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CSS Page 'decapitation' in IE7 (and I assume every IE before IE8...)


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So, after over a day of trying to fix this on my own and failing horribly I need some help... I've only been doing CSS for a short time so keep that in mind when explaining the solution please.The problem is that in IE7 the header, path, borders 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 remain aligned to the center of the page while everything in the wrapper elemental decides to move its self off to the right a fair bit and I can't figure out how to get it to all stay connected in IE7 but other then the 'decapitation' it shows everything displayed correctly . It works perfectly fine in IE8 and Firefox. The reason for the auto height settings and the min height settings is that its part of a large site I'm building and some pages will have a fair bit of content and I need to pages to extend to take it all and I want them all to be a minimum size so it seems consistent appearance wise (other then the pages with a lot of content of course). In the wrapper there is a 5px space on the left and right sides and a 5px space on each side of the #maincontent container and that is supposed to be there due to a seamless repeating background image that will go there for when the pages auto-size their height.HTML

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head></head><title></title><body class="indexcsslayout"><div id="container"><div id="header"><!-- end #header --></div><div id="path"><!-- end #path --></div><div id="wrapper1"><div id="cssmenu"><!-- end #cssmenu --></div><div id="contributingartiistsadspace1"><!-- end #artistsadspace1 --></div><div id="border8"><!-- end #border8 --></div><div id="adsspace1"><!-- end #adsspace1 --></div><div id="maincontent"><!-- end #maincontent --></div><div id="border5"><!-- end #border5 --></div><div id="footer"><!-- end #footer --></div><div id="border6"><!-- end #border6 --></div><!-- end #wrapper1 --></div><div id="border1"><!-- end #border1 --></div><div id="border2"><!-- end #border2 --></div><div id="border3"><!-- end #border3 --></div><div id="border4"><!-- end #border4 --></div><div id="border7"><!-- end #border7 --></div><!-- end #container --></div></body></html>


@charset "utf-8";/* CSS Document */body {	font:100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	background-color:#000; 	margin:0;	padding:0;	font-size:12px;	text-align:center;	color:#000000;}.indexcsslayout #container {	position:relative;	top:10px;	width:950px;	max-height:auto;	min-height::960px;	margin: 0 auto;	text-aling:left;}.indexcsslayout #header {	position:relative;	top:5px;	left:5px;	height:100px;	width:940px;	background-color:#F00;}.indexcsslayout #header h1 {	margin: 0;}.indexcsslayout #path {	position:absolute;	top:110px;	left:5px;	height:15px;	width:930px;	padding-left:10px;	text-align:left;	background-color:#90F;}.indexcsslayout #cssmenu {	position:absolute;	top:0px;	left:5px;	width:160px;	max-height:auto;	min-height:800px;	background-color:#00F;}.indexcsslayout #contributingartiistsadspace1 {	position:absolute;	top:0px;	right:5px;	height:195px;	width:160px;	background-color:#FF0;}.indexcsslayout #adsspace1 {	position:absolute;	top:200px;	right:5px;	height:600px;	width:160px;	background-color:#F9F;}.indexcsslayout #maincontent {	position:relitive;	top:0px;	left:0px;	width: 590px;	max-height:auto;	min-height:770px;	margin-top:0px;	margin-left:170px;	margin-right:170px;	padding-top:15px;	padding-left:10px;	padding-right:10px;	padding-bottom:15px;	color: #000;	text-align:left;	background-color:#600;}.indexcsslayout #footer {	position:relative;	bottom:10px;	left:5px;	width:940px;	height:20px;	background-color:#FC0;}.indexcsslayout #footer p {	margin:0;	padding:0px;	}.indexcsslayout #wrapper1 {	position:absolute;	top:130px;	margin-left:0px;	height:auto;	width:950px;}.indexcsslayout #border1 {	position:absolute;	top:0px;	left:0px;	height:5px;	width:950px;	background-color:#0F0;}.indexcsslayout #border2 {	position:absolute;	top:105px;	left:5px;	height:5px;	width:940px;	background-color:#0F0;}.indexcsslayout #border3 {	position:absolute;	top:5px;	left:0px;	height:125px;	width:5px;	background-color:#0F0;}.indexcsslayout #border4 {	position:absolute;	top:5px;	right:0px;	height:125px;	width:5px;	background-color:#0F0;}.indexcsslayout #border5 {	position:relitive;	height:5px;	width:940px;	margin-bottom:10px;	margin-left:5px;	background-color:#0F0;}.indexcsslayout #border6 {	position:relitive;	height:5px;	width:940px;	margin-top:-10px;	margin-left:5px;	background-color:#0F0;}.indexcsslayout #border7 {	position:absolute;	top:125px;	left:5px;	height:5px;	width:940px;	background-color:#0F0;}.indexcsslayout #border8 {	position:absolute;	top:195px;	right:5px;	height:5px;	width:160px;	background-color:#0F0;}.flirt {	float:right;	margin-left:8px;}.flirt {	float:left;	margin-right:8px;}

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Thanks for the help, it works fine now.All that trying to figure out what was wrong and it was a spelling mistake I never noticed, now I feel quite foolish :)

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