_PREFIX19"&&		// consumer full name	   $key!="TEXT_PREFIX21"&&		// consumer cell	   $key!="TEXT_PREFIX22"&&		// consumer email	   $key!="TEXT_PREFIX20"&&		// consumer city / town	   $key!="16"&&					// region id	   $key!="TEXT_PREFIX27") {		// comments		$attribsarr[translate($key,1)] = translate($val,0);	}}

i believe this would do the trick...any help would be appreciated, even if its a nudge in the right direction!ps: i'm guessing an if statement in there to determine if $_POST[$key] is an array could be the solution, but i have no idea how to go about it...translate($id,$keyorval) is a function which gets the name values by the given id values from the appropriate table in the zencart database.

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yeah, did that... just a problem now, the following error shows up on some of the forms:

<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/home/dwtphovu/public_html/ferrety/fab/public/request_canopyxchange.php</b> on line <b>142</b><br />
this is the piece of code that gives this problem on the forms with singular options only (no label tags).
$attribsarr["products_description"] = $_POST["products_description"];foreach ($_POST["id"] as $key => $val) {		// attributes	if ($key!="TEXT_PREFIX19"&&				// consumer full name	   $key!="TEXT_PREFIX21"&&				// consumer cell	   $key!="TEXT_PREFIX22"&&				// consumer email	   $key!="TEXT_PREFIX20"&&				// consumer city / town	   $key!="16"&&							// region id	   $key!="TEXT_PREFIX27") {				// comments		if (is_array($val)) {			$tkey = translate($key,1);			$tval = array();			foreach ($_POST["id"][$key] as $key2 => $val2) {				$tval[$key2] = translate($val2,0);			}			$attribsarr[$tkey] = join(", ",$tval);			echo $tkey." = ".$tval."\n";		} else {			$attribsarr[translate($key,1)] = translate($val,0);			echo $key." = ".$val."\n";		}	}}

[ here ] the url for the problematic form. i guess i can check that the element is not a radio (if no label exists) or checkbox, see if that allows the form to be submitted - but this does not change a thing.here is the form validation script:

<!-- bof form validation --><script language="javascript"><!--var labels = document.getElementsByTagName('LABEL');for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {	if (labels[i].htmlFor != '') {		 var elem = document.getElementById(labels[i].htmlFor);		 if (elem) elem.label = labels[i];	}}function validateForm(form) {	var strFilter = /^([0-9a-z]([-.\w]*[0-9a-z])*@(([0-9a-z])+([-\w]*[0-9a-z])*\.)+[a-z]{2,6})$/i;	for (i=0; i<form.elements.length; i++) {		var elm = form.elements[i];		var val = elm.value;		if (			 elm.label &&												 // if a label exists for the element			 elm.type != "checkbox" &&											// not a checkbox and			 (														// (			 (elm.id == "attrib-22-0" && !strFilter.test(val)) ||						// (email field and invalid email) or			 val == "" ||													// empty field value or			 val == "210" || val == "217" || val == "218" || val == "153"					// any invalid dropdown options			 )														// )		   ) {				var tx = elm.label.innerHTML.replace(" :","").replace(/&/,"&");		   // get the label to alert				alert("Please fill out "+tx+" correctly.");							   // alert invalid data warning				elm.focus();											   // focus on invalid element				return false;											   // cancel formsubmit		}	}	return true;}document.cart_quantity.onsubmit = function () {	return validateForm(this);}//--></script><!-- eof form validation -->

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hi,thing is id IS an array of elements, you can check the zencart page i linked to (this one).every form element except the submit image is part of the id array. some elements like the features checkboxes are subarrays. hence using the is_array function there. there is another hidden element (products_description) that is not part of the id array, which i add to the attributes before parsing the id array.i guess i could do an if (is_array($_POST["id"])) { } around the loop but it seems rather pointless... unless of course the form is submitting via GET!problems solved - the url of the method contained some url for some strange reason... some person didnt know how to use the zencart formbuilder it seems :)

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